CC Annual Operating Budget


Chief Budget Officer

The Vice President of Business Affairs shall serve as the chief budget officer.

Budget Principles

The budget shall represent the approved educational plan of the College for the academic year stated in fiscal terms.  When considering budget issues, the Board shall adhere to the following principles.  The budget shall:

  1. Reflect the best possible distribution of available funds in accordance with the College master plan.
  2. Identify sufficient sources of funds to ensure a fiscally balanced budget.
  3. Provide contingencies adequate to meet reasonable unforeseen demands.
  4. Include, where appropriate, funds from grants where such grants meet the conditions set forth in Board policies concerning the receipt of external funds.
  5. Include, when available, funds for educational and staff development.
  6. Include adequate funds for salaries and benefits at all employee levels to remain competitive with other Texas colleges and local public entities so that the College may attract and retain highly qualified personnel.

Budget Hearing

The annual public hearing on the proposed budget shall be conducted as follows:

  1. The Board Chair shall request at the beginning of the hearing that all persons who desire to speak on the budget give their names to the secretary.  Only those who sign in with the secretary shall be heard.
  2. Prior to the beginning of the hearing, the Board may establish time limits for speakers and may determine the number of speakers for group presentations.
  3. Speakers shall confine their remarks to the appropriation of funds as contained in the proposed budget.
  4. No officer or employee of the College shall be required to respond to questions from speakers at the hearing.

Reserve Funds

The College must maintain substantial reserve funds to meet expenses at any time that the income of the College is either decreased or delayed in receipt.  The annual financial statement for each August 31 should show an unallocated fund balance equal to at least ten percent of the proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year.  Funds generated through operating efficiencies and surplus revenues above the ten percent level can be used for capital and other operating purposes, provided the accumulated funds are expressly appropriated and approved by the Board for this purpose.


Approved: 05-22-18