What is TAO

TAO includes over 150 brief, effective, educational sessions covering over 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, wellness, and substance-use issues. TAO includes interactive sessions, mindfulness exercises and practice tools all aimed at helping you achieve your goals.

TAO is available for free to all Amarillo College students and employees using their AC Gmail (@amarillocollege.com).


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How to Register for TAO?

  1. In your browser window, navigate to https://us.taoconnect.org/register
  2. Enter First Name, Last Name, and your school email address
  3. Create a Password and Confirm your Password 
  4. Leave the 'Enrollment Key' field blank. 
  5. Click Sign Me Up
  6. Check your email. You will be sent a Welcome to TAO email with a confirmation link which you must click on to sign in.

Self-Screening Tool

Here you can anonymously complete a self-screening assessment that will ask you a few questions about common problems and then provide you with feedback about which modules may be most helpful for you.


You can use TAO from any web platform, or you can download the TAO app from the PlayStore or the AppStore. Funding for TAO has been provided by the Amarillo College Foundation.

Please report problems with this site or content errors to Connie de Jesus .

Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Student Services Center, 210
2201 S. Washington St.
Amarillo, TX 79109
Fax: (806) 345-5661

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Schedule appointments online

Emergency Contact Information

If you are experiencing an emergency situation, please call one of the following:

  • 911 – National Emergency Hotline
  • 988 – Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • (806) 371-5911 – Amarillo College Police Emergency