Outstanding Administrator Award

In order to recognize outstanding performance by administrators, encourage excellence and innovation, and bolster employee morale, the Outstanding Administrator’s Award is presented to a deserving administrator each year. This award recognizes outstanding Amarillo College administrators the same way the Mead Award recognizes outstanding faculty and the Outstanding Classified Employee Award recognizes outstanding classified employees.


Other than President’s Cabinet members, any Board-appointed administrator who has served in an administrative capacity for at least one year (prior to August 1) is eligible. Previous Outstanding Administrator award recipients are not eligible to be deemed an award finalist for a five-year- period.


The presentation at General Assembly includes a plaque for the individual, a photo to display on campus, and a $1,000 Foundation award.


Any AC student or employee can submit a nomination. Nomination forms will be made available via AC Connect and submitted electronically.


Nominations should be submitted as a written narrative.  The narrative should include examples of excellence in one or more of the following areas: leadership/management, commitment to AC values, hard work, personal achievements, and/or devotion to Amarillo College and the Community.


The selection committee will consist of one administrator (the Administrator Association President), one faculty member (appointed by the Faculty Senate), one classified employee (appointed by CEC), one student (appointed by the SGA), and the College President (or his/her designee). No committee member will be eligible for the award. If the Administrator Association President is nominated, the Administrator Association Vice President will serve. Should the Administrator Association Vice President likewise be nominated, another member of the Administrator’s Association will serve.

The Administrator of the Year Committee will review the written narrative nominations and will rank and note comments related to their selections. If desired, the Committee may also use confidential interviews as a factor used to determine the final candidate selection. Based on Committee rankings, discussion, and (if desired) interviews, the Committee will then select the Administrator of the Year.

Continue to the Outstanding Administrator Award Form