

3 2 1

A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to content by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students’ interest in a topic. Sharing 3-2-1 responses is also an effective way to prompt a class discussion or to review material from the previous lesson.

3-2-1 can be done on paper or in a google form.  These are a great way to wrap up class, recall knowledge, and check for understanding.

Students fill out a 3-2-1 chart with something like this:

• 3 Things You Found Out

• 2 Interesting Things

• 1 Question You Still Have

Create a Google Form where students fill out a 3-2-1 chart with something like this: 

• 3 Things You Found Out 

• 2 Interesting Things 

• 1 Question You Still Have

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