Beginning American Sign Language II Syllabus for 2021-2022
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SGNL-1302-001 Beginning American Sign Language II


Prerequisite: SGNL 1301

Course Description

Introduction to American Sign Language covering finger spelling, vocabulary and basic sentence structure in preparing individuals to interpret oral speech for the hearing impaired.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

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(3 sem hrs; 3 lec, 1 lab)

Class Type

Online Course

Syllabus Information



  1. Signing Naturally, Level 2 Student Workbook and Videotext, (Units 7-12) ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-58121-221-1


  1. The Deaf Community in American: History in the Making.

          ISBN: 978-0-7864-6397-8




 Bring your books to class.

Student Performance

Purpose and Goals of Course:

This course builds on ASL Beginning I and will give students more understanding of American Sign Language, as well as additional information regarding the history, values and social norms of the Deaf community in the United States.  Upon completion of this course the student will have basic communication skills in ASL.


Performance/Learning Objectives (Minimum Competencies)


Learning Outcome 1:  The student will demonstrate the ability to comprehend information presented in ASL based on “Signing Naturally Curriculum”.  Topics include Units 7-12. . giving directions, foods, needs, expressing uncertainty, describing others, describing clothes, making requests, perspectives, numbers, inflecting verbs, give reasons, making complaints, offering assistance, family occupations, age, establishing relationships, attributing qualities to others, talking about routines, clock numbers, and weekly/monthly routines.


Performance objectives for this outcome in regards to giving directions:

  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension of how to give directions, confirm directions, interrupt, use spatial referencing and the differences in cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension of how to identify people who are present and not present, describe people, correct descriptions, contrast people and numbers in multiples of 5, 10 and 11.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension of requests, accepting or declining offers, spatial and inflecting verbs, role shifting, numbers when talking about money and whole numbers 51-75.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension of relationships, ages and length of time, whole numbers 67-98.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension of contradicting opinions, role shifting, and contrasting two people or things.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate comprehension when talking about routines, solving conflicts, and telling time.


Method of Measurement:  Written assignments, written quizzes, class participation and homework.


Learning Outcome 2:  The student will demonstrate the ability to express information in ASL based on “Signing Naturally Curriculum”, Units 7-12 with a minimum of 70% accuracy.  Topics include:  Giving Directions, Foods, Expressing Uncertainty, Describing  others, Numbers, Clothing, Perspectives, Spatial Verbs, Inflecting Verbs, Give Reasons, Making Requests, Making Complaints, Months, Offering Assistance, Family, Occupations, Age, Establishing Relationships, Describing Personal Qualities, Talking about Routines, Clock Numbers, and Weekly/Monthly Routines.


Performance objectives for this outcome:


  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to give directions, confirm directions, interrupt, use spatial referencing and the difference in cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to identify people who are present and not present, describing people, correcting descriptions, contrasting people and numbers in multiples of 5, 10 and 11.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to make requests, how to accept or decline offers, spatial and inflecting verbs, role shifting, numbers when talking about money and whole numbers 51-75.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to explain relationships, ages and length of time, whole numbers 67-98.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to talk about contradicting opinions, role shifting, and contrasting two people or things.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to talk about routines, solve conflicts, and tell time.


Method of measurement:  Written assignments, written quizzes, class participation and homework.


Learning Outcome 3:  Demonstrate an understanding of cultural norms and behaviors of people who are Deaf with a minimum of 70 % accuracy.


  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of Deaf culture as explained in the book, “For Hearing People Only”.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and social norms that are specific to the Deaf community.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of culturally appropriate ways to interrupt conversations and appropriate phrases to end conversations.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate a basic understanding of the brief history of Deaf people in America.


Method of Measurement: Written assignments, written quizzes, class participation and homework.


Learning Outcome 4:  The student will demonstrate an understanding of the linguistic components of American Sign Language (ASL) with a minimum competency of 70% accuracy.


Performance objectives for this outcome:

  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of cardinal and ordinal numbers, time, temporal sequencing and plain, inflecting and spatial verbs.
  • Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate how to refer to people or things, use personal and possessive pronouns correctly, and the basics of role shifting.


Method of Measurement:  Written assignments, written quizzes, class participation and homework. 

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Expected Student Behavior

Grading Criteria





Signing Naturally:  To successfully complete this course, you will need to view, on a regular basis, the Signing Naturally videotext, which accompanies your textbook.


Students will translate the conversations in the Signing Naturally Units.  Due dates are listed on the outline. Make sure you check your outline for how you translate conversations (English/ASL Gloss.)


For each Unit Conversation Translation you can make up to a 100 on each assignment.    


Video Work: Students will watch videos and answer questions. These videos could be stories, fingerspelling or numbers.  


Signing Assignments: The students will be required to sign a sign prompt or create a story. The students will submit their signing assignment in Blackboard. To receive credit, you need to post your paper in Blackboard.   


The Deaf Community in America (DCA): You need to read the book and answer questions. Post your answers in Blackboard.



  1. Each student will select 3 additional articles of personal interest in the general field of deafness and submit a typed one-page essay that includes the main topics and supporting details of the article and a personal reaction/connection. The teacher will provide the students with a topic. The student will in turn will find an article about that topic. A copy of the article or the link also needs to be provided.  

2.            Deaf Artist Paper. You will write a research paper. Requirements will be posted in Classroom.


Lab Work:  


1.  Interacting with the Deaf Community:

Interaction of 10 hours = a 100 


  1.  Interaction with Deaf individuals –Required 10 hours.  Document all interaction on one form. In order to receive correct, you must have a Deaf person sign your paper. You are responsible for this paper.  DO NOT give this paper to someone else to hold or keep for you. If you lose this paper, you’re responsibly to get the signature sign again on your new paper. If you have any questions, please ask your teacher. You must obtain these hours by attending: 

Social Event: meaning you must socialize with the deaf AND sign Deaf Chat, Deaf Deaf World 

Interpreted Event: Trinity Fellowship, watch approve video with teacher 

          Performance/Presentations:Deaf Church, Deaf Slam   

If you can't attend a Deaf Event to COVID-19, I have posted videos assignments you can watch and answer questions to the videos. 



Mid-Term – 100 

    The Mid-Term Exam will include materials learned from Units 7-9.  Sections for receptive vocabulary, phrases, sentences will be included along with an expressive prompt that will be evaluated with a rubric. I will give your sign prompt before the mid-term. 


Final Exam – 100 

     The Final Exam is a written, comprehensive final, not to exceed 2 ½ hours in length. The exam will cover key concepts discussed during the semester (from Signing Naturally and The Deaf Community in America (DCA). The final exam will include receptive and expressive sections along with multiple-choice questions. For your signing prompt, you will sign one of story in Unit 12. You need to memorize the story.  


Grade Computation:


Final grades for this course will be based on the components outlined above and will be calculated as follows:




Total Grade 

Video Work: Unit Quizzes



Unit Conversation Translations 

Unit 7       

Unit 8       

Unit 9      

Unit 10

Unit 11        


100 for Each 

DCA Assignments 

Unit Test 


100 for each 


3 papers  1 paper with Video

100 for each 

Lab Work:


  Interaction Time – 10 hours


10 points for each hour: 100 

* Mid-Term Exam

Receptive/Expressive/ Multiple Choice


* Final Exam

Comprehensive Receptive/ Expressive/ Multiple Choice





Unit Translations   10%

Sign Assignments 10%

Papers         10%

Deaf Hours         10%

DCA/Unit Quiz      10%

Midterms         20%

Final Exam          30%

Total         100%      


>Other exams and bonus point opportunities are given at the discretion of the instructor.


100-89 =  A

88-79  = B

78-69  = C

68-59  = D

58-0   = F


Class attendance is important but I do understand that things happen. Please follow the class syllabus for due dates.



SLNG 1302 Online Outline


Week 1 

  • Read over syllabus

  • Watch and study: Unit 7 Vocabulary and Numbers 100’s

  • Take notes and watch: Units 7 part 1 and part 2 powerpoint Videos. (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.) 

  • Signing Naturally Translations: Unit 7 Conversation 1 on page 4 and Conversation 2 page 20.  You need to watch and translate the conversation. You need to turn in this assignment on Blackboard. 

  • Signing Naturally Practices: Minidialogues on page 7, Clothing-Related Words on page 14, watch Word List on page 15-16, Guess My Number on page 17-18 and Minidialogues on pages 23-25.) Just Practice. Not for a grade 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Your Signing Prompt (you need to record yourself using your phone or computer and post to Blackboard) IF YOU DON’T POST YOUR PAPER, I CAN’T GRADE YOUR VIDEO. If you’re having trouble uploading your video, you can upload your video to your AC Google account and share the link (make sure to give me access. If you need help, email me.)  You can also upload your video to YouTube (make sure to set your settings to unlisted. If you need help, email me.) 

  • No online meeting this week 

  • All assignments/Quizzes are due Sunday, Jan 23.  


Week 2 

  • Watch and study: Unit 7 Vocabulary and Numbers 100’s 

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 7 part 3 powerpoint  (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.) Make sure the picture is clear.   

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Signing Naturally Conversation 3: You need to translate conversation 3 on page 47. You need to turn in this assignment on Blackboard. 

  • Signing Naturally Practices: SN page 35-37 (Translating Sentences with “Have”), Page 39-41 (Translating Sentences with “To Drive,” “To Take,” and “To Pick Up”), Page 42 (Best Way to Learn a New Language), Page 43 (Write the Translation 1-5,) Page 45 (Homework 7.7), page 53-54 (Telling The Year and Write the Year), Page 57 (Translating Sentence with “Have”) and pages 58-62 (Greetings and Leave taking). Make sure you watch all practice videos in the book. Not for a grade

  • Signing Naturally: Read Arthur Kruger pages 67-68  

  • Fingerspelling and Numbers Practice (on Blackboard) 

  • No online meeting 

  • All assignments/Quizzes are due Sunday, Jan. 30


Week 3  

  • Watch and study: Unit 8 Vocabulary  

  • Watch and study: Unit 8 Vocabulary, and Numbers 100’s

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 8 part 1 (turn in on Blackboard the Fingerspelling, and numbers practices from the power points. You can turn them up or take a picture of them. Make sure it’s a clear picture) and Unit 8 part 2 (turn in on Blackboard the fingerspelling, and numbers practice from the power points. You can turn them up or take a picture of them. Make sure it’s a clear picture.)

  • Unit 8 part 2: Has your Conjunction assignments. You need to fill out the sentences and sign them. Post both on Blackboard.

  • Conjunction video assignment: Post paper and video 

  • Signing Naturally Practices: SN Mindialogues pages 76-80, Write the month on pages 89-91, Sentences on page 95, Narratives on pages 95-9, and Useful numbers on page 110-112. 

  • Signing Naturally Conversations 1 on page 74 and Conversation 2 on page 99: You need to translate this conversation and post it on Blackboard. Not for a grade.

  • Take the Fingerspelling and Numbers Quiz on Blackboard. 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Feb. 3rd : Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm   

  • All assignments/Quizzes are due Sunday, Feb. 6th

Feb, 2nd Census Day. You need to have an assignment turned in or email me before this date. You will be dropped if you haven't contacted me or turned in an assignment.  


Week 4 

  • Watch and study: Unit 8 Vocabulary, Numbers 1,000, and Fingerspelling

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 8 part 3 powerpoint video. (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.) Make sure the picture is clear. 

  • Conjunction video assignment: Post paper and video 

  • Translations: Unit 8 Conversations 3 on page 114. Conversation 4 page 126. You need to watch and translate the conversation. You need to turn in this assignment. You need to post  a picture or type it out on Blackboard 

  • Read: SN Pages 70-71 Read Regina Olson Hughes. 

  • Signing Naturally Practice: SN pages 116-118 Minidalogues, page 112 Figure the Meaning, Page 123 Narratives, pages 129- 130 Minidialogues, page 134 Negations 1-12.  Not for a grade  

  • Paper 1: Deaf Technology (post on Blackboard)  One page typed, add the article’s website. Give a summary of the article, then your thoughts. 

  • SN: Turn in The Motel Story on page 136 (post answers in Blackboard) 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Your Signing Prompt (you need to videotape yourself and post video on Blackboard). If you’re having trouble uploading your video, you can upload your video to your AC Google account and share the link (make sure to give me access. If you need help, email me.)  You can also upload your video to YouTube (make sure to set your settings to unlisted. If you need help, email me.) 

  • Feb. 10th: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm  

  • All assignments/quizzes/Paper 1 are due Sunday, Feb. 13th

Week 5

  • Units 7-8 Quiz on Blackboard 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • No online meeting this week. Please email me if you have any questions.    

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, Feb. 20th 


Week 6

  • Watch and study: Unit 9 Vocabulary, Numbers, and Fingerspelling.

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 9 part 1 and 2  powerpoint video. (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.) Also the Wrong Sentences/ 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Amber’s Neighborhood on pages 154-155. Watch and answer the questions. (Turn in on Blackboard)  

  • Practice: Page 175 Write The Time, Page 175 Fill in the Time, Watch Using Rhetorical Questions on page 178-183 and Giving Directions on page 184-188. Yes-No Questions 189-190 

  • Translations: Unit 9 Describing Neighborhood 1  page 154 and Translate Describe A Neighborhood 2 page 177.

  • Unit 9 Fingerspelling, Numbers and Story Quizzes on Blackboard.

  • Feb. 24th: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm   

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, Feb. 27  


Week 7 

  • Watch and study: Unit 9 Vocabulary, Numbers and Fingerspelling 

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 9 part 3  powerpoint video. (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.) and Wrong Sentences 

  • Translation: Unit 9 Conversation 1 on page 193 

  • Practice: Story: The Hitchhiker on page 232-233. Watch and answer the questions. Post on Blackboard 

  • Signing Naturally Practice: SN Watch Descriptive Locate and Element Classifier pages 194-196. Describe Restaurant's pages 197-198, Giving Directions on pages 210-211, Giving Time page 213, Number Tune Up on page 214, Minidialogues on page 220, Giving Direction page 222-225. Watch Yes-No Questions 2 on page 227, Keeping Others Informed watch on page 230-231. Not for a grade

  • Suggesting a Place to Eat on pages 216-219: Watch and answer the questions.

  • Read Eric Malzkuhn on page 235-237

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • March 3rd: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm  

  • All assignments due Sunday, March 6th 


Week 8 

  •  Mid-term: Take your midterm on Blackboard. 

  •  Sign Prompt: On Blackboard. Print sign prompt. Then post video and paper to Blackboard 

  •  Midterm due Sunday, March 13th

  • No online meeting 


Spring Break March 14-20 


Week 9  

  • Watch and study: Unit 10 Vocabulary, Numbers, and Fingerspelling.

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 10 part 1 and part 2 powerpoint video (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.)

  • SN Practice: Minidialogues on pages 243-244, Write the Amount/How Much  on page 255, Minidialogues on pages 263-264, and Write the Amount on page 271   

  • Signing Naturally Practice:Watch: WH-Word Questions 1-8 on pages 259-260. Predicative Adjectives on page 262, and Numbers Telling the price 2. Not for grade

  • Paper 2: A Famous Deaf Person (Research a Famous Deaf person. Find an article about this person. Write a summary of the article and give me your opinion.) Post your paper onto Blackboard.     

  • SN Translations: Conversation 1 on page 242 and Conversation 2 on page 261 (post on Blackboard)  

  • Turn in: Define These Words on page 245 (in Blackboard). 

  • Signing Naturally Practice: Watch: Give the Opposite 1-15  

  • Unit 10 Sign Prompt: Paper is on Blackboard. Post your video on Blackboard. IF YOU DON’T POST YOUR PAPER, I CAN’T GRADE YOUR VIDEO. If you’re having trouble uploading your video, you can upload your video to your AC Google account and share the link (make sure to give me access. If you need help, email me.)  You can also upload your video to YouTube (make sure to set your settings to unlisted. If you need help, email me.) 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  •  No online meeting this week. If you have any questions, please email me. 

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, March 27


Week 10 

  • Watch and study: Unit 10 Vocabulary, Numbers, and Fingerspelling.

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 10 part 3 powerpoint video (turn in all assignments from the powerpoints to Blackboard. You can type them up or take a picture of them.)

  • Translations: conversations 3 page 277, Translate Interview on page 290

  • Signing Naturally Practice: Circle the Number on page 278, Ask Favor 1-6 on page 282. Watch: Using Role Shift to Describe Situation on page 277, Personal Quality 1-4 on page 278. Not for a grade

  • Interview Assignment: Email me to set up a time. You will ask me questions for about 10 minutes. Look on pages 290-295.       

  • March 31: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm   

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, April 3rd 


Week 11 

  • Watch and study: Unit 11 Vocabulary, Numbers, and Fingerspelling.

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 11 part 1 and part 2 powerpoints video (turn in on all assignments on Blackboard from the power points. You can turn them up or take a picture of them.)

  • SN Translations: conversation 2 on 353. Post them on Blackboard.   

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • April 7: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm      

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, April 10  


Week 12 

  • Watch and study: Unit 11 Vocabulary, Numbers, and Fingerspelling. 

  • Take notes and watch: Unit 11 part 3 powerpoints video (turn in on all assignments on Blackboard from the power points. You can turn them up or take a picture of them.)

  • SN Translations: Derrick’s Personal Goals on page 366.  (post on Blackboard) 

  • SN Story Busted on page 378. Watch the stories and post answers in Blackboard

  • SN Translations: conversation 2 on 353. Post them on Blackboard.   

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Deaf Artist: (Information is on Unit 11 part 3 powerpoint.) Post assignment on Blackboard 

  • April 14: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm    

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, April 17                                                                                                                 


Week 13 

  • Take Unit 10-11 Test on Blackboard 

  • Sign Prompt: Post on Blackboard.  IF YOU DON’T POST YOUR PAPER, I CAN’T GRADE YOUR VIDEO. If you’re having trouble uploading your video, you can upload your video to your AC Google account and share the link (make sure to give me access. If you need help, email me.)  You can also upload your video to YouTube (make sure to set your settings to unlisted. If you need help, email me.) 

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • No online meeting: 

  • April 21st  is the last day to drop.  If you need to drop, make sure to sign the drop form and scan me for a copy. I will then sign the form and send it back to you. It is your responsibility to turn in form. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, April 24th  



Week 14 

  • Unit 12: Watch The Tailor, One Fine Day, The Lion and the Mouse, The Fox and the Crow. For your part of the final exam, you need to pick a story and follow the guidelines for your version.  

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • April 28: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions. This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm    

  • All assignments/quizzes are due May 1      


Week 15 

  • Unit 12: Practice working on your final sign prompt. Post your prompt by May 8

  • DCA: Read and answer questions. You need to post answers on Blackboard. (Post questions and answers. Not just the answers.) 

  • Deaf Hours Due: May 8

  • May 5: Online class meeting (my office hours). I will sign practices and answer questions.  This is NOT Mandatory from 7:30-8:30pm    

  • All assignments/quizzes are due Sunday, May 8 . All missing or late work needs to be turned in May 8th


 Week 16     

  • Study: Units 7-11 and DCA 

  • All finals need to be completed by Dec. May 11.  



Additional Information

General Information:  It’s important to watch the videos and turn in work on time.  But I do understand things happen. If you miss a class, please email me and we can work out a time to make up the missing work. All late work starts at a 70.  


Disabling Conditions:  Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact Accessibility Services (SSC 125, Phone 371-5436) as soon as possible.


Campus Police:  For help, call Campus Police at 371-5163


Grievance Procedure:  If a student is having a problem with the course policies or the instructor, he or she should first try and resolve any such problems with the instructor. 

 If the problem is not resolved, the student may proceed in the following order to contact the 

-Division Chairman of Language, Communication and Fine Arts, Robert Boyd

-Vice President and Dean of Instruction,  Steven Smith 

-Amarillo College President, Dr. Paul Matney


Office:  Because I do not have an office at Amarillo College, the best way to contact me is through email: 


Syllabus Created on:

01/02/22 5:21 PM

Last Edited on:

01/02/22 5:22 PM