Teacher Training
Suzuki Violin Teacher Training at Amarillo College
The Amarillo College Suzuki String Program is proud to include Suzuki Association of the Americas Certified Teacher Trainer Beverly de la Bretonne on faculty. Mrs. de la Bretonne offers Every Child Can! and Suzuki Violin courses when interest is expressed. Please contact Mrs. de la Bretonne or tljackson26@actx.edu for more information.
Suzuki Teacher Development Assistance
The Amarillo College Suzuki Program provides limited funding for program teachers to continue their training through Suzuki Association of the Americas teacher training courses. Contact cdnies@actx.edu for more information.
The Helen Gerald Memorial Suzuki Library
Established with a 2010 Art Force Grant and a generous donation of Mrs. Gerald's teaching materials and archives, the Helen Gerald Memorial Suzuki Library includes teaching magazines, books, recordings and sheet music. Teaching materials and pedagogical references, some of which are no longer in print, are available for checkout by active AC Suzuki Teachers and used to support their teaching efforts and strengthen parent support programs. The Amarillo College Suzuki Program is an active teacher training center of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, and these holdings enhance training of teachers from throughout the country and promote the historical significance of our program at Amarillo College.
Helen Gerald, co-founder of the Amarillo College Suzuki Program, taught with our program for over thirty years and been an inspirational thread in the fabric of Amarillo’s music scene for over sixty.
The library is housed in the Amarillo College Music Building, in the Music Lab library.