Diesel Engine I Syllabus for 2015-2016
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Transportation Career Center 107E

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Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is https://www.actx.edu/counseling/ . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is https://www.actx.edu/arc

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The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at https://www.actx.edu/-amarillo-college-privacy-notice , and applies to all Amarillo College students.  If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email to humanresources@actx.edu .


DEMR-1406-001 Diesel Engine I


Prerequisite: AUMT 1305

Course Description

An introduction to the basic principles of diesel engines and systems.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations


Occupational License Disclaimer


(4 sem hrs; 2 lec, 6 lab)

Class Type

On Campus Course

Syllabus Information


Diesel Technology, Textbook 8th edition Diesel Technology, ISBN-978-1-61960-832-0

Diesel Technology Workbook, 8th edition, ISBN-978-1-61960-835-1


Tools are not required to be brought to class by the student. Necessary tools and equipment are provided for in class use for assigned class and lab projects.

Tools are required for student employment

Student Performance

An introduction to the basic principles of diesel engines and operating systems.

Describe the history of diesel engines and diesel systems and their evolution; demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of diesel systems and engines and how they function; and utilize precision instruments to diagnose and repair basic systems and engine.

Utilize ASE test questions in chapter testing and N.A.T.E.F. competency’s in the lecture and lab to prepare students for a thorough understanding of the subject.

The student will describe the history of diesel engines and diesel systems and their evolution, demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of diesel systems and engines and how they function, and utilize precision instruments to diagnose, blueprint and repair basic systems and engines, start and test after disassembly.

Lecture and discuss Textbook Chapters 1-7. Test is over Chapters 4-7 ASE format multiple choice.

Lectures and hands on assignments help prepare students to prepare for the T-2 ASE. Med/Hvy Diesel engine tests given twice a year for industry certification.

Shop assignments and hands on skills.

Workbook assignments Chapters 1-7 to be finished and turned in on day of test.

End of Course Outcomes..Understand how to disassemble and re-assemble a Diesel engine correctly...With outcome of starting and running properly, turn in all completed teardown sheets. Workbook assignments.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at https://acconnect.actx.edu .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior

Safety Glasses will be worn at all times in the shop and are required for the class. No exceptions...Policy. Students caught violating Amarillo College's safety rules and regulations will receive an F and be asked to leave. This policy is to protect you and others while in the lab-shop area and is a requirement of the employers in this field.

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Maturity, honesty and respect is required and given.

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Daily Cleaning of your work area and teamwork is required.

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Cell Phones are to be turned off during class time unless cleared with instructor for an emergency standby call.

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Theft of any Amarillo College Tools or shoplifting on field trips will result in Amarillo College Police involvement and Investigation.

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Students must come to class wearing the appropriate AC uniform shirts.

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Students will be respectful of other classes being conducted in the building, respectful of their peers, and of the instructor.

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Students are expected to dress appropriately (shirts tucked in, no profanity on clothing, no holes in clothing) and clothing must appear to be laundered regularly.

Grading Criteria

50% Average of your test grades, includes the workbook assignment to be turned in on day of final.

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50% of total grades for hands on completion of shop projects, class attendance and participation.

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A = 90 to 100  B = 80 to 89  C = 70 to 79  D = 60 to 69  F = below 60

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Class attendance is mandatory and will effect final grade. Learning all the tricks of the trade will only come from attending lectures and hands on instruction.

If Class has a cancelation a Friday make-up day may be scheduled. Advanced notice will be given in the event of this occurring.

Missing  3 classes or more class days will result in repeating the class, and receiving a failing grade.



               Each class last approximately 4 weeks, and meet from 8:00 am -To approximately 1:00 pm depending on breaks taken.

                                                              Per Amarillo College Policy.  M,T, W,TH,

Students are advised to have a afternoon job as a Diesel technician helper at a local dealership or repair facility. Job placement is available based on employer's needs at the time.

                                                 Spring class is taught 01-19-16 through 02-25-16

                                                                 Course Calendar

Module 1   Lecture and discuss chapter 1,2 and 3. Workbook assignment 1,2 and 3. Chapter 1 Introduction , Chapter 2 shop safety, and Chapter 3 precision measuring tools used in Diesel Engine repair.

(1)  Discuss syllabus and class objectives. Pre-test given questions and answer secession. Survey.

(2)  Discuss chapter 1,start chapter 2, Discuss shop safety and micrometer worksheets.Content section.

(3)  Micrometer handouts and hands-on micrometer assignments, finish chapter 2. Content section.

(4)  Chapter 3 lecture, pop test on written micrometer page, work on micrometer projects.

Module 2  Lecture and discuss chapter 4 and 5. Workbook assignment Chapters 4 and 5.  Micrometer worksheets assigned and hands on skills developed through practice started. Form 3 groups assigned to various shop assignments.

 (1)  Lecture on chapter 4, reminder of work book assignments. form class into 3 groups. 5.7 Diesel hands on skills in shop.

 (2)  Finish chapter 4 lecture. finish micrometer turn in Micrometer worksheets.

 (3) Start chapter 5 lecture, Assign engine projects Start teardown and worksheets.

 (4) Finish chapter 5. Discuss engine projects.

Module 3  Finish micrometer skills worksheets and testing. Assign engine projects using acquired skills in micrometers to blueprint engines assigned for a class grade. Lecture and discuss chapter 6.

(1)  Practice micrometers reading

(2)  Test on micrometers,  Start  lecture on chapter 6. Assign engine projects and start work on them.

(3)  Disassemble engines, lecture on chapter 6. Inspect and measure engine parts.

(4)  Start re-assembly, review video tape of re-assemble.

Module 4 Lab projects finish building engines.

(1) Work on engine projects

(2)  Short class lecture, questions and answers, Lab projects.

(3)  Lab engine projects.

 (4)  Lab engine projects.

Module 5 Assign running engine projects and accompanying worksheets. Work in shop on engines  and lecture and discuss chapter 7

(1)  Lecture over chapter 7, assign running engine projects and groups. Finish chapter 7 discussion, disassembly of shop assigned engines. Work on engine projects and worksheets.. Discuss final exam requirements, Answer questions, discuss tricks of the trade. Start and test engine projects. Question and answer session, review material. Review chapters covered, review final test topics. Shop time to complete and re assemble engines

(2) Tuesday, February 23rd  Review for final exam. Questions and answer session over engine projects.

(3) Wednesday. Final Exam Turn in workbook and work sheet assignments. Grades are entered

(4) Thursday. Last class day.  Wrap-up

Review for FINAL TEST On Chapters 4,5,6 and 7 given on at 8:00 am Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2016

 02-25-16  is the last class day.

                             Missing the Final test will result in a grade of F






Additional Information

Enrolling in this class will qualify the student for large Snap-On and MAC tool discounts on required tools for class and work. See Instructor.

Class is taught in class room.... Diesel Room # 104, East Campus Transportation Technology Bld. Lab in the shop.

Syllabus Created on:

11/30/-1 12:00 AM

Last Edited on:

11/30/-1 12:00 AM