Three individuals chosen to receive 2024 Employee of the Year honors
Three high-achieving members of the Amarillo College workforce have been named 2024 Employees of the Year.

Amanda Anauo, custodial foreman, Brenda Davis, combined services assistant at AC’s Hinkson Campus in Hereford, and Shon Wagner, audio visual technical leader, each received AC’s foremost non-faculty accolade during Fall Convocation today (Aug. 15) at the Amarillo Civic Center.
Anauo was described in nominations for the award as not only dedicated to her work, but as someone who treats her staff as if they were part of her family. “She is the hardest working person, and she always exceeds her duties,” a nominator wrote, adding, “If there is a job that needs done, you will see her on that job.”
Known always to be whistling while she works, always willing to come to work early or stay late, always a willing volunteer to help on special projects, Anuao is widely hailed at AC for her dedication to making sure every task is completed, completed well, and completed on time.
Davis has become a fixture at AC’s campus in Hereford, where she has helped myriad students in myriad ways. In fact, one nominator stated that Davis represents the very definition of commitment to and embodiment of AC’s core values. “She loves AC,” the nominator wrote, adding: “she loves our mission, and most importantly our students.”
From helping students apply to and enroll at AC to helping them get tutoring or books or computer access or financial aid, her versatility is on display daily as she strives to love students to success – the AC way.
Wagner, as one nominator put it, “has a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, a desire to innovate and achieve, and has completed numerous (audio visual) bond projects in addition to his regular work duties, thus saving the College many thousands of dollars.”
He has also been described as a great leader and a very humble person, one who typically responds in the affirmative when faced with a challenging last-minute request. Wagner is known to infuse fun into the workplace, an attribute that fosters camaraderie among his colleagues.
Each of the honorees received an engraved keepsake and a monetary award, and their photographs will be displayed on AC’s Employees of the Year gallery on the web.