Please NOTE: There is NO program application necessary for EMT-level classes. EMSP-1501 & EMSP-1163 are open enrollment to all students who have completed the Amarillo College Admissions process.
Advanced Application Process:
- Applicants must be accepted into Amarillo College (AC) through the college admission process
- Students will need their assigned AC login information to access the Advanced Program Application
- Applicants must be a National Registry, or Texas, Certified EMT (or higher)
- Refer to 3.a.ii.1.1 below for the only possible exception
- On time, eligible, advanced applications are due between January 1 and October 15 of each year. Class sizes (cohorts) are not infinitely large; therefore, applicants are accepted into the program until all seats are taken, in the following order:
- Qualified, On time applicants
- AC obligated, EMS Provider collaboration applicants
- Certified
- Applicants enrolled in an AC, EMT class, in the semester just prior to the advanced cohort start date, may choose the following option
- National Registry and/or Texas certification MUST be obtained and documented with the Program Director by January 31st. Failure to do so will result in failure or withdrawal from all advanced courses. College refunds will likely not be possible.
- Date/time the completed application was submitted (until all seats are taken), then
- Qualified, Late applications (received after October 15th) (if seats are available)
- Date/time the completed application was submitted
Note: Unexpected seat vacancies will be filled (as that information becomes known) until the close of the AC enrollment period utilizing the same process described above.
Duplicate applicants will be processed based on their last submitted application.
Other requirements also apply such as, but not limited to, vaccinations, criminal background check, drug testing, TSI scores, etc.
Ready to apply? Remember, you must first be an Amarillo College student to be able to log in to the application (i.e. you have an Amarillo College, student username and password). Still ready...Click here to go to the Advanced Application.
Please see the program's webpage, or contact the EMSP Program Director (806-354-6077) if you have any questions.