Stories for tag advocacy and resource center

Ware Student Commons revamp puts academic resources under one roof

Major renovations to the Ware Student Commons (WSC) at Amarillo College will be completed early next year, at which point specialized academic tutoring recourses – now scattered in different buildings – will be united under one roof.Additionally, Lynn Library, long a mainstay on the building’s uppermost fourth floor, will be fully redesigned and relocated to the third floor, where it will rest adjacent to the Writer’s Corner, long an occupant of Ordway Hall. And such student-centered assets as AC’s math and science testing centers and the behavioral health and wellness Counseling Center also will be moved into the WSC from other locations.

AC Foundation gratified by $125,000 grant from Amarillo Area Foundation

A grant from the Amarillo Area Foundation (AAF) will go a long way toward helping Amarillo College students stave off food insecurities and keep their focus on academics even if beset by unexpected expenses like when a car breaks down or a utility bill exceeds expectations.

The Amarillo College Foundation is pleased to acknowledge a generous $125,000 grant from the AAF, funds that will be used to support the College’s Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) – particularly its Food Pantry and fulfillment of emergency aid requests.

AC Police Department spread joy through its new Christmas initiative

Christmas was brighter than it might have been for more than 30 families from the Amarillo College workforce and student body thanks to a collaborative initiative spearheaded in December by the AC Police Department (ACPD).

The ACPD’s inaugural Christmas Initiative actually was twofold. First, AC employees provided gifts Angel-tree style for the children of fellow employees facing financial strain. In all, 52 kids in 27 families received Christmas presents from folks who work at the College. Recipient anonymity was entrusted to the Human Resources Department, which collaborated on the project.