Help for the Holidays

by William Ratliff
Published December 2, 2019

Amarillo College is committed to helping staff and faculty, as well as students in time of need.

There is often too much month at the end of the money, especially this time of year. Wallets are stretched and resources can get pretty thin during the holiday season. While AC’s Culture of Caring is often touted as supporting our students (and rightly so), there are also a number of resources for our staff and faculty. If, as an employee of Amarillo College, you find yourself in need of help during the holidays or any other time, here are some options for you:


Food Pantry/Clothing Closet

Often when the food pantry is mentioned, it is associated with students; however, staff and faculty who have need of assistance can also access the food pantry. Employees may visit the pantry twice a month and may also utilize the clothing closet when needed. Both of these are located in the ARC (Advocacy and Resource Center), on the first floor of Ware on the Washington Street Campus. There are also food pantries located on the East and West campuses.


Free Bus Rides

Through the City of Amarillo’s transit system, employees can receive free rides anywhere in Amarillo. Staff and faculty do not have to be traveling to and from work or even to another College campus. Bus rides are free anywhere in the Amarillo community.

Simply show the driver your Amarillo College ID card, and you can travel anywhere along City bus routes six days a week (no buses run on Sunday).  This is a great way to save on gas and take care of shopping needs, doctor’s appointments, or paying bills during this season.


ECU’s New Faculty Loan

Amarillo College and Education Credit Union have partnered to offer faculty a brand new product for our instructors: a new faculty loan. This loan is designed to help newly hired faculty who have a gap in pay but also have a need to buy supplies, set up their office or classroom, or need help with moving costs. There are two amount options - $2500 or $5000 – as well as two different rates depending on whether or not you connect it with direct deposit.

Faculty who pursue this option will also have access to a free checking account, auto loan discounts, and additional online services. For questions or more information, visit Education Credit Union’s website or call them at 806.358.7777.


Community Resources

Amarillo College’s website also lists a number of community resources that may be helpful to you, your family, or someone you know. There are two places you can access these resources. One lists Top Ten Student Needs, alongside organizations that can help with those needs. Another page has a shorter list of community resources offering a number of different services through local organizations. Staff and faculty are encouraged to contact these resources as needed.


Employees who have additional needs or ones not listed here can always contact the ARC staff at 806.371.5446 or visit them on the first floor of Ware Student Commons. They are more than happy to help connect people with resources when needed.


AC family jan2022

New Hires

Check here each month to see who is new to our AC Family.

Please help us welcome these new staff and faculty members as you see them.

AC family jan2021

The City of Amarillo Department of Public Health Mobile Vaccination Clinic will be on

East Campus
to administer rounds 1 & 2 of the vaccine 
(along with round 3 for qualifying individuals).

Tuesday, September 14th
 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Amarillo College, East Campus
1401 J Ave


    The mobile vaccination clinic will be back on campus to administer rounds 1 & 2 of the vaccine (along with round 3 for qualifying individuals) on the following date:

    Tuesday, October 12th