The Veterans Service Department of Amarillo College is dedicated to serving veterans, active military, reservists and qualified family members in meeting your educational goals. You are encouraged to use the services offered, and hope you understand both your opportunities and responsibilities as a student.
Veterans - If you are a Veteran or eligible family member, you may qualify for benefits under multiple programs in advancing your education. You should consider your educational goals and which will best suit your needs when deciding on the one to use. If you are a Veteran or Eligible Family Member using VA Education benefits, please proceed below to Step 1.
Current Service Members - If you are currently serving in an active, guard, or reserve component, you may be eligible for state or federal benefits.
Texas Hazlewood Act Recipients - If you are eligible for the Hazlewood Act exemption, please click below to find out how to complete the initial application or for more information on eligibility requirements
We are here to help answer your questions and help you along your pathway to Success.
This website gives details about each chapter benefit so you can make an informed decision that is beneficial for your situation. It is recommended that you understand all the details for each chapter BEFORE submitting this application.
*** TOE = FOR Post 9/11 only transfer to dependents - must have 6 yrs AD and commit to 4 more yrs at the time of transfer.
Benefits will not be submitted if all documents are not on file with the Veteran Services office by the 2nd semester.
Benefits will not be submitted if all documents are not on file with the Veteran Services office by the 2nd semester.
0900 AM to 1800 PM Monday-Thursday
0900 AM to 1300 PM Friday
Closed Saturday
If you are a veteran or a concerned family member of a veteran in crisis, please call the Veterans Crisis Line @ 1-800-273-8255 and press 1.
If the veteran is in an immediate emergency situation, call 911!