Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences Syllabus for 2020-2021
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Instructor Information

Office Location

Engineering 201B

Office Hours

I'll stay after class if you have questions or need help.  You can also contact me through email at

Others by appointment

Course Information

COVID-19 Protocols

Recording Policy

Disability Statement

If you have a disability (learning, mental, physical) that affects your ability to participate effectively and have access to any program or service at Amarillo College please contact Disability Services at (806) 345-5639 . Our offices are located in the Student Service Center office 112. More information may be found at
Disability Services facilitates access to all programs and services according to the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other federal and state laws.

Amarillo College Web Accessibility Policy Statement

Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.

If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.

Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is

Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy:

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.

Administrative Drop Policy

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016

Student Withdrawal Procedures

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.

NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.

Privacy Statement

The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at , and applies to all Amarillo College students.  If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email to .


MATH-1324-005 Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences


Prerequisite:Scores on a state-approved test indicating college-level math skills Corequisite: MATH 0324

Course Description

The application of common algebraic functions, including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and rational, to problems in business, economics, and the social sciences are addressed.  The applications include mathematics of finance, including simple and compound interest and annuities; systems of linear equations; matrices; linear programming; and probability, including expected value.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:

Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at

You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.


(3 sem hrs; 3 lec)

Class Type

Tech Supported

Syllabus Information


Required: My Math Lab Student Access Kit
Optional : Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, Tenth Edition        
                Authors:  Margaret L. Lial, Raymond N. Greenwell, and Nathan P. Ritchey
                Publisher:  Pearson Education

Washington Street Campus Bookstore:  (806)371-5304


Basic:  Binder, paper to take notes, blue-line graph paper—4 or 5 squares per inch, stapler, a straight edge, pencils, and a good eraser.  You can get free graph paper at

MyMathLab:  If you do not purchase a textbook bundled with a MyMathLab Access Code, you will need to purchase the code online at

Calculator:  You will need a graphing calculator for this course. All computations and demonstrations in class will be done using a TI-84 Plus. The following calculators are acceptable:  TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 plus graphing calculator. (The Math Department policy is that no TI-89’s or TI-92’s may be used on tests.)

Graphing Calculator Checkout:  Students unable to afford the purchase of a graphing calculator can apply to the Adult Students Program for the privilege of checking one out for the semester. Students that a) receive a PELL Grant, or b) receive public assistance services are eligible as long as calculators are available.  These calculators are checked out on a “first come, first served” basis.  If you do not meet the above criteria but cannot afford to purchase your own calculator, you may discuss your situation with the Adult Students advisors. Exceptions may be made in some cases.

Students who lose (due to accident / theft / any other mishap) or damage in any way a loaner graphing calculator will be required to replace the lost, stolen, or damaged calculator with a new TI-84 or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator.  Failure to do so will result in immediate action(s) taken by Amarillo College.

Bring a copy of your schedule to the Adult Students Program, Student Services Center, Room 130, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. You must complete an application and be enrolled in a math class to receive this assistance.


Student Performance

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  1. Apply elementary functions, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions to solving real-world problems.
  2. Solve mathematics of finance problems, including the computation of interest, annuities, and amortization of loans.
  3. Apply basic matrix operations, including linear programming methods, to solve application problems.
  4. Demonstrate fundamental probability techniques and application of those techniques, including expected value to solve problems.
  5. Apply matrix skills and probability analyses to model applications to solve real-world problems.

The following Developmental Math topics will be imbedded in this Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences course:  Linear Functions; Rules for Exponents; Domain and Range; Quadratic Functions; Factoring; Linear Inequalities; Interval Notation; and other topics as needed.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior

Students are expected to behave in the classroom in a manner that is supportive of the learning environment. For a full discussion of appropriate behavior and student responsibilities, please refer to the Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook which can be accessed using the link above or through the AC Website .

Cheating is defined in Webster's College Dictionary as "taking an examination in a  dishonest way, as by having improper access to answers." Improper access includes, but is not limited to, copying from another student's paper and using unauthorized sources of information while taking a test. Any student caught cheating on a test will receive a grade of zero with no chance of the final replacing the grade.

Policy on Cheating and Plagiariam:  Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any math course at Amarillo College.  On the first day of class, you will be required to sign and date a Course Contract.  Included in the contract is the following statement:  "I fully understand that if I cheat, or attempt to cheat, on any test I will receive an automatic "F" in the course.  This grade will go on my permanent transcript and cannot be removed.  Cheating includes the use of cell phone calculators, the illegal use of books, notes, cell phones, and copying.  Cheating also includes helping, or attempting to help, other students to cheat on a test."  You will not be allowed to take your tests until this contract is signed and returned to your instructor.  Please Note:  NO CELL PHONES in the Testing Room.  If we see your cell phone out AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY REASON, while in the testing room, you will receive an "F" for the course!

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board sets the topics that must be covered in order to receive credit for a course. The instructor sets the pace to ensure that these requirements are met. Any student having trouble maintaining the pace should seek extra help from the instructor and/or a tutor.

Grading Criteria

Daily Homework:
Daily homework assignments will consist of online assignments. Online assignments will be submitted using MyMathLab and will be automatically graded on the website. Details on how to register and enroll in MyMathLab will be given in class.  Assignment deadlines will be indicated in MyMathLab with each homework assignment.  I will drop your two lowest online homework grades.  I do not accept late homework.


A minimum of three (3) major exams and a comprehensive final will be given during the semester and kept on file in the instructor’s office.  If you know ahead of time that you will be missing an exam, you may schedule to take the exam early.  Only under extenuating, verifiable circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor will an exam be given early.  Make-up exams will not be given.  If an exam is missed, the grade will be replaced with the score you make on the final exam. This policy applies to one exam only. If you miss more than one exam, a grade of zero will be averaged for the other missed exams. If you do not miss any test during the semester, the grade on the mandatory final exam, if higher, will replace the lowest major exam grade.  The final exam date and time will be announced in class.

In accordance with Mathematics Department policy, students scoring below a 70 on any major exam will be required to spend at least one hour in the Math Outreach Center before being allowed to take the next exam.  The specific due dates for these hours will be specified by your instructor.

Your course average (A  100 - 90, B  89 - 80, C  79 - 70, D  69 - 60, F Below 60) will be calculated using the following scale:

HW (MML):  15%

Reviews:        10%

Tests:            60%

Final:             15% 

At the end of the semester, your final exam grade will replace your lowest exam grade if it is higher.

I do not give extra credit work.


Daily attendance is necessary to be successful in this course.  You should be on time for class, prepared for class, and actively participate and be on task in class daily. Nonattendance will be recorded as an absence, and no differentiation will be made as to excused or unexcused absences. 

The deadline for dropping this course is May 4, 2021. Students now have to visit with the instructor and complete a drop request form before being allowed to withdraw from a course.  It is the student's responsibility to obtain additional signatures and turn the form into the registrar once the instructor has signed it.  Deadline for letting me know you want to drop is 5pm on May 3, 2021.  If you stop attending class and your average drops below a 60 due to missed assignments and you do not officially drop the course by this deadline, you will receive an F for the course.  Note:  Late drops will NOT be given under any circumstance.


This is a tentative schedule subject to change by the instructor.

Week Sections to Cover
1 Orientation, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
2 2.1, 2.2, Exam 1
3 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
4 4.1, 4.2, Exam 2
5  5.1, 5.2, 5.3, Exam 3
6 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
7 10.4, 10.5, Exam 4
8 Prob/Exp Value, Final Exam


Additional Information

Food/Drink: It is the policy of the Mathematics & Engineering Department for food and drink to be allowed in the classroom setting at the instructor's discretion. My policy is that drinks must be brought to class in spill resistant containers. Please do not eat meals or snacks during class.

Phones/Pagers: It is the policy of the Mathematics & Engineering Department that cell phones and pagers must be turned off or on silent mode in the classrooms and the computer labs. During testing, phones must be stored out of sight and in silent mode. If a student answers a call during a test, the test will be collected and graded with no further work being done.

AC Connect:  Students will be required to login to AC Connect on a regular basis to check e-mail, course announcements, and grades. To get into AC Connect, use the website address: . Once you have logged in, you should see our class listed on your home page. If you need help logging into the site, contact Ask AC at (806) 371-5000

Free Help:  If you feel yourself getting behind in class or having problems with certain concepts covered, get help immediately.  It is YOUR responsibility to get help outside of class.

The following are a few ways to get FREE help outside of class:

  1. Contact your instructor to make an appointment for help.
  2. Get free tutoring from the Outreach Center (Durrett Hall, Room 104, 371-5119).  You will need your AC ID to sign in.  
    Hours:    Monday - Friday  8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Sunday closed
  3. If you need help with AC Connect, you can contact the AC Help Center at 371-5000, or via email at

A Note from the Instructor:  As you already know, success in a math class takes work, committment, and perseverence. As your instructor, I am here to facilitate your efforts to reach your educational goals. I am looking forward to working with each and every one of you this semester. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help.

Syllabus Created on:

03/21/21 3:29 PM

Last Edited on:

03/21/21 3:32 PM