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Continuing Education Classes - Healthcare Seminars (3)

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Trauma Nurse Core Course$0

Designed to provide the learner with cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills. The trauma nursing process is reflected throughout the course and skills stations. Participants receive 18.3 CNE contact hours, with 3.3 online, of continuing education from the ANA. The sixth edition of the TNCC provider manual is required. Participants must have the textbook 3 weeks prior to class. For more information or to register contact John Sappington at

Course ID Course
Instructor Available
229806 RNSG-2002-3905 John Sappington 20
Date(s) Days and Times Location
Apr 01 - Apr 02 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 107
Apr 01 - Apr 02 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 108
Apr 01 - Apr 02 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 110
In Person Registration is required for this class.

Emergency Nurse Pedi Course$0

Provides registered nurses with a standardized, internationally disseminated pediatric educational program to enhance knowledge, skill, and expertise in the care of children. Participants receive 18.33 contact hours, with 4.83 being online, of continuing education from the ANA. The third edition of the Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course textbook is required. Participant must have the textbook 3 weeks prior to class. For more information or to register contact John Sappington at

Course ID Course
Instructor Available
229807 RNSG-2002-3906 John Sappington 20
Date(s) Days and Times Location
May 06 - May 07 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 107
May 06 - May 07 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 108
May 06 - May 07 TW 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Amarillo College West Campus WCA - 110
In Person Registration is required for this class.

Professional Development Phleb$185

Practical or theoretical training in an identified area(s) to meet continuing education and/or review/update requirements associated with professional licensure or certification. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency. Students must have completed the Phlebotomy Lecture and Practicum. This class prepares the student for the ASCP certification. Students must have instructor consent to enroll. Contact Kim Boyd at 354-6060. This course requires petition for registration by a healthcare advisor. This is a blended learning course.

Course ID Course
Instructor Available
229925 PLAB-2000-3004 Cynthia Brundage 30
Date(s) Days and Times Location
May 10 - Jul 04 MTWRF 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Off Amarillo College Campus -
In Person Registration is required for this class.