Membership and committee lists from the 2015-2016 Academic Year.
*Committees listed with an asterisk are Amarillo College Committees requiring one Faculty Senate representative. To view the full committee membership:
All other committees are internal Faculty Senate committees.
Senators | Committee (suggested numbers of members) | Purpose |
Emily Gilbert, Chair | Courtesy Committee (3-4) | This committee maintains communication with faculty and staff across the AC community, and sends notes/cards on behalf of the Senate to personnel for accomplishments and/or illness/personal loss. |
Craig Clifton, Chair | Elections Committee (3-4) | This committee conducts elections for Senate members, the Piper Professor and other faculty elections as needed each year.
Brian Farmer, Chair | Legislative Committee (3-4) | This committee updates faculty on current legislative/faculty issues. Of importance this year: the state legislative session begins in January 2011 and key issues are funding, HB 2504. Also, this committee updates faculty on local developments, including the Board of Regent elections, etc. |
Deborah Harding, Chair | Mead Award Committee (3-4) | This committee helps determine the criteria for the John F. Mead Faculty Excellence Award and members serve on the selection committee for the award. |
Nancy Forrest, Chair | Professor Emeritus Award Committee (4-5) | Senate Vice-President/President-Electchairs this committee. This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate for retired faculty to be named Professor Emeritus, plans and conducts the public reception, and arranges for all publicity for the Professor Emeritus honoree. |
Brian Farmer, Chair | Questions Committee (3-4) | This committee accepts questions and concerns from faculty members, reviews those questions, and presents the questions/concerns to the Faculty Senate for further action. |
Nancy Forrest, Chair
| Salary Committee (3-4) | Senate Vice-President/President-Electchairs this committee. This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding faculty salaries and other related areas. The committee will make a Salary Proposal recommendation to the College President prior to the budgeting process in February. |
Emily Gilbert, Chair | Technology Committee (2-3) | This committee maintains the Senate homepage and reviews technology updates/changes and issues |
Kerrie Young, Chair | Faculty Survey Committee (4-5) | This committee conducts the annual, Spring survey of College faculty. Committee members work closely with the Institutional Research department to verify survey results, and the committee presents those results (separately) to the Vice President of Instruction and to the College President. |
Tara Meraz, Chair | Hospitality Committee (3-4) |
All Senators | Professional Standards and Relations Committee | As the Professional Standards and Relations Committee, the Faculty Senate shall review faculty grievances upon recommendation by the Vice President of Instruction and make recommendations according to procedures outlined in the Faculty Senate bylaws. |
Nancy Forrest | *Faculty Development Committee | The Senate Vice-President/President-Elect serves as a faculty representative to the Faculty Development Committee. |
Reem Witherspoon | *Information Technology Council
| The Senate President serves as one of five faculty representatives (2 instructional, 1 dept. chair, 1 division chair, Faculty Senate president) on the policy-making Information Technology Council. |
LaVon Barrett, Chair | Pinning Committee (2-3) | This committee works with the Administrative and Classified Councils to coordinate and host |
Craig Clifton, Chair | Faculty Committee Appointments | This committee sends out a survey in the spring to all faculty to collect interest in serving on campus |
Reem Witherspoon | *No Excuses Core Team | Faculty Senate Officers serve as Faculty representatives on the policy-making No Excuses Core Team. |