Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

What does this career do?

Install, service, or repair heating and air conditioning systems in residences or commercial establishments.

How well does it pay?

Average pay for Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers with a basic certificate is $44,723 per year in the Amarillo area. That is about $3,726 per month, or $21.50 per hour. An entry level worker generally starts around $26,834, while a highly experienced worker with an associates degree can earn as much as $70,025.*

Is it growing or declining?

This career has grown by 7% over the last 2 years, and is expected to grow by 7% over the next 10 years. Currently 337 Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers are employed in the region.*

What Degrees are available?

HVACR Option - Industrial Technology - Associalte of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
HVACR Option - Industrial Technology - Advanced Certificate
HVACR Option - Industrial Technology - Basic Certificate

8 Week Classes

Finish faster! Class schedules that fit your life, not define it. 

Follow the HVACR Option - Industrial Technology Pathway

Every credit and credential earned applies toward the next certificate or degree. This provides you with new job opportunities and increased wages. 



Contact Information 

Kim Hays
(806) 335-4366

Claudia Arnold
(806) 335-4301

Get Started Now



*The Amarillo area career and employment data quoted is gathered and analyzed by Economic Modeling Specialists International, Career Coach. Find additional information at