Tuition Classifications

For tuition purposes, students enrolling in Amarillo College will be classified as follows based on their own residence (if independent) or parent/legal guardian's residence (if dependent*):

*Note: Court-appointed legal guardianship documentation is required for students basing their claim for residency on a legal guardian.

In-State – In District - Texas residents who have lived in the city limits of Amarillo, Hereford Independent School District and Moore County for 6 consecutive months prior to enrollment.

In-State – Out of District - Texas residents who do not live in the taxing district of Amarillo College or who have lived in district for less than 6 months prior to enrollment.

Out of State - nonresidents of Texas and foreign students


Eligibility for Texas Residency

US citizens and permanent residents who answer yes to the following questions 1- 3, are eligible for an in state tuition classification. 

  1. Did you or will you graduate from a TX High School or complete a GED in TX by the census date of the term you are enrolling in?
  2. Did you or will you have lived in TX the 36 months leading up to high school graduation or completion of the GED?
  3. Will you have lived in TX for the 12 months prior to the beginning of the term for which you are enrolling?

Are you a Citizen or Permanent Resident? 

  • If you are a permanent resident, a copy of your permanent resident card is required
  • If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident but can answer yes to questions 1-3, complete the required Affidavit, to be eligible for the in state tuition classification. 
  • If you answer no to any question 1 through 3, your tuition classification will be based on either your Dependent or Independent status.

To be eligible for Texas residency independent students:

  • Must not be claimed as a dependent on a parent/legal guardian’s federal income taxes
  • Must have lived at least 12 consecutive months in Texas immediately prior to the term enrolling. 
  • Must also have established a domicile in Texas 
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or in the United States on a visa that allows you to establish a domicile in the United States.  (A copy of your permanent resident card or documentation of visa status is required). 
  • Married for 12 months or more to a person who meets the qualifications listed above.

Dependents are minors (under 18 years of age) or students 18 and over who are eligible to be claimed as a dependent on a parent’s federal income taxes if the parent provides at least 50% of support. 

The parent/legal guardian of dependent students:

  • Must claim you on federal income taxes
  • Must have lived at least 12 consecutive months in Texas immediately prior to the term enrolling. 
  • Must have established a domicile in TX. 
  • Must be a citizen, permanent resident or in the United States on a visa that allows them to establish a domicile in the United States.  (A copy of your Parent/legal guardian’s permanent resident card or documentation of visa status is required). 

Information regarding nonresidents assigned to active duty in Texas, Texas residents assigned to active duty out of state and recently discharged Texas residents.

Non-Residents of Texas

Texas Residents

Permanent residence and visa information

Statute: Section 54.057 An alien who is living in this country under a visa permitting permanent residence or who has filed with the proper Federal immigration authorities a declaration of intention to become a citizen has the same privilege of qualifying for resident status for fee purposes under this Act as has a citizen of the United States.

Aliens living in the United States under a visa permitting permanent residence and those permitted by Congress to adopt the United States as their domicile while they are in this country have the same privilege of qualifying for Texas resident status for tuition purposes as do citizens of the United States.

(Note: Only a permanent resident may file with the Federal immigration authorities a declaration of intention to become a citizen.)

Generally, individuals who obtain permanent resident status while in Texas must wait a minimum of 12 months from the date of issue to request resident status for tuition purposes. At that time, they must provide conclusive evidence to indicate that they are in this state to live and reside permanently.

Tuition for students who are citizens of any country other than the United States of America is the same as the tuition required of other nonresident students.

Amarillo College does not issue the I-20 document for F-1 student study. International students who are interested in pursuing higher education in the vicinity of Amarillo, Texas are invited to consider the following institutions:

Clarendon College :
Frank Phillips College:
West Texas A&M University:


Change or Update Residency Status 

Texas Education Code Sec. 54.054. A nonresident student classification is presumed to be correct as long as the residence of the individual in the state is primarily for the purpose of attending an educational institution. After residing in Texas for at least 12 months, a nonresident student may be reclassified as a resident student as provided in the rules and regulations adopted by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. (Domicile in Texas must be established and documentation provided.)

The student is entitled to the in-state tuition rate as long as he continues to maintain his legal residence in Texas.

To reclassify from out-of-district to in-district, complete the Residency Reclassification form and submit to AskAC Counter at the Washington Street, West, Moore County or Hereford campuses.

To reclassify from out-of-state to in-state, a student must (1) establish domicile and (2) provide documentation of residing in Texas for the 12 months leading up to the census date of the term the student is registering for. Students can submit the completed Residency Reclassification form and supporting documents to the AskAC Counter at the Washington Street, West, Moore County or Hereford campuses. 

Examples of documents that support establishing and maintaining Texas Domicile

The following documentation may be requested by the institution regarding a person's responses to the Core Residency Questions.  Documents that may be used as proof that:

  1. The person or the dependent's parent established domicile in Texas, and
  2. The person or the dependent's parent has maintained domicile in Texas continuously for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls, include but not limited to the following:


    1. An employer's statement of dates of employment in Texas (beginning and current or ending dates) that encompass at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.  However, employment conditioned on student status, such as work study, the receipt of stipends, fellowships, or research or teaching assistantships does not constitute gainful employment.
    2. Other documents that show the person or the dependent's parent, for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls: 
      1. has been engaged in employment intended to provide an income to the person or allow the person to avoid the expense of paying another to perform tasks (as in child care) that is sufficient to provide at least on-half of the individual's tuition and living expenses or represents an average of at least 20 hours per week; or
      2. is self-employed in Texas or is living off his/her earnings; or
      3. For a person living on public assistance, written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies located in Texas that attest to the provision of services to the person for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.

Title to residential real property in Texas with documentation to verify 12 consecutive months of ownership immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls, such as a Warranty Deed, with the person or the dependent's parent having established and maintained domicile at that residence.


Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Registration of informal Marriage with documentation to support that spouse has established and maintained domicile in Texas for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.


Documents that evidence the organization of the business in Texas that reflect the ownership interest of the person or dependent's parent, and the customary management of the business by the person or dependent's parent without the intention of liquidation for the foreseeable future.

  1. Utility bills for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  2. A Texas high school transcript for full senior year immediately preceding the census date;
  3. A transcript from a Texas Institution showing presence in the state for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  4. A Texas driver's license or Texas ID card that has not expired and, if it reflects an origination date, shows an origination date at least 12 months prior to the census date;
  5. Cancelled checks that reflect a Texas residence for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
  6. A current credit report that documents the length and place of residence of the person or the dependent's parent to be in Texas and the length of residence to be at least 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
  7. Texas voter registration card that was issued at least 12 months prior to the census date.
  8. Pay stubs for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date, reflecting significant gainful employment in Texas.
  9. Bank statements reflecting a Texas address for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.
  10. Written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies, attesting to the provision of services for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.
  11. Lease or rental of residential real property in the name of the person or the dependent's parent for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.

Among other documents that may be used to lend support to or clarify an individual's claim of having established and maintained domicile or residence, as appropriate, in Texas are the following:

  1. Tax return of the student or parent(s).
  2. Visa, passport or other pertinent immigration documents.
  3. Leave and Earnings Statements (LES).
  4. Documents or statements to clarify answers to Core Residency Questions.
  5. A Texas high school transcript to verify thirty-six months' presence in the state and graduation from a Texas high school.
  6. State of Texas or local (Texas) licenses to conduct a business or practice a profession in this state.

Texas Administrative Code

To learn more about the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Texas residency rules, visit College for All Texans Residency Information.

Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Enrollment Center
724 W. 24th Ave
Amarillo, TX 79109
Fax: (806) 371-5066


Monday - Thursday: 8am to 6pm
Friday & Saturday: 9am - 1pm

Mailing Address

Amarillo College
Attention: AskAC       
PO Box 447
Amarillo, TX 79178

Other Campuses

Amarillo - West Campus

Moore County Campus

Hereford Campus