Spring Break 2019 Educational Travel - Student Application


Travel to GREECE • March 9-16, 2018

Cost of approximately $3700   |   Faculty Tour Leader: Courtney Milleson

Applications must be submitted by Dec. 1, 2018

Travel Application:

Please read ALL of the following eligibility requirements and responsibilities before applying. 

Travel Application - APPLY NOW

NOTE: If you are approved to travel to Greece with Amarillo College, you will receive an email and additional trip registration information.

Questions? Email: Lesley Ingham at laingham@actx.edu or Courtney Milleson at cgmilleson@actx.edu


Student Eligibility and Responsibility:

Eligible students:

  • Must be academically enrolled Fall 2018 and Spring 2019

  • Have a GPA of 2.5 or better

  • Be in good standing with the college. Prior disciplinary files or student holds of any kind may disqualify a student from traveling.

My responsibilities:

  • I will be responsible for securing my own passport (during fall semester).

  • I am responsible for making timely payments to EF College Study Tours through the EF website.

  • I will choose from the following course offerings that include the Greece trip. 

Frequently Asked Questions?

Q:  Is this the same as the Presidential Scholars trip?
A: No, the spring break and fall break trips are open to any AC student who has a 2.5 GPA or above, can afford to pay for an overseas academic trip, and is recommended by a faculty member. 

Q: Why does international travel fall under Honors?
A: Because international travel has always been a part of the AC Honors Program, and the Honors Committee has been tasked with creating international experiences for all AC Students, according to the Amarillo College Strategic Plan. The AC Honors Program Co-Coordinators are excited that global travel opportunities are expanding and becoming more and more a part of our AC culture, and not just the Honors Program culture. In other words, we want to share the excitement.


Students must be academically enrolled in one of the following Spring I, 2019 courses: 


SPCH 1315 & SPCH 1321

Courtney Milleson

Freedom or Death is the motto of the Greek people. In this course, students will study the art of Public Speaking & Business and Professional Speaking through The Rhetoric, written by Aristotle. The philosopher, born in 384 BC is still affecting the way we communicate and persuade each other today. Students will review the critical elements of The Rhetoric and explore the current Greek culture to prepare for an 8-day study abroad experience.

PTHA 2409 Therapeutic Exercise

Dr. Sue Grady

Learners will experience an extended view of the ancient origins of the study of health, fitness, and exercise that arose from the social and spiritual lives of the ancient Greeks and Romans.  The outdoor gymnasia of ancient Greece were the primary training grounds for young men in the areas of physical strength; these outdoor areas were also the centers of scholarly discussion about philosophy, literature, and music. 

MUSI 1307

Dr. Diego Caetano

A survey of the styles and forms of music as it developed from the middle ages to the present. This course will familiarize the student with cultural context, terminology, genres, and notation.

ARTS 1303 Arts History Survey I

Stephanie Jung

This course would explore the classical roots of Art History by examining the crucial contributions of the Greek world and how the Greek innovations in art were revisited and revived in the Italian Renaissance. There could be no more relevant trip than this to bring an awestruck understanding to the broad scope of the influence of the ancient Greeks on art in the Western tradition.