BBE Board Members


BOARD AUTHORITY                                                                                                                  

The Board has final authority to determine and interpret the policies that govern the College and, within the limits imposed by other legal authorities, has complete and full control of the District.


Official Board action shall be taken only in meetings that comply with Open Meetings Act.  The affirmative vote of a majority of Board members present at a meeting shall be required to transact business.  Each action of the Board supported by the majority is binding on the whole Board.


A Board member, as an individual, shall have no authority over the District, its property, or its employees; however, individual Board members do have the right to seek information from District records and employees without specific Board authorization, so long as they follow any relevant Board policies in seeking that information.  Board member requests for information are to be directed to the College President.  The College President shall provide the information, direct the compilation of the requested information, or present rationale to explain why the information cannot or should not be provided.

An individual member may act on behalf of the Board only with the official authorization of the Board.  Without such express authorization, no individual member may commit the Board on any issue.

If citizens bring a concern or complaint to an individual Board member, he or she shall refer them to the College President or designee, who shall proceed according to appropriate Board policy.


The Board may authorize the President, a designee or the Chief Administrative Officer to bind the College contractually.


Approved: 01-24-17