If you have a disability (learning, mental, physical) that affects your ability to participate effectively and have access to any program or service at Amarillo College please contact Disability Services at (806) 345-5639 . Our offices are located in the Student Service Center office 112. More information may be found at www.actx.edu/disability.
Disability Services facilitates access to all programs and services according to the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other federal and state laws.
Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.
If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.
As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is https://www.actx.edu/counseling/ . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is https://www.actx.edu/arc
The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.
Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.
NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.
The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at https://www.actx.edu/-amarillo-college-privacy-notice , and applies to all Amarillo College students. If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email to humanresources@actx.edu .
PSYC-2301-001 General Psychology
General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website
Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:
Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:
Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at https://melodiegraves.youcanbook.me
You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.
(3 sem hrs; 3 lec)
Dr. Alan Kee
Professor of Psychology
Amarillo College
General Psychology (Hybrid)
Fall 2, 2021
M/W 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
10/25/2021 - 12/17/2021
Dutton Hall 103
I want you to use the user-friendly version of the Course Syllabus in this course by going to the Home Page for the course and then going to the Lessons tab. Then click on the Course Syllabus.
Attendance by the Census Date
You must physically attend this course before the Census Date of 11/1/21. If you do not attend class before the Census Date, the registrar will consider you as NOT attending and YOU WILL BE DROPPED from the course. Your financial aid can also be terminated.
Critical Information on How To Use Email in This Course!
In order to receive email from the instructor you must use your AC Connect Google Email account. If you do not activate and use your AC Connect Google Email account, you will be lost in this course because you will not be able to receive email from your instructor. Thus, students are responsible to check their AC Connect Google Email account on a daily basis.
In order to set up your AC Connect Google Email account, you go to the AC Home Page and click on AC Connect. Then scroll down and click on “Amarillo College Email (managed by Google). Then you will enter your AC Gmail account (all emails from Google end with @amarillocollege.com; for example, hlvoran@amarillocollege.com). Click next and enter your AC Password and click next.
To send email to your instructor, do the following:
• Click Send Email in the course menu.
• Click All Instructor Users.
• Type a Subject, just like you would in an email.
• Type your message, then click Submit again.
• When your instructor responds to your email, it will go to your AC Student Gmail account in AC Connect.
Furthermore, you can SEND email from Blackboard, but you will never RECEIVE email there. You will only receive email at your AC Connect Gmail account.
You will need to learn how to use email in this course by viewing two tutorial video on how to access email as a student in the portal and on how to send email from Blackboard.
COURSE NAME: General Psychology
COURSE NUMBER: Psychology 2301
HOURS: 3 Credit Hours
FACULTY: Dr. Alan Kee, Ph.D.
OFFICE: Dutton Hall 202N
PHONE: 806-371-5183 is my office number. The best way to reach me is through email using your AC Connect Google Email account. If you need to contact me by phone, you are more likely to reach me by my cell #: 806-336-2143.
E-MAIL: I prefer that you email me using the instructions I provided at the beginning of this syllabus. In those instructions, I indicate that you must use your AC Connect Google Email account. This way I will know which course you are in and I can keep track of our messages. If for some reason you cannot get your AC Connect Google Email account to work you may email me at jakee@actx.edu until you get your AC Connect Google Email account to work.
OFFICE HOURS: I have online office hours Mon. – Thu. 8:00 am – 9:00 am; I prefer to meet by phone or zoom due to Covid. Please call me on my cell at 806-336-2143 to set an appointment by phone or zoom.
The course is an introduction to psychology covering the principles of human behavior relating to heredity, maturation, intelligence, learning, motivation, perception, emotions, personality, psychological disorders, therapies, and social context.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Myers, D.G. (2014). Exploring Psychology (11th ed.) Worth Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-1-319-12774-9 (Required) This book can be purchased at the AC Bookstore.
Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact disAbility Services (Location: Student Service Center, Room 119, Phone 371-5436) as soon as possible.
Mental Health and Social Services at AC
As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student’s ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is https://www.actx.edu/counseling/. Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5450. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is www.actx.edu/arc
Regular attendance is necessary for satisfactory achievement. It is the responsibility of the student to attend class.
Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped.
Tutoring Policy:
If a student scores below 70% on an exam or writing assignment, he or she will be required to contact the instructor to discuss how to help the student. The instructor and the student will also explore the option of tutoring. A plan to help the student is critical so that the student can be successful with regard to the upcoming assigned work.
No exams will be given after the deadlines posted in your course schedule with the exception of a true emergency such as death in the family or serious illness. In such a case you must provide documentation from a physician or psychologist indicating that you were not able to complete the exam.
There will be a total of 12 reading quizzes; one quiz for each of the 12 Assignments. After you listen to the lectures and read the assigned reading, you are ready to take the reading quiz. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. The reading quiz is due BEFORE you come to class. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
1. This is a three-hour course. An estimate of study time outside of class is 3 hours for every 1 hour in class. Therefore, you need to plan on spending at least 9 hours per week in studying for this class outside of class.
2. Studying in college is a complex task in that it involves many factors such as time management skills, reading ability, nutrition, exercise, study skills, motivation, sleep, and stress among others. The guidelines offered in this section may help to some degree. However, I recommend that you take the course on Student Success at AC and/or read books on study skills, motivation, time management, and stress management.
3. Achieving success in this course will require a time commitment. I recommend that you prepare for your exams and for class by ACTIVELY reading and outlining (taking detailed notes) the assignments.
4. I recommend that you use a word processor to create your own outline of the reading material. After you complete this process, you have a way to test your knowledge level and you will have covered the material in a systematic and comprehensive manner. This process will allow you to “chunk” the material into smaller pieces, which is more effective than trying to “digest” it all at once by cramming or just “reading over” or skimming over the reading.
5. If you are having difficulty with the material, you may want to receive tutoring or study skills training free of charge from the Access Center (Library; 3rd floor). There are also many web sites on study skills and strategies.
6. Study "How To Prepare For Exams" and “How to Study by Summarizing and Marking the Text.” This information will help you to develop effective study skills. These documents can be found under the Lessons Tab.
7. Students report that it is helpful to make a flash card for each paragraph of reading material. They ask a question on one side of the card and answer it in their own words on the other side of the card. Then, they have a way of testing their understanding of the content.
1. How many exams are there in this course?
There will be four multiple choice EXAMS. The four exams include Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3 and a Comprehensive Final Exam. The four exams will be taken online. Each exam is scored on a 100 point scale.
2. Do I have to take the Final Exam if I am satisfied with my scores on Exam 1, Exam 2, and Exam 3?
You do not have to take the Final exam if you are satisfied with your scores on Exam 1, Exam 2, and Exam 3?
The lowest exam score out of the four is automatically dropped. Therefore, if you are happy with your scores on Exam 1, Exam 2, and Exam 3, then you have the option to not take the Comprehensive Final Exam.
Because the lowest exam score is dropped, there will be no make-up exams. If you miss a scheduled exam for any reason, that exam will be the exam score that will be dropped. The purpose for the drop grade is so that you can miss an exam for any reason, such as death in the family, illness, vacation, having a baby, not able to get your books on time, not having access to a computer, having to work, forgetting to take an exam, etc.
3. How many questions are on the exams? How much time do we have to take each exam?
Each exam will have 50 questions. Exams will be taken in the classroom. You may use your notes but not your book. You will have the 75 minutes class period to complete the exam.
4. What is the penalty for cheating on an exam?
You may NOT have another person with you at the time that you are taking one of the online exams. If there is indication that you received help during an online exam, the penalty will be an F in the course and likely expulsion from Amarillo College.
8. Do you offer extra credit?
There is not an “extra credit” option. I want you to learn how to do college level work and do well in your class as opposed to passing a class based on extra credit. I want you to learn the study skills necessary to be successful as you continue taking courses in college. I recommend that you take the First Year Seminar course at AC on how to be a successful student - you would need to talk to your advisor about this class. That course teaches you how to study and take exams so you can be successful in your future college courses.
9. Do you round up grades that are “borderline?”
Yes, I round up grades that are “borderline”, for example, 79.5 would be rounded up to a “B” and a 79.4 would round to a “C.”
10. Where do I go to check my grades?
In order to check your grades, you can go to “My Grades” on the Home Page for the course.
11. How do I calculate my grade in the course?
Here is an example of how to calculate your grade. The Reading Quizzes are worth 10%, the Exams are worth 60%, the Discussions / (PBL) Problem Based Learning Assignments / Participation are worth 20%, and the Service Learning Project is worth 10%.
Let us say, for example, that you made the following grades in the course:
Reading Quizzes: 100 + 100 + 0 + 100 + 90 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100
Exam 1 = 82; Exam 2 = 79; Exam 3 = 93; Final Exam = 0 (drop grade)
Discussion Assignments / Participation (12 total): 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100
Service Learning Project = 80
Here is how you would do the math:
Average the Reading Quizzes: 100 + 100 + 0 + 100 + 90 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 1060 / 12 = 88.33
Average the Exam grades: 82 + 79 + 93 = 254. 254/3 = 84.67
Average the Discussions / Participation (12 total) = 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 70 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 1140/12 = 95
88.33 X .1 = 8.83 (Reading Quizzes)
84.67 X .60 = 50.80 (Exams)
95 X .20 = 19.0 (Discussion Assignments / Participation)
80 X .10 = 8 (Service Learning Project)
Now, add the numbers for each category: 8.83 + 50.80 + 19.0 + 8 = 86.63 = B (Course Grade)
12. What is the Grading Schema for the Final Grades?
89.5 to 100 = A
79.5 to 89.4 = B
69.5 to 79.4 = C
59.5 to 69.4 = D
0 to 59.4 = F
13. What are the weights of the assignments?
The Exams, Unit Assignments, and Critical Thinking Quiz are each worth 100 points. The Reading Quizzes are worth 10%, Exams are worth 60% of the course grade, the Discussion Assignments/Films/Participation are worth 20% of the course grade, and the Service-Learning Project is worth 10% of the course grade.
The discussion board has two purposes: 1) to provide a way to participate online, and 2) to allow students to post questions or confusing questions about the reading and have other students and/or the instructor respond to the questions.
If you have general questions (and answers) that other students may benefit from, please direct them to the instructor by posting them in General Questions and Answers. When I answer the question (or when you answer a question) in General Questions and Answers, all students will be able to see my (and your) responses.
How do we participate in this class?
Your course schedule (found in the Lessons Tab) will give you the instructions for participation as you proceed through the assignments of the course. By participating in class, the class will become more interesting and rewarding as more students actively share their ideas.
Furthermore, the group discussion will be a safe place to share ideas. The rules of the group do not allow group members to put another person down for their idea. I will respect you, and I expect you to respect me and the other group members. I also expect you to have carefully read the assignment before you come to class. You need to be prepared to discuss your connections when you come to class.
The reason for assigning the connections (participation homework) is because it will help you become more actively involved in the reading. This greater activity improves learning. By participating in class, the class will become more interesting and rewarding as more students actively share their ideas. You need to bring your book and your notes that you took from the reading and lecture to each class.
Where do we go to post our response in the class?
Participation occurs in this class by clicking on the lessons tab, then go to Discussions, and then click on the specific assignment / chapter. You will then be able to post your discussion into the specific assigned chapter. In order to receive credit for your connections (participation homework) you must post it in the Discussions.
Where do we find the homework assignments?
The way in which you participate is by following the instructions in your course schedule (found under the Lessons Tab), which will indicate the type of homework assignment.
Do we need to save a copy of our responses?
Yes. I recommend that you write your response in Word, and save a copy in your files. If there is a problem with the online course, then you will have a backup copy. You also need to run spell check, grammar check, and then post it into the course.
How much will participation count in terms of the overall grade in the course?
Active and engaged participation is critical for this class! It makes it more fun and interesting. What we are going to do here is devote all our time and attention to the study of psychology, it is difficult and it needs all our attention. Therefore, it is critical that you show up on time to class. Also, please do not text in class. Participation is accrued over the course of the semester i.e., you get points for showing up and being actively engaged in the discussions.
In order to receive full credit for participation on any given day, you will need to 1) submit your discussion into Blackboard, and 2) bring your hard copy of the discussion assignment and actively discuss your ideas in class. Each day is worth 100 points. For that day you will receive 50 points for submitting your hardcopy of your answer to your assigned Discussion Question, and you will receive 50 points for attendance and actively discussing your ideas in class.
If you do not attend class you will receive a zero for that day. You may not “make up” the Discussion Question. The purpose of the Discussion Question assignment is to be prepared to discuss your question in class. This is a hybrid course (we meet only 50% of the time in the classroom); the expectation is that you can attend all of the days we meet in class.
What rubric is used to grade the discussion assignments?
The "A/B" response (50 points) contains clear, thorough responses to the items identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently applied concepts from the assigned reading. It follows normal written conventions for good sentence construction, paragraph development and spelling.
The "C/D" response (25 points) does not adequately address all of the items in the assignment. It does not provide evidence of the student’s reflective thought and it contain errors in sentence structure, paragraph development. It lacks a clear organizational plan. It does not develop its points or develops them in a repetitious, incoherent, or illogical way. There may be little, if any, development of supporting examples from the assigned reading. There is no indication that the student applied concepts from the assigned reading.
Is there a penalty for texting during the class? (*applies to in-person face-to-face class)
Yes. If you are texting in the class, then you are not really present and actively participating. Consequently, you will receive a 30-point penalty from your attendance / participation grade for that day.
Can we use laptops or ipads in class? (*applies to in-person face-to-face class)
Please do not bring laptops or ipads to class. Like texting, people can get lost in their email, messaging, and internet and not be involved in the class and the discussion in the class. All of the lectures in this class are online and we do discussions in the classroom. Therefore, you will not need to use your laptop or ipad to take notes in class. You need to take all of your notes from the reading and lectures before you come to class. Please do not bring laptops or ipads to class on film days because people are inclined to get lost in their email or surfing online.
The quality of your participation is based on what you bring to the course with regard to your responses and your responses to other persons responses. You will be able to determine the student who puts his or her heart into the discussion in contrast to the student who provides very little to the group. In addition, you will be able to see other students' connection responses (online) which will help you to improve your own responses.
How long should each response be?
Each response, whether it is a structured discussion question or a connection response, should have a main idea and several supporting statements. Make each connection response at least 200 words single-space and in 12 point character size.
Is there a penalty if my discussion does not meet the 200-word required minimum?
I will not take a paper that does not meet the 200-word required minimum. You may redo the paper and incur a 20-point penalty. Your word processor should give you a word count for your discussion papers.
What is the last day to turn in late work?
It is in your best interest to turn in your work (discussions and reading quizzes) on time to help you prepare for exams. Late work incurs a 20-point late penalty. I will not take a late assignment after 12/13/21.
What are the ground rules for group discussion in class?
The objective of establishing ground rules is to honor free speech and the dignity, respect, and worth of everyone in the classroom.
• In order to create a climate for open and honest dialogue and to encourage the broadest range of viewpoints, it is important for class participants to treat each other with respect. Name calling, accusations, verbal attacks, sarcasm, and other negative exchanges are counterproductive to successful teaching and learning about topics.
• The purpose of class discussions is to generate greater understanding about different topics. The expression of the broadest range of ideas, including dissenting views, accomplishes this goal. However, in expressing viewpoints, students should try to raise questions and comments in a way that will promote learning, rather than defensiveness and conflict in other students. Thus, questions and comments should be asked or stated in such a way that will promote greater insight into and awareness of topics as opposed to anger and conflict.
Example of a question that may put students on the defensive: Why do you insist on calling yourself Hispanic? That's wrong. It seems to me that Latino is the correct term? Can you explain to me why you insist on using the term Hispanic?
Example of a non-defensive question: I don't understand. What is the difference between the terms Hispanic and Latino?
• Learning is both about sharing different views and actively listening to those with different views. Students in this class are expected to do both. Learning is maximized when many different viewpoints are expressed in the classroom.
• Keep the discussion and comments on the topic, not on the individual. Don't personalize the dialogue. Rather than personalizing the dialogue, please direct challenging comments or questions to the instructor or the entire class.
• Remember that it is OK to disagree with each other. Let's agree to disagree. The purpose of dialogue and discussion is not to reach a consensus, nor to convince each other of different viewpoints. Rather, the purpose of dialogue in the classroom is to reach higher levels of learning by examining different viewpoints and opinions.
What is expected in terms of classroom etiquette?
In order to maximize the group’s learning, some basic guidelines for the class are helpful. The following issues rarely occur in class. However, it is helpful for us all to be clear about my expectations in order to prevent any misunderstanding.
1. Turn off all cell phones before class. Do not text-message during class. It is distracting and sends the message that you are not present for our discussions. Similarly, do not bring laptops or ipads to class. Like texting, people can get lost in their email, messaging, and internet and not be involved in the class and the discussion in the class. This type of class requires the group to be engaged and tuned in to the conversation to be successful. If you are texting during the class, it sends a message that you are not really interested in what your classmates are saying. This type of distraction can take away from the group developing a cohesive connection that is necessary to help participants to feel free to express their ideas. In addition, as the instructor, I feel disrespected when a participant is texting throughout the class; it is as if that person is not really interested in being in and participating in the group. As a way to protect the group cohesion, I think it is fair to administer a 30-point penalty for your attendance / participation grade for that day of class if you are texting during class. Another solution would be to transfer you to the online section of this course.
2. Please do not bring children to class. In the past, this issue has caused resentment from other students because the children were distracting. Students report that they could not concentrate on the discussion.
3. When a student has the floor, please do not have side conversations with other students. I believe it is disrespectful to that student who has the floor. And, other students in the group report that they feel resentful because they are distracted by the side talking and cannot focus on the student who is speaking.
4. Do not sleep in class! If you are too tired to stay awake then you do not need to be in class. Please stay at home and get the sleep you need.
5. I will do all I can to make sure each class ends on time, but I need everyone else’s cooperation to do this. Please arrive to class on time, if not a few minutes early.
If you experience a technical problem then you will need to contact the Helpdesk at 371-5992.
If you are struggling with this course, please call me well before you drop the class! Do not wait until the last minute! If you wait until the last minute there may not be time for you to get the paperwork completed. In many cases we are able to make some adjustments and get the student back on track. Please do not feel embarrassed to call me. In many cases we can find ways to keep you in the class. Withdrawing from a class should be a last resort only when all other options and interventions have been exhausted.
The last day to withdraw is 12/08/21. You must first visit with your instructor in order to officially drop a class. Then, your instructor will provide you with a signed drop form that you fill out. The next step is for you to submit the form to the Registrar’s office. If you simply stop attending, a grade of F will appear on your transcript. An F will have a strong negative effect on your GPA which can hurt your chances of getting into academic program in the future.
In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at https://acconnect.actx.edu .
If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".
Dr. Alan Kee
Professor of Psychology
Amarillo College
General Psychology (Hybrid)
Course Schedule / Assignments
Fall 2, 2021
M/W 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
10/25/2021 - 12/17/2021
Dutton Hall 103
Welcome to General Psychology!
If you see any errors on the dates below in this document, please call me asap!
Why Take a Course in the General Psychology?
Even if you are not majoring in psychology, you can definitely benefit from learning more about the human mind and behavior by taking a psychology course. Many universities require students to take at least one class in psychology. Why is psychology often included as part of a core general education requirement? There are a few great reasons.
It Can Help You Better Understand Other People
If you are majoring in a subject that will lead you to a career that involves working directly with lots of different people, such as teaching or nursing, understanding more about how people think and behave will be extremely helpful in your career. Even if you don't plan to work with people, psychology is still beneficial in helping you understand how and why the people in your life think and behave the way they do. Understanding others can be extremely fulfilling and lead to better, stronger relationships with your family, friends, and co-workers.
It Can Help You Better Understand Yourself
Just like it helps you better understand others, taking a psychology class can help you understand yourself too, including areas like what motivates you, what sort of personality you have, and how your personality contributes to the way you think and behave. Understanding yourself better can help you improve your relationships with others, your communication skills, your motivation, and how you relate to the world around you.
It Can Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills
Psychology classes emphasize things like the scientific method, evaluating your sources of information, and thinking critically about the information you encounter on a daily basis. Such classes can help you hone these skills, which may prove useful in a variety of careers and different areas of life.
National surveys of employers show that they value skill sets such as critical thinking and problem solving more than specific majors Psychology majors’ training places them at a distinct advantage over other graduates. In order to take a closer look at some of the skills valued by employers and how they compare to the competencies students acquire through the psychology major, go to the following website:
What employers seek in job applicants: You’ve got the skills they want
Attendance by the Census Date
You must physically attend this course before the Census Date of 11/1/21. If you do not attend class before the Census Date, the registrar will consider you as NOT attending and YOU WILL BE DROPPED from the course. Your financial aid can also be terminated.
Critical Information on How To Use Email in This Course!
In order to receive email from the instructor you must use your AC Connect Google Email account. If you do not activate and use your AC Connect Google Email account, you will be lost in this course because you will not be able to receive email from your instructor. Thus, students are responsible to check their AC Connect Google Email account on a daily basis.
In order to set up your AC Connect Google Email account, you go to the AC Home Page and click on AC Connect. Then scroll down and click on “Amarillo College Email (managed by Google). Then you will enter your AC Gmail account (all emails from Google end with @amarillocollege.com; for example, hlvoran@amarillocollege.com). Click next and enter your AC Password and click next.
To send email to your instructor, do the following:
• Click Send Email in the course menu.
• Click All Instructor Users.
• Type a Subject, just like you would in an email.
• Type your message, then click Submit again.
• When your instructor responds to your email, it will go to your AC Student Gmail account in AC Connect.
Furthermore, you can SEND email from Blackboard, but you will never RECEIVE email there. You will only receive email at your AC Connect Gmail account.
You will need to learn how to use email in this course by viewing two tutorial video on how to access email as a student in the portal and on how to send email from Blackboard.
Summary / Overview of Assignments:
Date |
Assignment |
Unit One |
M 10/25 |
Syllabus / Schedule / Service Learning Project / Study Skills |
W 10/27 |
Assignment One Ch 1 Thinking Critically with Psychological Science Lecture 1: What Is Psychology? Lecture 2: Why Do Psychology? Lecture 3: The Scientific Method Reading Quiz (A1) Due |
M 11/1 |
Assignment Two Ch 2 The Biology of Behavior (read only pages 37-68) Ch 9 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence (read only pages 316-317 The Brain and Language) Lecture 1: Neural Communication Lecture 2: The Nervous System Lecture 3: The Endocrine System Lecture 4: The Brain Reading Quiz (A2) Due |
W 11/3 |
Assignment Three Ch 3 Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind Lecture 1: The Brain and Consciousness Lecture 2: Sleep and Dreams Lecture 3: Consciousness and Hypnotherapy Lecture 4: Drugs and Consciousness Reading Quiz (A3) Due |
M 11/8 |
Assignment Four Ch 9 – Thinking, Language and Intelligence (read only pages 297 – 310 and 323 - 346) Lecture 1: Intelligence Lecture 1: Thinking Lecture: Wisdom Reading Quiz (A4) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due
Assignment Five Ch 7 Learning Lecture 1: Classical Conditioning Lecture 2: Operant Conditioning and Observational Learning Lecture: Self-Control Reading Quiz (A5) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
W 11/10 |
Exam 1 |
Unit Two |
M 11/15 |
Assignment Six Ch 14 Psychological Disorders Lecture 1: Perspectives on Psychological Disorders Lecture 2: Anxiety Disorders Lecture 3: Other Psychological Disorders Reading Quiz (A6) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
W 11/17 |
Assignment Seven Ch 15 Therapy Lecture 1: Psychological Therapies (Psychoanalytic and Humanistic) Lecture 2: Psychological Therapies (Behavioral, Cognitive, Group, and Family) Lecture 3: Evaluating Psychotherapies Lecture 4: The Biomedical Therapies and Prevention Lecture: Hope Reading Quiz (A7) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
M 11/22 |
Assignment Eight REBT - Emotional Disturbance and Its Treatment in a Nutshell REBT - Toward an Egoless State of Being REBT - Overcoming Self-Esteem Lecture 1: REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations (Part 1) Lecture 2: REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations (Part 2) Reading Quiz (A8) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
W 11/24 |
Assignment Nine Ch 10 Motivation and Emotion (read only pages 367 - 382) Ch 11 Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing Lecture 1: Theories of Emotion Lecture 2: Embodied Emotion Lecture 3: Expressed Emotion Lecture 4: Experienced Emotion Lecture 5: Emotions (Stress and Health) Lecture 6: Emotions and Promoting Health Lecture: Happiness Reading Quiz (A9) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
M 11/29 |
Exam 2 |
Unit Three |
W 12/1 |
Assignment Ten Ch 4 Developing Through the Lifespan Lecture 1: Childhood Cognitive Development Lecture 2: Childhood Social Development Lecture 3: Adolescence Lecture 4: Adulthood Reading Quiz (A10) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due
Service Learning Project Due |
M 12/6 |
Assignment Eleven Ch 10 – Motivation and Emotion (read only pages 347 – 360) Ch 5 Gender and Sexuality (read only pages 171 – 188) Lecture 1: Motivation Lecture 2: Sexual Motivation Lecture: Love REBT - How to Stop Being a Love Slob REBT - Self-Interest and Assertion Reading Quiz (A11) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
W 12/8 |
Assignment Twelve Ch 13 Social Psychology View Lecture 1: Social Thinking View Lecture 2: Social Influence (Conformity and Obedience) View Lecture 3: Social Influence (Group Influence) View Lecture 4: Social Relations (Prejudice) View Lecture 5: Social Relations (Aggression) View Lecture 6: Social Relations (Attraction, Altruism, and Conflict)
Reading Quiz (A12) Due Discussion / PBL Assignment Due |
M 12/13 |
Exam 3 |
W 12/15 |
Final Exam |
*Service Learning Project
I want to alert you early in the semester that this Service-Learning Project is due Wednesday 12/1/21. This project has been adapted due to Covid. You should go ahead and get started on this project now so you will not be stressed later in the semester. When you look at the four paragraphs you have to write for this project, I suggest you do one paragraph per week; in other words, break this project into smaller component parts to make it easier to complete. You can find the details on this assignment by skipping down to the Unit Three of this document.
Unit One
Discussion Questions for Exam Review:
According to research on memory, the best way to learn material is to get ACTIVE in the reading (note taking) process! This approach to learning will ask you to summarize the concepts and make a connection to the concepts. This active method of learning will promote discussion which will make learning the material more interesting and easier. It is more interesting than just passively listening to a lecture. This class will be more enjoyable if we can stimulate discussion and at the same time stay focused on the topics in the assigned reading. Also, sharing your answer will help others to feel safe and confident to share their thoughts about the content. This Course Schedule will indicate the days Discussion Questions are due.
Also, the list of Discussion Questions will also serve as a study guide for the exams.
I will assign a discussion question in advance for each student in class. In order to find your discussion question, first go to Lessons, and then click on Discussion Questions for Exam Review. Then, open this document and find your assigned discussion question that relates to the assigned chapter (lecture).
In order to get full credit for participation on the days that a discussion question is assigned, you’ll need to 1) attend class, and 2) submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class. In order to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question, go to “Discussions / PBL Assignments,” then go to the “Assignment” you are turning in. Then, go to Create Thread, provide a subject (title) and copy and paste your discussion into the “Message” window and click “Submit.”
Your task is to answer the questions by summarizing the information in your own words based on the lecture and / or the reading assignment. Then, if your discussion question lends itself to also reflecting on how your own feelings, thoughts, and experiences relate SPECIFICALLY to the major concept in your assigned question, then please add this information. You can also make a connection by talking about how concepts from other readings from any source (other chapters in your textbook, articles, website, movies etc.) relate to a concept in your assigned reading.
For example, let’s say you get a discussion question on depression. You first need to summarize the information from the text and / or lecture that applies to your discussion question. Then perhaps you have had personal experience with depression or know a friend with depression. You would want to add this information to your discussion question answer. Then, let’s say you found an interesting article on depression. You can also add some summarized information from the article you found. Be sure to reference your source (text chapter, article, website, etc.) in your paper.
Your response to the discussion question must be a minimum of 200 words in 12 point type size. It is ok to go beyond the 200 word minimum requirement. I will not take a discussion response that does not meet the 200 word minimum requirement. Please be sure to use your word processer to provide a word count.
On days that discussion questions are assigned, you will receive 50 points for attendance and 50 points for submitting your answer inside of Blackboard. If you attend class but do not turn in your answer, you will receive 50 points for that day. If you turn in your discussion but do not attend class, you will receive 50 points for that day. You will accrue a total of 100 points per day for attending class and completing your discussion.
Also, this is a hybrid course so we only meet 50% of the time in the classroom. The expectation is that you attend all of the in-class meetings. If, however, you are unable to submit your paper on time, you may submit your Discussion late and incur a 20-point late penalty.
If you miss a class and consequently you do not get an assigned discussion question, it will be your responsibility to choose a Discussion Question from the list for you to prepare for the next class. You must tell me at the start of class which Discussion Question you completed.
M 10/25
Orientation / Introductions / Study Skills
W 10/27
Assignment One
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the science of psychology. The purpose of the chapter is to get you to think about how you think. It is common for people to accept things they read and hear in the media as the "truth" without asking how they reached such a conclusion. This chapter teaches you how to think critically, and apply this type of thinking to your life.
Read: How to Study by Summarizing and Marking the Text
Here are other videos on How to Outline a Textbook / Lecture:
How To Take Notes From a Textbook | Reese Regan
How to create a chapter outline (This one shows how to outline on your laptop.)
Outline Method (This one focuses on taking lectures notes in class.)
How to study efficiently: The Cornell Notes Method
*You will find these articles by clicking on Lessons (top right of home page). Then scroll down until you see the title of each article. You are not tested over these articles on how to study. However, they will improve your study skills.
Read: Chapter 1 - Thinking Critically with Psychological Science - Myers
View: Lecture 1: What Is Psychology?
View: Lecture 2: Why Do Psychology?
View: Lecture 3: The Scientific Method
*You will find the lectures under Lessons Tab on the Home Page of the course. I have recorded the lectures with a PowerPoint show to help explain and reinforce the assigned reading. Some of the lectures are not a reinforcement of the material in the textbook; these lectures are indicated as additional information.
*In order to view a lecture, go to “Lessons” and then go to “Video Lectures.” Then, click on the lecture you want to view. If you have any difficulties viewing the lectures, please call tech support at 371-5992.
I recommend that you make the time to take notes on the lectures and then read / outline (take notes) the assigned readings. The recorded lectures will help reinforce your learning in the assigned readings. You do not turn in these notes to your professor. Taking detailed notes is critical to your success in learning the material and preparing you for the exams.
Reading Quiz One. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment One. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz One. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Note: all Reading Quizzes are found under the Lessons Tab.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*A Discussion Question is NOT due today.
M 11/1
Assignment Two
We cannot understand our psychological selves without understanding our physical selves. This assignment describe how brain activity, neurons and hormones affect your psychological functioning.
Read: Chapter 2 - The Biology of Behavior (read only pages 37-68) – Myers
Read: Chapter 9 - Thinking, Language, and Intelligence (read only pages 316-317, The Brain and Language) – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Neural Communication
View: Lecture 2: The Nervous System
View: Lecture 3: The Endocrine System
View: Lecture 4: The Brain
Reading Quiz Two. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Two. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take the Reading Quiz. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Note: all Reading Quizzes are found under the Lessons Tab.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*A Discussion Question is NOT due today.
W 11/3
Assignment Three
In this assignment we will explore the fascinating world of consciousness, sleep, dreams, hypnosis, and the connection between drugs and consciousness.
Read: Chapter 3 - Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind - Myers
Read: Chapter 6 – Sensation and Perception (read only page 224) - Myers
View: Lecture 1: The Brain and Consciousness
View: Lecture 2: Sleep and Dreams
View: Lecture 3: Consciousness and Hypnotherapy
View: Lecture 4: Drugs and Consciousness
Reading Quiz Three. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Three. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Three. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
M 11/8
*Note: we are doing assignment 4 and assignment 5 today.
Assignment Four
"I think, therefore I am," said the philosopher Rene Descartes. This assignment discusses the impressive ways in which human beings think - and why they so often fail to think and reason well. This assignment also looks at the importance of developing emotional intelligence and wisdom.
Read: Chapter 9 – Thinking, Language and Intelligence (read only pages 297 – 310 and 323 - 346) – Myers (note: we are covering Thinking and Intelligence only; we are not covering Language)
View Lecture 1: Intelligence
View Lecture 1: Thinking
View Lecture 1: Wisdom – note: this lecture is not a reinforcement of material in the text; this is additional information.
Reading Quiz Four. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Four. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Four. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
Assignment Five
How do we learn and develop Self-Control? This assignment discusses the fascinating process of learning. The chapter on Learning and the lecture on Self-Control can be applied to improving your own process of learning to make college (and your life) a more successful experience. For example, you can apply this information to improving your study skills, reducing procrastination or some other area of your life where you would like to gain greater self-control.
Read: Chapter 7 - Learning – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Classical Conditioning
View: Lecture 2: Operant Conditioning and Observational Learning
View: Lecture 1: Self-Control - note: this lecture is not a reinforcement of material in the text; this is additional information.
Reading Quiz Five. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Five. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Five. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
W 11/10
Exam 1: This exam is taken in the classroom. You may use your notes during the exam but not your book. Exam 1 covers the material assigned in Unit One.
Unit Two
M 11/15
Assignment Six
This assignment concerns your mental health. At some point, many of us struggle with psychological problems, which range from everyday difficulties to incapacitating conditions. This part describes the major mental and emotional disorders and then later we will look at the therapies that have been designed to treat them.
Read: Chapter 14 - Psychological Disorders – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Perspectives on Psychological Disorders
View: Lecture 2: Anxiety Disorders
View: Lecture 3: Other Psychological Disorders
Reading Quiz Six. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Six. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Six. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
W 11/17
Assignment Seven
Psychotherapy, also called counseling or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-being and healing. Problems helped by psychotherapy include difficulties in coping with daily life; the impact of trauma, medical illness or loss, like the death of a loved one; and specific mental disorders, like depression or anxiety. There are several different types of psychotherapy and some types may work better with certain problems or issues. Psychotherapy may be used in combination with medication or other therapies.
Read: Chapter 15 - Therapy – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Psychological Therapies (Psychoanalytic and Humanistic)
View: Lecture 2: Psychological Therapies (Behavioral, Cognitive, Group, and Family)
View: Lecture 3: Evaluating Psychotherapies
View: Lecture 4: The Biomedical Therapies and Prevention
View: Lecture: Hope - note: this lecture is not a reinforcement of material in the text; this is additional information.
Reading Quiz Seven. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Seven. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Seven. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
M 11/22
Assignment Eight
In this assignment, I want to go deeper into one specific form of psychotherapy called Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). The material in this assignment will help you learn how to cope more effectively with the stress in your life by teaching you to evaluate and change your thinking about events that leads to emotional and behavioral upset.
Read: REBT - Emotional Disturbance and Its Treatment in a Nutshell
Read: REBT - Toward an Egoless State of Being
Read: REBT - Overcoming Self-Esteem
* These articles on REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) can be found by going to the “Lessons” and then to the “Supplemental Reading – REBT” folder.
View Lecture: Applications of REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations (Part 1)
View Lecture: Applications of REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations (Part 2)
View: Lecture: Help for Stressful Life Situations: An REBT Approach to Coping with COVID-19
*To view these lectures, go to “Lessons” and then to “REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations Lectures.”
Read: REBT Healthy Negative Emotion VS Unhealthy Negative Emotion
* To view this handout go to “Lessons” and then to REBT and Mentalization In Stressful Life Situations Lectures. This handout summarizes in one handout all of the emotions covered in the Lectures.
Additional REBT Resources for your learning:
You are not required to buy or use these additional REBT Resources. I provide them for your practice to better learn this model of coping with stress. It is through continual learning and practice of REBT that you gain the rewards and benefits to help you reduce your stress.
*In order to learn more about REBT (which will help you cope more effectively with your stress!), I recommend you study the book entitled How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything--Yes, Anything By Albert Ellis. To be clear, you are not required to buy this book. It is just a recommendation.
*I also recommend Dr. Matweychuk’s website that offers many outstanding free audio and video recordings to help you continue your study of REBT. He also offers a free REBT conversation hour to help you learn REBT every Saturday morning at 8:00 am. You can volunteer for a free session! See his website for details. http://rebtdoctor.com/index.html
Reading Quiz Eight. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Eight. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Eight. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
W 11/24
Assignment Nine
A satisfying life depends on having healthy emotions, coping well with stress and knowing how to reach your goals. In these chapters, we see how personality, body, mind and environment affect your emotional health.
Read: Chapter 10 – Motivation and Emotion (read only pages 367-382, Theories and Physiology of Emotion and Expressing and Experiencing Emotion) – Myers
Read: Chapter 11 – Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Theories of Emotion
View: Lecture 2: Embodied Emotion
View: Lecture 3: Expressed Emotion
View: Lecture 4: Experienced Emotion
View: Lecture 5: Emotions (Stress and Health)
View: Lecture 6: Emotions and Promoting Health
View: Lecture: Happiness - note: this lecture is not a reinforcement of material in the text; this is additional information.
Reading Quiz Nine. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Nine. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Nine. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
M 11/29
Exam 2: This exam is taken in the classroom. You may use your notes during the exam but not your book. Exam 2 covers the material in Unit Two.
Unit Three
W 12/1
Assignment Ten
At the heart of psychology lies a question: What is a person as they develop across the lifespan? What role does work and love play in our development? What milestones occur on the way to becoming a person?
Read: Chapter 4 - Developing Through the Lifespan – Myers
View: Lecture 1: Childhood Cognitive Development
View: Lecture 2: Childhood Social Development
View: Lecture 3: Adolescence
View: Lecture 4: Adulthood
Reading Quiz Ten. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Ten. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Ten. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
M 12/6
Assignment Eleven
In this assignment we will explore the fascinating area of what motivates humans, the importance of belonging, love and human sexuality. We will also continue to learn about REBT as it applies to love.
Read: Chapter 10 – Motivation and Emotion (read only pages 347 - 359, Basic Motivational Concepts, Affiliation, and Achievement) – Myers
Read: Chapter 5 – Gender and Sexuality (read only pages 172 – 188 Human Sexuality) - Myers
View: Lecture 1: Motivation
View: Lecture 2: Sexual Motivation
View: Lecture: Love – note: this lecture is not a reinforcement of material in the text; this is additional information.
Read: REBT - How to Stop Being a Love Slob
Read: REBT - Self-Interest and Assertion
* These articles on REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) can be found by going to the “Lessons” and then to the “Supplemental Reading – REBT” folder.
Reading Quiz Eleven. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Eleven. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Eleven. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
W 12/8
Assignment Twelve
Your Environment: Even unsociable hermits are influenced by their surroundings and by other people. In this assignment you will learn how physical and social environments - from the immediate situation to large cultural context - affect your actions and attitudes.
Read: Chapter 12 - Social Psychology - Myers
View Lecture 1: Social Thinking
View Lecture 2: Social Influence (Conformity and Obedience)
View Lecture 3: Social Influence (Group Influence)
View Lecture 4: Social Relations (Prejudice)
View Lecture 5: Social Relations (Aggression)
View Lecture 6: Social Relations (Attraction, Altruism, and Conflict)
Reading Quiz Twelve. This reading quiz is over the assigned reading and lectures in Assignment Twelve. After you listen to the lectures and read / outline the assigned reading, you are ready to take Reading Quiz Twelve. The Reading Quiz is an “open book, open notes” quiz. In order to stay caught up on the quizzes, I recommend you complete it BEFORE you come to class today. However, the quizzes will remain open through the day before the exam. These reading quizzes are critical to your learning the material in this class. The reading quizzes are not timed, meaning that they stay open until the day that they are due. You may take the reading quiz as many times as you need during the allotted time. The reading quiz can be thought of as a study guide, helping you to better understand the information and providing you with simulated practice exam questions. The test questions on the exams will be similar to the reading quiz questions.
* Bring your notes, discussion questions and textbook to class. You will need them for the in-class application.
*Remember to submit your answer to your assigned Discussion Question before class.
M 12/13
Exam 3: This exam is taken in the classroom. You may use your notes during the exam but not your book. Exam 3 covers the material in Unit Three.
Service Learning Project
In essence, service learning is a way of learning that benefits not only the students but the surrounding community as well. It works by teaching concepts in the classroom, which can be applied within that community; as a result, it is mutually beneficial to everyone involved. Although this type of learning breaks away from the traditional classroom, it offers students a chance to connect what they are learning with action, while at the same time helping to improve the lives of others around them.
The Service Learning Project is due Wednesday 12/1. This project has been adapted due to Covid. In the past you were required to do three hours of volunteer work at a nonprofit agency. Because of Covid, the instructions have been modified. Because of Covid-19, we are not necessarily physically going to agencies to volunteer. You are not required to complete volunteer hours. However, if you are vaccinated and feel safe, then you may prefer to volunteer in person.
If you choose not to physically volunteer. you are to reflect on a time that you have volunteered in the past and then answer the questions in the Service Learning Project Template. If you have never volunteered, please research a local agency and then answer the questions in the Service Learning Project Template. Once you go through the steps below, this assignment should be clear.
There are several steps to complete for this Service Learning Project. These steps serve as the instructions on how to complete the project:
Step 1: Click on the Service Learning Project at the upper left hand corner of the Home Page of the course in order to access the required documents needed to complete the Service Learning Project.
Step 2: Open and read the document entitled “Service Learning Project Template.” After you read this document, you will understand what you are required to do for this assignment. This is the template you use to answer the questions. You MUST include the questions in your paper! I will have a very difficult time grading your answers if I cannot see each of the questions that you are answering. I also recommend that you answer the questions in dark blue font which will differentiate your answers from the questions, making it easier to grade.
Step 3: Open and read the document entitled “Reading Graphs and Charts.” This mini lecture will help you better understand how to interpret information on graphs and charts. This mini lecture will help you to better understand how to answer the questions related to the graphs (question 5).
Step 4: Open and read the document entitled “Volunteer Opportunities for Service Project.” This document will give you information on possible places for you to consider for your volunteer work. If none of these organizations interest you, feel free to research other agencies. You can also google Volunteer Match Amarillo for more ideas!
You do not need to send a verification form from your agency.
Step 5: After you select an agency, proceed to answer the questions in the “Service Learning Project Template.” Remember to SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT as a WORD file or a RICH TEXT FORMAT file on your computer. Do NOT submit your paper as a pdf. file.
Step 6: EDITING YOUR WORK: Good ideas require excellent writing to be understood! Please take time to EDIT your work carefully as you will be graded on your grammar, writing mechanics, organization of your thought and the "knowledge you possess" related to the data and graphs on poverty. Write in complete sentences, remember punctuation and capitalization and proper grammar count! JUST A NOTE: "I" is a proper noun and should BE CAPITALIZED! This is NOT A TEXT MESSAGE TO YOUR FRIENDS! It's a COLLEGE-LEVEL WRITING ASSIGNMENT!
If you are not a strong writer, please submit your work prior to the due date to the WRITER'S CORNER for editing. You can contact them at the following web link and/or phone number: https://www.actx.edu/english/writerscorner or (806) 345-5580. They are located in Ordway Hall, Room 102.
Step 7: CITING SOURCES: A part of your grade will be over proper citing of sources for this project. Remember, in the items that are required to have a bibliography/reference section, be sure you cite your source with the authors name, date of publication and that title of the source, and publisher along with any pages you used, or, if your source is an online source include the title, any author, date, and the web address stating "Retrieved from".
General Psychology textbook:
Myers, D. (2014) Exploring Psychology (9th Edition). Worth, pages 35-39.
Lifespan Development textbook:
Crandell, T., Crandell, C., and Vander Zanden, J. (2012). Human Development. McGraw Hill (10th Edition)., page 102.
Psychology of Adjustment textbook:
Corey, G., Corey, M.S., and Muratori, M. I Never Knew I Had a Choice. Cengage (11th Edition). page 45.
For an online source (particularly those related to your agency history) you will have a citation that looks like this:
High Plains Food Bank: About The Agency. Retrieved May 21, 2016 from https://www.hpfb.org/Hunger
As well, be sure you ALWAYS cite your sources in the body of your text where you use the reference: For example:
The purpose of the High Plains Food Bank is to help "food insecure" families get the nutrition they need in the 29 counties of the Texas Panhandle (High Plains Food Bank: About, May 21, 2016).
Myers (2014, p. 375) tells us that people must have their basic needs met before they can accomplish higher order goals. This idea is put forth in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1970), which shows that needs like hunger and thirst must be met before people will go after personal goals like building self-esteem and attaining an educational degree.
HINT: IF YOU LOOK IN YOUR REFERENCE SECTION OF YOUR TEXTBOOK, you will find the proper FORMAT for any REFERENCE that you are using for this essay!
Step 8: Instructions for uploading your Service Learning Project into the course. Go to the Service Learning Project in the upper left hand corner of the Home Page. Click on the Service Learning Project Drop Box. Then, click on “Write Submission” and you will see the Text Submission box. Copy and paste your completed Service Learning Project Essay (Service Learning Project Essay Template) that you have already saved to your computer into this Text Submission box. (DO NOT submit your paper into the COMMENTS section!) In order to paste your Service Learning Project Essay into the Text Submission box, you will first need to highlight your Service Learning Project Essay. Then hold the Ctrl button and press C to copy. Next, you will need to click your cursor inside of the Text Submission box. Then, hold the Ctrl button and press V to paste your Essay into the Text Submission box. Then click Submit and it will upload into the course. I will then go in at a later time and grade your Essay.
Levels of Achievement |
Criteria |
KNOWLEDGE QUESTION #1 Weight 20.00% |
20 Contains clear, thorough responses to each of the parts of EACH of the questions identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently researched the history of the agency the agency/organization, the social issue the agency is concerned with, and the specific intervention(s) used to help the issue. It provides evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks. Provides proper citation. |
17 Addresses almost all of the parts of the questions, and answers ALL the questions identified in the assignment. Provides some evidence that the student has researched the history, social issues and specific interventions of the agency with which they were involved.
Provides at least one reference that is appropriate with citation in text. |
14 Does not address all of the parts of the questions in the assignment, or skipped one of the questions. It provides minimal evidence that the student has diligently researched the history of the agency, the social issue the agency is concerned with and the specific intervention used to help the issue, the social issue the concerned with and the specific intervention used to help the issue. Fails to provide clear evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks at the chosen agency. Failed to provide appropriate reference and/or citation and bibliography. |
10 Minimally addresses and or fails to answer some of the questions in item #1. It does not provide evidence that the student researched the history of the agency, the social issue the agency is concerned with or the specific intervention used to help the issue. It doesn’t provide evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks at the chosen agency.
Failed to provide reference and citation and bibliography. |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
KNOWLEDGE QUESTION # 2 Weight 10.00% |
10 Contains clear, thorough responses to the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently reflected on experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge learned while working at the chosen agency. |
8 Addresses the question identified in item #2, in a minimal manner and/or provides some evidence that the student has done some reflection on their experiences, as well as discussing previous and new knowledge gained while working at this agency. Needs improvement and some added depth. |
7 Addresses some of issues raised by the question in item #2 in a perfunctory manner. It provides minimal reflection from the student regarding their experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge gained in this experience. Needs a quite a bit of improvement and depth of reflection on the experience. |
5 Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. Provides very little, if any, evidence that the student has reflected on experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge gained in this experience. Needs much more depth of reflection and improvement in communicating that experience. |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
KNOWLEDGE QUESTION #3 Weight 20.00% |
20 Contains clear, thorough responses to each part of the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently applied or related concepts from at least 2 specific concepts from their textbook to their experience in their agency. Cited sources in the text and within the bibliography section. |
17 Contains a minimum required response to the question identified and its parts. Provides some evidence that student applied and/or related at least 1 concept from the textbook to their experience at the agency. Cited source in text and within bibliography section. |
14 Does not address all of the parts of question in the assignment and/or responses lack clarity and depth. It provides minimal evidence of the student’s reflective thought. There is only minimal indication that the student applied or related 1 concept from their textbook in this class to their experience in their agency. Fails to cite source in text or bibliography. |
10 Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. It does not provide evidence of the student’s reflective thought. There is no specific indication that the student applied or related any concepts from their textbook in this class to their experience in their agency. Fails to cite source(s) in text and bibliography. |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
KNOWLEDGE QUESTION #4 Weight 10.00% |
10 Contains clear, thorough responses to the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she described in detail one action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life. |
8 Contains minimal response to the question identified in the assignment. Provides some evidence that student described the impact he or she hope to have by continuing to volunteer at selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at the agency, then he or she gave a brief but not specific description of at least one action step if that they are willing to do to apply some aspect of "social responsibility" that they learned in their volunteer work in their life. |
7 Does not address all of the parts of the questions in the assignment. It provides minimal evidence that the student has diligently described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she described one general and somewhat vague action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life. |
5 Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. It does not provide evidence that the student has described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency or, if the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she failed to describe in any detail one action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
KNOWLEDGE Empirical Data Question #5 Weight 25.00% |
25 All five questions and all parts are correct indicating that the student has mastery over understanding empirical and graphical representation of data in social and behavioral sciences research |
21 Four of the 5 questions were correct, and/or the student missed a few of the components in a couple of the questions, indicating student has an understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research. |
18 Three of the five questions were correct, and/or student missed multiple components within some of the questions, indicating that the student has difficulty and lacks a complete understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research. |
13 Two or less of the five questions were correct, and student missed multiple components within these questions, indicating that the student lacks understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research. |
0 0 points Did not provide an answer. |
Organization Weight 5.00% |
5 Information is clearly organized throughout the four questions on the essay, ideas flow nicely. |
4 Some sections of the are well organized while others are loosely organized, lacking flow |
3 Information is loosely organized throughout and there is a lack of flow of ideas. |
2 Information is present, but very difficult to understand due to poor organization. |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
10 Proper grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question. Minimum word count is exceeded. |
8 Generally, grammar and spelling used are correct with a few errors. Minimum word count is reached. |
7 Proper grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question with major errors. Minimum word count is reached or fell a little short at points. |
5 Very poor grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question. Minimum word count is not reached. |
0 Did not provide an answer. |
W 12/15
Final Exam: This exam is taken in the classroom. You may use your notes during the exam but not your book. The Comprehensive Final Exam covers all material assigned in the course.
If you experience a technical problem with some online aspect of the course, you will need to contact the Helpdesk at 371-5992.
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