Digital Badges

Active Listener

Makes sure the team feels heard.
Creates healthy dialogue to help the best solution come forward.
Demonstrates a sincere appreciation for opposing viewpoints.
Asks insightful questions to understand the root cause.
Empathizes with others who have opposing viewpoints.
Follows instructions with care and attention.
Asks questions that show he/she is actively listening to conversation at hand.
Does not Interrupts peers.

ActiveListener Small

Cool Headed

Student uses sound judgment when deciding the most appropriate solution.
Student uses appropriate research and knowledge to make appropriate decisions.
Student uses impartial judgment when faced with a problem.
Student doesnt let his emotions cloud his business decisions.
Student is level-headed even in trying times.
Student consistently think through problems.
Student makes appropriate comments after determining the audience.

CoolHeaded Small

Customer Focused

Works effectively with customers and/or other students.
Has strong rapport with those he/she interacts with.
Enjoys the people related aspects of the business.
Is pleasant and projects a friendly tone over the phone, email, or texts.
Is empathetic towards customer issues.
Is direct, yet helpful in dealing with customer concerns.
Is effective, not overbearing.
Can handle difficult customer situations/scenarios with grace.

CustomerFocused Small


Constantly identifies more efficient ways of doing business.
Is accepting of constructive criticism.
Is a well-versed team player capable of handling a variety of assignments.
Is calm under pressure.
Is a calming force, especially with [his/her] peer group.
Shows initiative, and is flexible when approaching new tasks.
Excels at activities which require a high degree of flexibility.

Diplomat Small

Effective Communicator

Feedback is always constructive.
Doesnt often blame others for problems.
Effectively communicates expectations and goals.
Effectively communicates personal concerns.
Needs to speak up more when faced with concerns.
Effectively highlights problems within the group and/or solutions to fix them.
Is unafraid to say, I dont know when confronted with a tricky question or problem.
Manages meetings efficiently.
Returns communications in a timely and appropriate manner.
Able to listen as effectively as talk.

EffectiveCommunicator Small

Emotional Intelligence

Empowers his/herself as well as others around him/her.
Makes new students or group members feel welcome.
Recognizes potential in others, and seeks to help them reach their potential.
Quick to lend a hand to others in need of help.
Shares expertise with others, to teach as well as achieve goals.
Excellent example of our ideal culture in action.
Thrives when faced with activities which require a high amount of flexibility.
Is open to change.
Enthusiastic about work and working with others.
Handles pressure well.

EmotionalIntelligence Small


Has a strong understanding of job responsibilities/expectations.
Regularly alerts instructor of key developments in his/her team function.
Has deep knowledge that surpasses standard student expectations.
Regularly contributes and works with other students.
Crafts an extensive network of peers to tackle tough issues.
Shares knowledge with peers.
Is constantly sharing industry trends and best practices.
Is adept in all areas of student/job responsibility.
Is a servant-leader, always willing to help his/her team.
Gives structure, feedback and direction to his/her team.

Leader Small

Organized ProfessionalOrganized Professional

Is punctual and consistently on-time to meetings.
Arrives at meetings on time and is always prepared.
Schedules time-off according to policy.
Completes deadlines as promised.
Has greatly improved performance with assignments and/or learning goals.
Exceeds output expectations set for him/her by the department.
Makes a large contribution to the overall success of his/her team through excellent productivity.
Consistently exceeds others in the classroom regarding work output.
Exceed or meets attendance standards for punctuality.

OrganizeProfessional Small

Sales Pro

Thinks outside the box to find the best solution to a particular problem.
Is creative and finds ways to correlate ideas with action.
Artfully changes when presented with new information and ideas.
Is always willing to directly challenge the status quo in pursuit of a more effective solution.
Contributes fresh ideas regularly.
Encourages peers to be inventive.
Contributes innovative ideas in group projects.
Contributes suggestions regularly on how to improve processes.
Is not rigid nor unwilling to adjust when presented with new information.
Gives recognition to coworkers who contribute innovative solutions.

SalesPro Small


Is effective at goal-setting and challenging oneself.
Clearly communicates goals and objections to peers and professors.
Is constantly striving to be the best he/she possibly can be.
Sets concrete, measurable, and attainable goals.
Sets aggressive targets to meet personal objectives.
Proactively shares progress on goals.
Is consistent in defining goals and objectives.
Demonstrated effective communication when deadlines will be missed.
Does not leave peers struggling to understand the status of a project.

Strategic Small

Team Player

Constantly pursues new learning opportunities.
Consistently takes on additional responsibility for the team.
Successfully finds more effective ways to perform a specific task.
Is constantly looking for new ways to help the team.
Is always willing to jump in and learn something new.
Requires little direction when given a new responsibility.
Is not afraid to take calculated risks.
Is not afraid to make periodic mistakes, willing to assume responsibilities outside of his/her job description.
Avoids sowing seeds of doubt with the rest of the team.
Accepts all opportunities to train and learn new things.

TeamPlayer Small

Trusted Advisor

Able to bring out the best out of those in the team.
Has established an effective system for communication.
Provides constant (and appropriate) coaching and guidance to peers.
Open to listening to peers, as well as experimenting with new techniques/strategies.
Empowers others to take initiative as well.
Shows sound judgment in critical decision making.
Avoids knee jerk reactions, and collects all relevant facts before making a decision.
Knows when to step back and let the team work.
Sets appropriate expectations for his/her team and peers in the classroom.

TrustedAdvisor Small