Interpersonal Communication Syllabus for 2021-2022
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Instructor Information

Office Location

<p>Parcells Hall 204P&nbsp;</p>

Office Hours

~ S T U D E N T      H O U R S ~

Contact me through the Messages area within Blackboard.  These types of messages are best for situations where you're having difficulty understanding how to submit something or have a quick question about an assignment.  From these messages, I have easy access to your grades within the course (and I don't need to seek clarification on what course you're enrolled in).

More in-depth questions about your class performance, and/or grades should be discussed during a student/faculty appointment.

Please schedule an appointment with me below.  


All meetings can be held via Zoom or in person in Parcells Hall, Suite 204, Office P. If I have someone in my office, please let our departmental administrative assistant, Shauna Jefferson (Parcells Hall, Suite 204, Office F), know you're here to see me for an appointment and then have a seat in our lobby area. Please do not assume that you may interrupt other conversations.  We practice what we teach in this class!

With all of that out of the way, know I love getting appointments from you.  When I do, I know I can focus directly on you and you alone.  Otherwise, it's a first-come, first-served world and I may miss out on an opportunity to understand what it is you need.  Appointments come first!

Please make an appointment to visit with me. Don’t see a time that matches your world? Please let me know via Blackboard Messages or email! My job is to enhance your learning experience. I am glad to meet with you at a mutually convenient time and coach you to success.  

Course Information

COVID-19 Protocols

Recording Policy

Disability Statement

If you have a disability (learning, mental, physical) that affects your ability to participate effectively and have access to any program or service at Amarillo College please contact Disability Services at (806) 345-5639 . Our offices are located in the Student Service Center office 112. More information may be found at
Disability Services facilitates access to all programs and services according to the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other federal and state laws.

Amarillo College Web Accessibility Policy Statement

Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.

If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.

Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is

Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy:

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.

Administrative Drop Policy

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016

Student Withdrawal Procedures

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.

NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.

Privacy Statement

The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at , and applies to all Amarillo College students.  If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email to .


SPCH-1318-004 Interpersonal Communication


Course Description

Application of communication theory to interpersonal relationship development, maintenance and termination in relationship contexts including friendships, romantic partners, families and relationships with co-workers and supervisors.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:

Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at

You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.


(3 sem hrs; 3 lec)

Class Type

On Campus Course

Syllabus Information



Interpersonal Messages by Joseph A. Devito, 4th edition, including the online component called Revel. You will need access to the online Revel component in this course for readings and activities.

The Revel component is essential for success in this course. You will be graded on the readings and quizzes you complete online (30% of the total grade).  Pearson does have an app (AndroidApple) you can download to your phone where you can complete your reading and homework online and upload your homework when you reach a wi-fi network.

If you do not purchase the Revel access code the highest grade you can make in the course is a 70.

Pearson does have an app (Android, Apple) you can download to your phone where you can complete your reading and homework online and upload your homework when you reach a wi-fi network.


Reliable access to a computer with high-speed internet access.  If you do not have a computer, you may want to visit the AC Bookstore to see if you can rent a laptop for the semester.  Additionally, The Underground may assist by providing free access to computers.

Google Drive (through your AC email account). 

Paper and pen/pencil for notes and in-class notes and activities.

Zoom - free access availablePrivacy Policy - free access through daily codes provided in class.  Privacy Policy

Student Performance

Course Description:

Application of communication theory to interpersonal relationship development, maintenance and termination in relationship contexts including friendships, romantic partners, families and relationships with co-workers and supervisors.

Learning Objectives

After studying the material presented in this course of study, the student will be able to do the following as evaluated by the faculty in the department/program.

Evaluation of Objectives

Learning Objective



Exhibit understanding of interpersonal theories and principles.

Communication (written)/Critical Thinking

Assessed through in-class discussions, paper, and exam questions

Demonstrate ability to analyze and critique verbal and nonverbal interactions in mediated and face-to-face contexts.

Critical Thinking, Communication (written)

Assessed through group activities, and paper.

Identify perceptual processes as they relate to self and others.

Communication (written)/Critical Thinking

Assessed through paper and projects.

Demonstrate critical thinking ability by effectively researching, evaluating, and applying communication theories in oral and/or written assignments.

Communication (written/verbal)

Assessed through paper, in-class discussions, and infographic.

Demonstrate understanding of the relevance of cross-cultural, co-cultural, gender and age influences on human communication.

Communication (verbal)

Assessed through in-class discussions and group activity.

Demonstrate ability to identify, evaluate, and apply conflict styles and conflict management techniques in dyads and/or groups.

Team Work

Assessed through group work assignments.

Identify types of and barriers to effective listening.

Communication (written/visual)/Critical Thinking

Assessed through infographic and class discussions.


My goal for student learning is to maintain a level of dignity.  There will be times when I ask questions you need a minute to think about in order to answer.  You have the right to allow your brain to process the information. For me to achieve the course Learning Objectives as well as ensure your dignity, you may have to take risks and volunteer an answer you’re not sure is correct.  You may need to ask for clarification. It is your responsibility to push yourself and your interpersonal communication skills.

In this class, we believe in the power of words, and the ability of all people to come to some sort of understanding based on shared experiences.  If you need a minute to think, acknowledge it. Take it! You don't have to have the answer in .025 seconds. If you don't understand what we're discussing, ask questions.  However, DO plan on reading the textbook before you come to class. DO think about the questions posed in the textbook. DO challenge the ideas we discuss in class. DO make your own opinion.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior

Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact disAbility Services (located in the Student Services Center 119; phone number 371 5436) as soon as possible.

Every student is required to comply with the policies published in the “Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.”  A link to the Student Rights and Responsibilities is included in the section above.

At no point may students photograph, record, or video any type of in-class activities without written permission from the instructor of record.  Students who fail to comply with this will be reported to the Vice President of Enrollment Management.

At no point may a student harass, blackmail another student.

Students who have questions should contact me, Courtney Milleson, first, using the contact information provided at the beginning of this document.

Grading Criteria

Assignments will be due each week by Monday at 11:59 PM. (unless otherwise specified)

  • Chapter Quizzes: 30% (weekly 20 question quizzes within Blackboard)
  • Assignments: 30% (weekly Revel assignments and others as assigned
  • throughout the term)
  • Paper/Love Lyrics/Project: 25%
  • Final Exam: 15%

There is no “grade recovery” in my courses.  Students are awarded the grade earned (both on assignments and in the class).  Final grades will be assigned on the following basis:











I do not round final grades up to the next highest grade.

I do not assign or accept extra credit work in this course.  The only exception to this is a one-time, single attempt at an Authentic Assessment.  Learners must be invited to complete the Authentic Assessment by the faculty member.  The invitation will be sent to the learner's email address.  Students may complete one Authentic Assessment worksheet per term to replace one chapter quiz grade.  Here is a video explaining the process.  This video is also linked in the new Authentic Assessment folder (located in the left-hand navigation bar) within our Blackboard course.  

No administrative withdrawals will be initiated by the instructor. It is each student’s responsibility to drop a class or withdraw from school in the event he/she decides to quit attending class. To withdraw from the course, you must request a form from me. To do this, please schedule an appointment at

I work to have all assignments graded and returned to students in one week.  It's my goal, but some assignments require more time to adequately grade.  I do promise I'm working on them as quickly as possible.

Course Success:

Paper One/Love Lyrics/Project

Each student is required to do Paper One - Who Do We Think I Am?, Love Lyrics (done in PowerPoint or Google Slides) & Infographic.

These three assignments are worth 25% of your total grade.  All of the directions for the assignments can be found under the "Major Assignment Directions" link on the left-hand side of the course (in Blackboard). They are just under the weekly content folders.  

The Way We See Me

This assignment requires you to conduct a brief exercise and write a short (2 page) paper about your self-concept and self-awareness and how these factors impact your interpersonal communication skills.  Students should cite the DeVito Interpersonal Messages, 4th edition within their paper. 

The paper should be:

  • 2 pages, typed (not including reference page) (Click here to review APA paper style.  Your paper does not need to include the title page/abstract/paper section headers.)  An example of a student paper in APA style can be found here.

  • double spaced

  • Use a font that is legible in 10, 11, or 12-point size

  • Left justified

  • At least one APA-style in-text citation (also called a parenthetical citation) and a reference section at the end of the paper.

  • Proofread (content, grammar, spelling)  I strongly encourage the AC Writers’ Corner

  • The file extensions accepted for this assignment are as follows:

    • .docx

    • .pdf

    • .jpg or .jpeg


  1. Complete Worksheet #1 by making a mark in the box to show how well (in your opinion) each adjective describes you and listing your strengths, weaknesses, and one word that best describes you.  If you do not know the words used on the list, use a dictionary to review the word.  

  2. Give two close friends or family members each a copy of Worksheet #2 to complete. Review the results. 

  3. Begin a new document in your preferred program (Word, Pages, Google Docs) and name the file “ SPCH 1318 Paper One TWWSM.”  For example, my file name would be “Milleson Courtney SPCH 1318 000 Paper One TWWSM”

  4. Once you have saved the file, begin setting up the paper.  Make sure the margins are 1”, you’re using 10-12 point legible font (Arial, Times New Roman, etc.)

  5. Write a paper summarizing what you have learned from this exercise. Break your paper down into six or seven paragraphs. 

    1. Paragraph One: Introduction: “Tell me what you are going to tell me” means set the reader up for what you’re going to talk about throughout the paper.

    2. Paragraph Two: What did your responses to the worksheet indicate about your self-concept?

    3. Paragraph Three: Note - this is a great paragraph to engage with the textbook and use a citation. (An idea is to look at Figure 3.1 and the ideas presented there.  Do not cite Figure 3.1, but instead look at the factors that influence self-concept and select one to use it to answer these questions).  What factors have influenced the development of your self-concept?  Has your self-concept changed during the course of your life? 

    4. Paragraph Four: What did your friends/family members’ responses to the worksheets reveal about you?  

    5. Paragraph Five: How does the image others have of you differ from the image you have of yourself? Was your self-concept confirmed? Were you surprised by any of the responses?  What did you learn about other’s images of you? 

    6. Paragraph Six: How can you use what you have learned in this exercise to increase your self-awareness? What does this exercise reveal about your willingness to self-disclose? How can you use these conclusions to improve your communication skills? 

    7. Paragraph Seven: Conclusion: Sum up what you told me. 

    8. Include the three completed copies of the worksheets.  Worksheets may be scanned, photographed, or completed using a word processing program (please save word processing program files as a “.docx” or a “.pdf”.)  The worksheets may be uploaded individually, as a part of one document (with your paper), or combined into one document just for the worksheets.  They must be clearly viewable within your submissions (ie, don’t put three small photos of worksheets on one, 8.5x11” piece of paper) in order to receive credit.


Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria



Introduction: Told me what you were going to tell me


Discussed your responses to the worksheet indicated about your self-concept. 


Discussed factors that have influenced the development of your self-concept and whether your self-concept has changed throughout your life. 


Discussed what friends/family members’ responses to the worksheets revealed. 


Discussed whether the image others have of you differ from the image you have of yourself and what you learned about other’s images of you. 


Discussed how you will use what you have learned in this exercise to increase your self-awareness and what the exercise revealed about your willingness to self-disclose.


Discussed how you can use these conclusions to improve your communication skills. 


Conclusion: Summed up what you told me. 


Included completed copies of the worksheets to your paper (saved in an accepted file type). 


Technical aspects: textbook citation included, double-spaced, proper spelling and grammar, saved in an accepted file type, etc.


Overall Grade


Click here to go to the student’s worksheet.  You must make a copy of this document into your own Google Drive, or download it to your computer before making any changes.  I am not responsible for any lost work that may happen when someone else erases your answers.  This is merely a tool to give you access to the worksheet.

Click here to go to the volunteer’s worksheet.  You must make a copy of this document into your own Google Drive, or download it to your computer before sending it to your volunteers.  I am not responsible for any lost work that may happen when someone else erases your volunteer’s answers.  This is merely a tool to give you access to the worksheet.

If you struggle with your writing skills, please reach out to the Writers' Corner. This free service offers both in-person and online (via email) tutoring. Students may also take advantage of SmarThinking (also free) online tutoring.    Students who fail to submit the three worksheets into dropbox will receive a 10 point deduction and lose credit (10 points/paragraph) for each of the paragraphs referencing the worksheet (Paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6).  The highest the student can make on the assignment is 50.

Love Lyrics Project

VIDEO: How to complete the Love Lyrics Project

In this assignment, you will compile a list of songs (Title of the song, artist, and songwriter) the best represent the definition of the 12 assigned vocabulary words (Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, Agape, Contact, Involvement, Intimacy, Deterioration, Repair, Dissolution).  This will require you to analyze the lyrics to songs and relate the meaning of the song to the Love Types & Relationship Stages discussed in class.  Complete the project in PowerPoint or Google Slide.  Don’t pay for a new program; there are plenty of free online. 

  1. Find songs that represent each of the Love Types discussed in the textbook in Chapter 9. (Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, Agape).  This will be 6 different songs.  (One song for each Love Type.)  When you find the song select a lyric that represents the Love Type note the song's TITLE, the PERFORMER, and the SONGWRITER.  You will need this when creating your slide.
  2. Find songs that represent each of the Relationship Stages discussed in the textbook in Chapter 9 (Contact, Involvement, Intimacy, Deterioration, Repair, Dissolution).  This will be 6 different songs one song for each Relationship Stage.  When you find the song select a lyric that represents the Relationship Stage note the song's TITLE, the PERFORMER, and the SONGWRITER.  You will need this when creating your slide.

For example: “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” performed by The Righteous Brothers, written by Phil Spector, Barry Mann, and Cynthia Weil – Dissolution

  1. Each slide should have the following items: 
    1. headline listing Love Type or Relationship Stage
    2. definition of Love Type or Relationship Stage
    3. Song and song lyric
      1. Performer
      2. Songwriter (You MUST include the songwriter.  Don't guess.  Don't just list the band name.  I check these.  Here's an example of how to find the songwriterClick on "More" at the bottom of the lyrics.)
    4. brief description of at least 25 words justifying why this song fits the definition
  2. Make your project as visually interesting and creative as you please…colors, pictures, clip art, audio clips, YouTube video links, etc., are welcome.  Make sure your presentation is readable!

Have fun, and good luck!  Prepare to spend some time on this project.  It is fun, yet time-consuming. 


Purpose: To visually represent a concept presented in the text through data to help others to clearly understand the information you would like to present. Infographics aim to allow the reader to draw conclusions. 

Audience: Your audience is other students in Interpersonal Communication courses at Amarillo College.  Target college students in general and those who are either in your life stage or who are caregivers or will move into the life stage focus of your project. 

VIDEO: How to do research for an infographic.    VIDEO: How to create an infographic in Canva.   How to Infographic Google Drive File with Exceptional Examples of Infographics  Example of marking up a research article.  


  1. Explore online to see the various different infographics. Become familiar with what infographics are and what they look like.

    1. A good basic overview of the history and use of information graphics is available here

    2. Check out the video of how to build a good infographic.

  2. Know your subject. Become a Content Expert on your communication topic. Do thorough research on your topic. Check out the LibGuide created for this assignment:  Develop a research plan and review it with your instructor. Consult an AC librarian if you need help! Using the literature (i.e., journals and other professional resources) and reputable websites, gather information to include data, statistics, and pertinent facts.  You will need sources taken from the AC Library Database to complete this assignment.  You will not receive credit for the assignment if you use search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) to complete this assignment.  To organize your research (just for you - not to turn in!) feel free to make a copy of this document and keep track of your research efforts.

  3. Plan the “Story” your Infographic will tell. Draw a rough sketch of the infographic. The infographic must have a beginning, middle, and end. Consider developing a concept map, flow diagram, or wireframe (shown below) to depict your infographic plan. 

  4. Think Visual: 

    1. Identify ways to convert text to images. Try to convert as much of your data and text into visual imagery by using charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, flowcharts, and other elements. 

    2. Determine the desired look you are trying to achieve for your infographic. The visual approach you want helps you determine the color scheme, font types, and structure. Keep things simple with only 2-3 fonts, sizes, and colors. 

  5. Create your infographic using the website: 

  6. Go back and reconsider the Knowledge you are trying to convey. Be sure that your analysis and insight into the data are represented to tell the story so the intended message(s) are communicated. 

  7. Proofread and Refine. Work with your teammates and have friends, family, your instructor, other communication experts, and/or an AC librarian review your work before you publish it. Double check the accuracy of your data and information as well as make sure there are no grammatical or typographical errors. Be sure to cite all sources in APA style

  8. Finalize and publish your infographic in our class (dropbox)!

Developed by: Dr. Stephanie Taylor-Davis, Spring 2016

Final Exam:

The final exam will be a comprehensive 50 question exam worth 100 points.  Check the course calendar for the due date.


The course will require you to actively attend and participate in class.

Actively attending class means being on time, and vocal in the class, as well as, participating in the class activities.  I will do my best to help you keep engaged in the course.  Together we can make it a reality!

Courses require all students to come to class prepared to participate in discussions, activities, and lectures.  It's critical that our time together is spent as economically as possible. Please note, students who do not actively participate will not receive attendance credit for the day.  (I will email you using your account to see what we can do to help you engage in class more fully.)  Here are some things folks have done in the past to note earn credit for their daily attendance:

  • wear headphones and engage solely with their laptop during class discussions
  • spend a lot of the class period engaged with their phone/laptop, ignoring the class conversation
  • ignoring requests to engage in group/collaborative work

Each day I take attendance.  I will do this using Menti, by physically calling roll, or through a class assignment.  I may take the roll at the beginning of class, in the middle, or at the end.  The Coffee Talk grades are based on my marked attendance for the day. If you come in after I have called the roll, you will receive a 0 for that day's Coffee Talk assignments.  

Promptness is appreciated; however, if you have a class off-campus, or life happens one day - COME IN!  You are welcome and expected! Do so with respect to your classmates, but don't STOP coming to class!

Class Participation/Attendance

The course will require you to actively attend and participate in class.  According to the 2018-2019 Federal Student Aid Handbook (5-595-60), students must engage in academic content in order to maintain online attendance.  To be counted as academic attending in the first week of class, students must have completed the syllabus quiz, the MBTI Personality Type assignment, and completed the first Revel assignment.  Failure to complete at least one of these areas will count as non-attendance and will be reported as necessary to AC Registrar's and Financial Aid offices.  Other contacts with the course or faculty members do not count toward attendance.

If for some reason, you are unable to complete this requirement and the coursework associated, please contact me immediately. Excused absences are granted based on participation in campus-sponsored activities or illnesses.  Campus-sponsored absences require an email from the club/organization sponsor stating your role in the activity.  If the club/organization sponsor sends a blanket "All-AC" or "All-Faculty" email, it is your responsibility to ensure I have added the excused absence to your assignments.  If you are ill, please understand I require documentation of your illness from a physician.  You may take a photo of the note, or scan it using your phone.  If I cannot read the note I will require a physical copy.


A more detailed course calendar is located each week in the content folder for the week (example: "Week One Checklist"  located on the left-hand side of the Blackboard course. I reserve the right to make modifications of this course calendar to benefit student learning.  

* Unless otherwise specified, all assignments, quizzes, and journal entries are due Mondays by 11:59 PM.

Click here to view the course chronology.

Additional Information


You should be prepared to have each chapter read prior to coming to class. Each week we will study new Interpersonal Communication chapters in the textbook. All of the readings are located in Revel. You will find this linked to the course content. Each morning before class, I will check to see who has completed the readings and the quizzes to see who needs help understanding the materials. I will use this data to make sure everyone's understanding of the concepts.  You need to read the chapter and take the smaller self-tests and quizzes as you go.  When you take them, don't answer the question unless you know it's 100% correct.  You can gain BIG points in doing those mini-quizzes correctly.  Treat them as you would homework in a math course.  If you don't understand a math problem, you probably don't guess the answer.  You'd go back into the content and see how you could learn what information you needed to do it well.  Treat these questions the same way!  There is a chapter quiz at the end of each chapter within Blackboard.

Initially, Revel grades are listed in the grade book as specific due dates.  Once I have done the first importing of grades, I will switch the dates to Revel: MM/DD.  I will also make sure the grade is set to a percentage and not a score.  If for some reason I miss one, please have grace with me.

To learn more about AC's remote services, click here.

To Access REVEL from your Blackboard Course:

  1. Start from your Blackboard course
  2. Select a content area. The link is called “Revel Text and Activities” from the left navigation menu.
  3. Select Open REVEL.
    1. If you have a Pearson account, enter your username and password. Otherwise, create a new account. Note: If you are also registering for a Pearson MyLab (like MyMathLab or MyVirtualChild) this term, you must register for the MyLab first, in order to use the same username and password for REVEL.
    2. When your accounts are linked, select an access option:
      1. Redeem an access code purchased from the bookstore.
      2. Buy access using a credit card or PayPal.
      3. If available, get temporary access.
    3. Your REVEL content appears.
    4. To go back to Blackboard, look for the Blackboard tab or window in your browser.

That’s it. Throughout the semester, please access your REVEL content through Blackboard.

To upgrade temporary access to full access:

  1. To upgrade your access before your temporary access expires, select the link in your confirmation email.
  2. Once your temporary access expires, when you open REVEL from Blackboard, you’re prompted to upgrade your access. Redeem a pre-purchased access code, or buy access using a credit card or PayPal.

Need help?

If you have trouble getting access, make sure your laptop or other device is set up to work with REVEL.

Visit Pearson Support at

Dedicated REVEL support line for students: (855) 875-1801

Late Assignments/Work/Quizzes

There is no late work accepted without approval from the instructor.

Finding your way through a college course is a process. There are challenges in each class and there are challenges each of you has or will have, in your personal lives. Those challenges can overwhelm you.  Because of these, and the amount of content we will cover in the course, I have set up the course structure to all you the best opportunity to learn and master the content. In general, I do not accept late assignments or late work; however, if after speaking with a student during an appointment about the extenuating circumstances, I may decide to alter upcoming assignment due dates to prevent personal issues from being a barrier to success. 

Pathways to Success: A Scenario

What does this mean? Well, here’s a scenario: Maria is a single mom of two girls. She takes classes throughout the year and hopes to graduate in the upcoming term. During our class, Maria’s youngest daughter falls from a swing and breaks her wrist. In the next few weeks, Maria’s daughter will have doctor’s appointments and possibly surgery. Those important items force Maria to make changes to her work schedule, and because of this, cause Maria to have to miss class meetings.  Knowing I do not accept late work, here are the options she may have when it comes to her schoolwork:

1. Maria can continue on the path she on now, trying to make all of the doctor’s appointments, work shifts, and class sessions.

2. Maria can drop the course and pick it back up next term. Doing this will delay her graduation by a full semester.

3. Maria can set an appointment where we can visit. She can tell me what’s happening and see how I can help her continue on her path to graduation.

If this was you, what do you think you would do?  The worst-case scenario is option #2. Dropping the course, unless there’s no other way around it, is always my last choice. Option #1 – well, I don’t recommend it either, but hey – some people are stronger and more private than others. Option #3 – it’s my recommendation. Why? Well, it means that I know how I can walk along with Maria on her path.

If Maria chooses Option #3, we could visit and discuss what options were available for her success. It may mean she gives two speeches on one performance day, or it may mean she gives a speech a week later than her classmates do. Any assignments not submitted prior to our conversation will be considered missing and earn a zero. However, future assignment due dates are negotiable which may or may not have a late point deduction. I make this decision on a case-by-case basis. The standard deduction is 10 points off the final grade earned for the assignment.

Pathways to success: What to do

If you find yourself in a situation, please visit with me as soon as possible.  Whenever I can, I will work with you to find a pathway to success. I will work to be flexible with the course requirements; however, this will require the student to be flexible with their expectations as well. Please know that sometimes – especially toward the end of the term – I cannot say “yes.”  Know when that happens, I have exhausted all avenues. If we agree to work together in helping you get caught up, but I do need help. Any assignment emailed to me is in a place I normally do not go to look for assignments. I ask for your help! Please, watch to see that the item has been graded. If it has not been graded within a week, please send me a text, or talk to me during my office hours about the grade.  I need encouragement too! And it is okay to ask me this question. I will do my best to put any assignments on my calendar for grading as soon as I know they are ready for grading. 

What not to do: A Guide

Do not assume I will grade late assignments emailed to me if the dropbox for closed assignments. I will not grade them. Do not assume I will grade late assignments if you submit them through another assignment's dropbox.  I will not grade either assignment.

If there is an error or technical issue, please check the announcements section of our AC Connect Class to see if I have made a note. If you do not see a note in our class, please check your AC email account. If after checking these two spaces, please text me to alert me. Don't assume I am aware of the issue or that it is your technology.  We are in this together!

Syllabus Created on:

08/12/21 1:43 PM

Last Edited on:

08/16/21 8:49 PM