Design I Syllabus for 2020-2021
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Instructor Information

Office Location

<p>CUB 009</p>

Office Hours

MW 12-1 pm  TTH 12-1 pm

Course Information

COVID-19 Protocols

Recording Policy

Disability Statement

If you have a disability (learning, mental, physical) that affects your ability to participate effectively and have access to any program or service at Amarillo College please contact Disability Services at (806) 345-5639 . Our offices are located in the Student Service Center office 112. More information may be found at
Disability Services facilitates access to all programs and services according to the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other federal and state laws.

Amarillo College Web Accessibility Policy Statement

Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.

If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.

Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is

Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy:

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.

Administrative Drop Policy

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016

Student Withdrawal Procedures

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.

NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.

Privacy Statement

The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at , and applies to all Amarillo College students.  If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email to .


ARTS-1311-003 Design I


Course Description

An introduction to the fundamental terminology, concepts, theory and application of two-dimensional design.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:

Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at

You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.


(3 sem hrs; 2 lec, 4 lab)

Class Type

On Campus Course

Syllabus Information


Art Fundamentals Theory and Practice   12th edition  Orvick, Stinson ,Wigg, Bone, Cayton


Student Performance

Learning Outcomes (ACGM)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1. Identify and apply the elements of art and principles of two-dimensional design.
2. Employ discipline specific vocabulary in the evaluation of two-dimensional design problems.
3. Demonstrate creative skill in aesthetic problem solving within assigned parameters.
4. Demonstrate an appropriate level of professional practice, including safety, craft and presentation

Specific Course Outcomes
Students will demonstrate effective communication, critical thinking, and teamwork skills.
2. Students will communicate ideas verbally and visually by using design vocabulary.
3. Students will express original ideas creatively through design elements and principles.
4. Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of design skills and principles.
5. Students will present work for grading in a professional manner, as directed by the instructor.
6. Students will participate meaningfully in critique.

7. Students will maintain a professional and respectful attitude.
8. Students will maintain classroom facilities and shared supplies.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior

Class Policies

Course & Conduct

AC Connect (Blackboard)

The syllabus, attendance/grades, and instructional content are located on the Blackboard web page for this course. Students should contact AskAC with questions regarding log in and navigation.

Attendance & Participation Policy

In order for students to complete this course successfully, it is necessary to attend the class and participate in the daily activities. Material covered during class, and in-class activities cannot be totally revisited.   Students performance and understanding of assignments and related topics is dependent on being in class on a regular basis.  Remote attendance [ if necessary] is a poor substitute for the in-class experience. 

Attendance will be tracked on Blackboard 

Overall semester attendace will account for 10% of final grade for the course.



Disruptions and/or any behavior that the instructor considers inappropriate will dicouraged.  Every student deserves and will receive the respect of others. Every student is expected to be engaged with the course content and not use class time to do homework for another course.

Classroom Responsibility

Students must clean up their workspace and return all departmental materials prior to leaving class.


The student understands that plagiarism is not tolerated at AC. Plagiarism is defined by the Amarillo College Student Handbook as: “...the appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own written work.” This also includes copying Internet or written sources in any course project/exercise without citing the source, as well as copying another student’s work as your own work. 

Course Content

Students understand that in the study of art styles and art history that occasionally there may be controversial imagery, and agree to handle that content in a mature and responsible way.

Critique Policy

Critiques will be provided on an individual and group basis throughout the semester. Students learn about the creative process not only through creation, but also through looking at others' work. Learning to use visual arts terminology to think and talk about compositional design is a key component of this course.  So that everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas about images, students need to listen to each other and respect varying viewpoints.  Student projects not completed by the start of group critiques are late. 

Email Policy

All students are assigned an email account by Amarillo College that can be accessed through Gmail. For correspondence with the instructor, please use When sending email to the instructor, please include the name of the course in the subject line. The instructor and Amarillo College will use student’s Gmail account and/or personal addresses provided when registered, for correspondence. For this reason, students are responsible for checking both on a regular basis. 


Stay engaged in the course content, and please avoid cell phones and unrelated computer use that will detract from the learning environment. The following are some examples of inappropriate use of technology during lectures, demonstrations, activities, and critiques:  checking email, texting, social media, playing videos, etc.

College Disability Statement

Any student who because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact Disability Services (SSC 119, Phone: 371-5436) as soon as possible.

Drop Policy

Should the need arise; the student is responsible for dropping a course. Please conference with instructor before this taking this action.


  • Visual Arts Department Chairman: Brent Cavanaugh, Parcells Hall #304 - 806-371-5272
  • Creative Arts Coordinator: Jill Gibson, Parcells Hall #204M - 806-371-5283
  • Dean of Liberal Arts: Becky Easton, Parcells #404
  • Departmental Counselor/Career Advisor: TBA – office: 806-371-5212


Coursework & Exams

Exam Policy

There will be one short quiz for each of the 9 chapters in your text. The collective scores of all of these will be equivalent to 20% of the final grade for the course.  No make-ups for misses quizes.

Homework Policy

Although open lab time is scheduled during class, successful completion of this course may require work outside of class. To earn full credit for projects students must have exercises and projects completed at the start of class on the scheduled due date.

Late Work Policy

Projects considered on time will be ready for presentation at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date.  In fairness to students who finish projects on time, late work will not receive total points possible.


10-15 assignments/exercises will be completed during the semester.  The eventual number selected for grading will be influenced by the collective class interest/engagement with a given concept/technique and the agreed upon time devoted to exploration and completion of finished works.  Substitutions for assigned projects will not be accepted for grading, and all grades are final.

The projects will address the use of the art elements of -LIne  -Shape  -Value  -Texture  -Color  -Space and the application/organizing principles of  -Harmony  -Variety  -Balance  -Proportion  -Dominance  -Movement  -Economy.   The goal of these projects will be to present various art media and strategies for artistic interpretation.  All submitted work must be traditional hand crafted efforts.  Totally computer generated images are beyond the scope and intent of this course.

All graded projects will each be equally weighted and averaged to comprise 70% of the total final course grade.

The remaining 30% of a student's final grade will be determined by their semester attendance record [10%] and chapter quizes [20%]


Grading Criteria



Grading Format  

All hands-on projects will be evaluated and scored using the following 10 point system

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation (ü or ―)

Instructor comments


Project Guidelines (3 points)




Timely completion by due date



Fulfillment of specific instructions and attention to design objectives




Appearance (3 points)












Compositional organization




Effort and Growth (3 points)




Effort extended in planning and construction




Number of solutions produced




Exploration of media and techniques




Content and Creativity (1 point)













The overall goals of any of the assignments/exercises is that the student will  :

Visual Expression

Demonstrate aesthetic quality in work

Intentionaly use compositional design elements and principles


Creative and Technical Skills

Present technically well-crafted art projects in a professional manner

Demonstrate a willingness to experiment with new concepts

Display an understanding of the concepts and techniques assigned 


Professional Practices and Work Ethic

Attend class prepared with appropriate materials

Fulfill project parameters as assigned

Participate in class activities, discussions, and critiques

Present projects on time.


Creative Process

Discuss ideas and asks questions while projects are in progress.

Produce multiple solutions for a project and/or make revisions to a given concept/idea.

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis in personal projects and in discussing other artwork


Final Grade Curve

Blackboard will calculate the weighted average of all individual project grades, tests and attendance to assign a final course grade as follows:

A = 85-100%     B = 75-84%     C = 65-74%     D = 55-73%     F = 54% or less


On campus attendance will be tracked on Blackboard.   Excessive tardiness or early departure will be recorded as Late.

2 absences are permitted as per AC policy.





This schedule is subject to change throughout the semester. Please use the master calendar at on a regular basis for other campus wide activities and deadlines.










Scheduled Activities







Space and time


Important Dates

Sept 7   Labor Day

Oct 19-25  Fall Break

Nov 24  Last day to withdraw

Nov 25-29 Thanksgiving

December 14-18 Finals week

Additional Information

This syllabus is subject to change relative to Covid 19 conditions.  Any alterations will be equitable and announced in a timely manner.

Syllabus Created on:

11/30/-1 12:00 AM

Last Edited on:

11/30/-1 12:00 AM