Clinical-Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management Syllabus for 2021-2022
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Office Location

<p>West Campus Jones Hall 292</p>

Office Hours

Blackboard Collaborate Tuesday evenings

In-office by appointment

Course Information

COVID-19 Protocols

Recording Policy

Disability Statement

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Amarillo College Web Accessibility Policy Statement

Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.

If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.

Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is

Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy:

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.

Administrative Drop Policy

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016

Student Withdrawal Procedures

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.

NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.

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RNSG-2263-001 Clinical-Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management


Corequisite: RNSG 2221

Course Description

A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:

Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at

You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.


(2 sem hrs; 6 clinical)

Class Type


Syllabus Information




Debby Hall Clinical Syllabus for RNSG 2263, A.D.N. Department, 2021. (Available in AC Connect)

*Texas Board of Nursing.  Nursing Practice Act, Nursing Peer Review Act, & Nurse Licensure Compact.  Texas Occupations Code and Rules Regulating the Practice of Nursing

*Texas Board of Nursing.  Rules and Regulations relating to Nurse Education, Licensure and Practice

*These documents may be downloaded from the BON web site at 



 Required Computer/Mobile Device (Laptop/Tablet) with Webcam:

Students are required to have regular, reliable access to a computer with a stable Internet connection.
(Any system older than 4 years may not have the processing power to work with our current version of Blackboard and its components.)






Operating System

Windows Vista, 7, or 8

Mac OSX 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9

Windows 7 or 8

Mac OSX 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9


1 GHz processor

2 GHz or faster processor


512 MB of RAM

2 GB of RAM or higher

Monitor Resolution

1024 x 768

1024 x 768 or higher

Free Hard Disk Space

5 GB of free disk space

20 GB or higher of free space

Internet Connection

Broadband (high-speed) Internet connection with a consistent minimum speed of 1.5 Mbps.

Broadband (high-speed) Internet connection with a speed of 4 Mbps or higher

Internet Browser**

Respondus Lockdown Browser and IE8, IE9, Safari 4+, Chrome or Firefox

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Firefox


Java is required to use Blackboard. Download Java.

Macromedia Flash Player

Flash is required to play videos within the Blackboard system. Download Flash  

Student Performance


Upon completion of the Professional Nursing:  Leadership and Management course, the student will: 

Member of the Profession 

  1. Practice within the ethical and legal frameworks and according to professional standards and requirements in the management of adult patient care situations. 
  2. Assume responsibility and accountability for continuing competency in nursing practice.  
  3. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for quality nursing care and for promotion of the nursing profession.   
    Provider of Patient-Centered Care 
  4. Function with increased autonomy to assist patients and their families in the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health at points along the developmental continuum.   
  5. Utilize a systematic process and clinical reasoning to provide holistic care to multiple patients and their families. 
  6. Apply nursing concepts specific to meeting unique psychosocial needs of multiple patients and their families. 
  7. Use effective teaching strategies to promote, maintain, and restore health with patients and their families. 
  8. Utilize basic and advanced nursing skills that are required to competently care for patients and their families. 
  9. Demonstrate compassionate behaviors and appropriate communication skills in the care of diverse patients and their families. 
  10. Evaluate appropriate resources available to meet the needs of multiple patients and their families for comprehensive quality care. 
    Patient Safety Advocate 
  11. Analyze data on evidence-based practice to improve the quality and safety of patient centered care. 
  12. Adhere to professional standards of practice and regulations of the Texas Nursing Practice Act & Board of Nursing Rules, to ensure patient safety.   
    Member of the Healthcare Team 
  13. Work collaboratively within interdisciplinary healthcare teams to provide holistic, patient-centered care in a cost effective manner.  
  14. Communicate appropriately with other health care team members to accomplish holistic patient-centered care for multiple patients and their families.             
  15. Utilize available information systems and technology to efficiently manage holistic patient-centered care for multiple patients and their families. 
  16. Coordinate nursing care for a group of patients through effective assignments, delegation, and supervision of team members.  

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior


See “Professional Conduct” and the “ANA Code of Ethics” in the A.D.N. Student Handbook, and “Student Conduct and Responsibilities” in the A.C. Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Grading Criteria


1. Criteria

The Clinical Performance Evaluation of Competencies (CPEC) constitutes 100% of the clinical grade. The CPEC is divided into four sections for evaluation purposes. These sections include the student’s role as (1) Member of the Profession, (2) Provider of Patient-Centered Care, (3) Patient Safety Advocate, and (4) Member of the Healthcare Team. Within these sections are the 10 Associate Degree Nursing Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) that are in bold print. Under each bolded SLO are competencies that a student is required to perform during a clinical rotation. Many of these competencies are “core”, which means they are common to all clinical courses in the nursing program. Specific competencies may be added to the “core” that addresses the unique needs of each clinical course. Specific competencies added to core competencies in RNSG 2263 Clinical - Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management include: 

  • Clinical Reflection
  • Research Article Presentation
  • Disaster Nursing Traige Activity

** Writing Assignments will have ten (10) points deducted for each day submitted past the due dates.

2. Grading scale

A  90-100%
B  80-89%
C  75-79%
D  60-74%
F  below 60%



Students must complete 100% of all required clinical hours


Hours and Days

  • The Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management clinical is a 96 hour clinical experience consisting of a pre-clinical activities, four 12 hour shifts in the acute care setting, a clinical reflection written assignment, online telehealth simulation, online and NRC VR disaster triage simulation activities, and a research article presentation via Zoom conference.
  • Acute care setting shifts will be available on Thursdays, Fridays and alternate days as needed to meet student and faculty needs.. Exact times vary depending on clinical facilities’ change of shifts. Clinical and simulation assignments will be posted as quickly as possible after the semester begins.


Additional Information


  1. Achievement of at least 90% on the Level IV Dosage and Solution Exam.  The exam may be repeated twice prior to the clinical experience. Failing to pass this exam by the third attempt will result in the inability to attend the clinical experience and inability to meet the course competencies.
  2. Students will not be allowed to participate in the clinical experience without current immunizations, TB skin testing, and American Heart Association CPR for Healthcare Providers. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all documentation is presented in a timely manner prior to the clinical experience. A Class II Clinical Warning will be issued for no documentation.
  3. Completion of all required clinical hours.
  4. Achievement of 75% or greater on the CPEC (a score of 0 in any clinical performance competency will result in a clinical failure). 
  5. Submission of all required clinical assignments.
  6. Completion of any student/instructor contracts, lab assignments, and clinical simulation activities.
  7. RNSG 2263: Clinical: Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management and RNSG 2221: Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management must be taken concurrently and both courses must be satisfactorily completed in the same semester. 
    The ratio of clinical hours for RNSG 2263: Clinical - Management of Client Care to classroom hours for RNSG 2221:
    Management of Client Care is 3:1.  The rationale for this ratio is to allow students to meet classroom objectives, clinical objectives, and graduation requirements for the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).


Syllabus Created on:

01/07/22 9:22 AM

Last Edited on:

01/15/22 3:46 PM