Amarillo College now offers eBooks for select courses through RedShelf.
What is RedShelf?
Can I use Financial Aid to order eBooks through RedShelf?
Why isn't my class or book listed?
Can I rent an eBook?
What type of device can I use to access my eBooks?
Q. What is RedShelf?
Q. Can I use Financial Aid to order eBooks through RedShelf?
A. Not at this time but look for an update next fall. RedShelf currently accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Q. Why isn't my class or book listed?
A. Not all textbooks are available on RedShelf as eBooks. New publishers are being added but some courses require a custom textbook or access card and are available on the online bookstore.
Q. Can I rent an eBook?
A. Yes, some eBooks are available for rent. The rental period will vary between eBooks and publishers, please check your schedule to ensure the rental period does not expire before the end of the course.
Q. What type of device can I use to access my eBooks?
A. The RedShelf cloud reader is accessible on any internet enabled device that supports browsers including: laptops/desktops, tablets & smartphones.
Monday - Thursday: 7am to 7pm
Friday: 8am to 1pm