Entrance/Exit Tickets


Entrance/Exit Tickets

Exit slips are written student responses to questions teachers pose at the end of a class or lesson. These quick, informal assessments enable teachers to quickly assess students' understanding of the material.

Entrance Question:
Determine what concept you want to ensure students have mastered for the lesson today. Write a quick question or prompt on the board or within a slide of your presentation. Give students a couple of minutes to think and answer the question. (You can use data from the previous day’s Exit Ticket to decide what content needs to be reviewed.) Then either go over it as a whole group, in a small group, or have a student present their thinking to the class.

Exit Ticket: 
Determine what concept you want to assess for this lesson. Write a quick question or problem and post it on the board or within a slide of your presentation. Set a time limit for students to complete the task and stand at the door. As students leave the classroom they will give your their ticket.


Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Ware Student Commons, Suite 205
2201 S. Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79109

Student Help/Underground Contact Information:

Phone: (806) 371-5429

Email: ctlstudenthelp@actx.edu

Please report problems with this site or content errors to Ariana Tiroff .