Program Expectations
Suzuki Association of the Americas Membership
The Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) membership includes parents committed to the development of the Suzuki program. With an Associate Membership ($35), parents receive a subscription to the American Suzuki Journal with a wealth of parent tips and support, and updates on Suzuki Institutes and other activities throughout the year. All parents are expected to be an Associate Member of the SAA, and membership will be renewed yearly at spring student registration every January.
Play-in Attendance
As a part of a complete Suzuki experience, student attendance at all play-ins is expected. It is the student's responsibility to register his/her attendance on the sign-in sheet at each play-in or check in with their teacher if there is no sigh-in sheet. Student absences of two or more play-ins in one school year may result in the student being released from the private teacher's studio and/or the Suzuki program.
Weekly Group Attendance
As a part of a complete Suzuki experience, student attendance at all group lessons is expected. Excessive student absences or irregular attendance may result in the student being released from the private teacher's studio and/or the Suzuki program.
Solo Recitals
Each student will perform on one scheduled solo recital each year (see calendar for event dates) and must sign up with performance information on the Solo Recital Sign Up Sheet emailed in weekly newsletters for the appropriate date. Performance piece will be at the discretion of the private teacher, but should be well-polished. It is part of good concert etiquette that all performers remain in the hall until the conclusion of the program. Any conflicts requiring the performer to "play and leave" must be approved in advance, so work with your private teacher to find a conflict-free evening on which to perform during the year.
Group Recital
Each student is expected to participate in the spring workshop activities and group recital held for Amarillo College Suzuki Students in early spring (see calendar for event dates). Check the Suzuki website for dates and further details.
Missed Lesson Policy
Each private teacher will provide their own missed lesson policy. In all studios, every attempt should be made to trade times with another student for any foreseen lesson conflicts. Make-up lessons (up to 2) MAY be arranged (at the convenience of the instructor) provided 24 hours notice is given to the instructor. Missed lessons with no notification will be forfeited. Missed make-up lessons will not be rescheduled.
Student/Parent Contact Information
Each family is responsible for updating contact information in a timely manner. To keep mailing costs to a minimum,the majority of program information is distributed through email and posted to the Suzuki website. Please keep your email address current and check the website on a regular basis for updates.
Parent Responsibilities
Excerpts, paraphrases, and just plain stolen material from the Suzuki Institute of Dallas’ website atwww.suzukidallas.comand the Louisville Suzuki Piano website
The triangular relationship between the teacher, student and parent is fundamental to any Suzuki-based program (see The Suzuki Program at The active role of the parent is key to the success of the child, even as the every day pressures of life tend to cause us to become less philosophical and more survival-oriented. A significant aspect of Suzuki Method (and life) is renewing our vows to be the best role models we can be for our children and students.
Parents are responsible for the following:
- Maintaining consistent attendance at all lessons, including group lessons, play-ins and any other recommended activities.
- Supervision of their child’s daily practice and daily listening. Obtaining a proper size and quality instrument for their child, as well as other equipment and supplies deemed necessary by the teacher.
- Parents are encouraged to re-read Dr. Suzuki’s Nurtured by Love. Other recommended readings include Ability Development from Age Zero also by Dr. Suzuki, William and Constance Starr’s To Learn with Love and Dr. Kataoka’s Sensibility and Education. Pursuing continuing education through workshops, appropriate parent education meetings and group discussions.
- Constant supervision of their children while involved in Suzuki activities.
- Attend private lessons with their child to observe, take notes, and provide silent support.
- Listen to their child with praise, remembering what a wonderful gift it is to share time, effort and accomplishment.
Dr. Suzuki wrote, "The fate of the child is in the hands of the parent."