Bash Script Crazy is dedicated to the Amarillo College community by promoting the use of technology with education, creative use, and high ethical standards.
To develop and improve the necessary computer technical skills of every member, and provide an environment in which otherwise solitary learners can come together in groups to earn experience in their field of study.
To empower members to collaborate together to share and build skills in related computer information technology services.
Bash Script Crazy
Bash Script Crazy is dedicated to the Amarillo College community by promoting the use of technology with education, creative use, and high ethical standards.
To develop and improve the necessary computer technical skills of every member, and provide an environment in which otherwise solitary learners can come together in groups to earn experience in their field of study.
The officers of this club shall be president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer.
The president is the chief executive officer of the club and takes the lead in determining club objectives. The president also works with all club officers to ensure that the club's interest is being observed in matters of finance, publicity, news of club members, informal reunions, and fundraising programs. The president maintains contact with AC sponsors on behalf of the club. The careful selection of club officers is vital to an energetic, active club. The president may be asked to fill officer vacancies arising between club officer elections. In many clubs, recognizing the efforts of officers who do a good job is an important role for the president.
The vice president works with the club president and other officers in planning, organizing, and implementing club programs. In the absence of the president, the vice president exercises the powers and duties of the president. The vice president is responsible for maintaining all documents, pictures, videos and digital correspondence with regard to club activities. In addition, the vice president will be made the social media administrator for all accounts including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Keeping an accurate record of the club’s history is important to the continuation of the club as these records set precedence for the preservation of the charter, documentation, and historical records of the club.
The Secretary/Treasurer keeps excellent records of the whereabouts and activities of club members and actively solicits and communicates news about club members. Communication initiatives include: send out letters or postcards with return sections, send holiday or birthday cards, call or visit club members, gather news and professional conferences, list names in each column of club members from whom they want to hear and enlist the help from other club members in gathering material. In addition, the Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the financial resources and liabilities of the club under the supervision of the sponsors. Financial responsibilities encompass every program and event that the club undertakes and will require the Secretary/Treasurer to maintain all financial records and budget of the club. The club officers, members, and sponsors rely on the Secretary/Treasurer’s attention to detail, patience and diplomacy.
All officer positions will consist of a Spring or Fall term. The Fall term will begin the week before finals in May and end the week before finals in December. The Spring Term will begin the week before finals in December and end the week before finals in May of the following calendar year. All officers are allowed to be reelected each year if they choose to run for office again. All those wishing to be considered for an officer position must submit their name, in writing or online. All names submitted will be put to a majority vote, either electronically, or in person by paper ballot. Ballots shall be sent to all paying members of the club by the first week of April for the Spring term and the first week of November for the Fall semester. All ballots must be received and counted by April 15th for the Spring term and November 15th for the Fall term. Ballots shall be counted by the current officers of the club. If current officers are running for reelection, they may count votes for all positions, except the one they are running for.
Officer meetings will be held at least once a month, with additional meetings as necessary. Member meetings will be held at least once a month, as determined by majority vote for any given semester. Majority vote may be obtained electronically or on paper. All votes must be counted by all officers to be valid. Meeting schedules must be decided by first day of class in the Spring or Fall term.
Officer meetings will be used to discuss events whether current, past or future, current budget standings as well as all transactions that have happened throughout the previous month, and any grievances, requests, or questions posed by officers or club members. Minutes from each meeting, budget accounts, grievances, requests, or questions posed must be recorded in the
minutes and passed by a majority vote of at least two (2) officers.
Club membership will be based on each term, Spring or Fall, as described in Article VI above.
Guests (those who have not paid membership fees with Bash Script Crazy/AITP) will be allowed to attend member meetings each month, and will be required to follow any guidelines as set by AITP regulations, in any and all areas. Guests will not be allowed to vote on club issues, including but not limited to, officer elections, charter amendments, and meeting schedules. Guests will not be allowed to submit charter amendment requests.
Membership dues will be $15.00 per term, Spring or Fall, as described in Article VI above. Optional national membership with AITP will be the responsibility of each individual member and must be set up online through Bash Script Crazy membership fees will be waived for one (1) Spring and one (1) Fall term if proof of payment to AITP is provided to and approved by the Secretary/Treasurer. Any member who paid Bash Script Crazy membership fees and later decides to join AITP may be refunded their Bash Script Crazy membership fees for one or more terms if proof of payment to AITP is provided to and approved by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Amendments to this constitution may be made by majority vote of all paying members. Amendment requests should be submitted in writing by any paying member, including officers of the club, reviewed by the officers and put to formal majority vote either electronically or in person on paper.