
       Carrie Stangl - Instructional Technologist and Designer


       Enhancing Engagement and Teaching with Educational Technology


       This cohort is designed to equip you with practical skills in using educational technology tools. Participants will explore Studymate, Canva, Padlet, and VidGrid, learning how to integrate these tools into their courses to increase student engagement and enhance learning outcomes. Each session will focus on hands-on experience with one tool, allowing faculty to immediately apply their new skills to their teaching practice.

Learning Objectives:
  • Create interactive study materials using Studymate within the Blackboard LMS to support student learning.
  • Design visually appealing and informative educational content using Canva, incorporating embedded materials and links to enhance student engagement and comprehension.
  • Implement Padlet as a versatile tool for fostering online discussions, creating , and assessing student understanding 
  • Produce and manage educational videos using VidGrid, including the creation of interactive presentations and the utilization of features such as adaptive quizzing and commenting.
  • Develop a strategic plan for integrating at least two of the presented tools into their courses, with clear objectives for improving student engagement and learning outcomes.
Meeting Dates:

Fall 2024 - Part I

  • Sept 6
  • Sept 13
  • Sept 20
  • Oct 4
Meeting Time:

       8:30 - 10:00 AM


       DUTTON 103

Stipend Points:



       You can register for this and other CTL cohorts on this link.


       Participants will select a specific strategy from one of the available modules to integrate into their classrooms. Following its implementation, they will submit a reflection, detailing their experiences and observations through the provided link.

       Deliverable Submission Link

If you have any questions, please email or call 371-5127.

Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Ware Student Commons, Suite 205
2201 S. Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79109
Fax: () -

Student Help/Underground Contact Information:

Phone: (806) 371-5429


Please report problems with this site or content errors to Ariana Tiroff .