Rank and Tenure Course #1

Rank and Tenure Course 1


With students experiencing ever-increasing distractions in the classroom, faculty need to prepare twice as hard to hold their attention. As famed educational psychologist Lee Shulman posited, I have concluded that classroom teaching is perhaps the most complex, most challenging, and most demanding, subtle, nuanced, and frightening activity that our species has ever invented. Years of research have turned this frightening activity into a manageable and effective process for learning. In this course faculty will take a deep dive into the many lessons of cognitive neuroscience and psychology about learning. We will learn to maximize student understanding through basic principles from working memory, cognitive load, motivation, retrieval practice, spacing and interleaving, and metacognition.

Participant Learning Outcomes (PLO):

  1. Identify the structures of the brain and their functions as related to processing, learning, retention, metacognition, and problem solving.
  2. Describe the basics of the human cognitive process and based on the new science of learning evaluate how different facets of life affect learning, memory, and retention.
  3. Analyze and translate cognitive neuroscience research on the science of learning into teaching and learning strategies.
  4. Summarize the neuroscience behind retrieval practice, spacing and interleaving.
  5. Relate lesson content and activities with how students learn, in order to improve effectiveness.
  6. Create a SoTL project in one of your current courses to identify  


Tenative: Please review email/Blackboard for any changes.

9/2/2022Where do we start? Meet the brain9:00-10:30AM
9/9/2022Basics of Human Cognitive ProcessOnline - Blackboard
9/16/2022The new science of learning9:00-10:30AM
9/23/2022MetacognitionOnline - Blackboard
9/30/2022Retention, Attention, and Motivation9:00-10:30AM
10/7/2022Physiological factors of learning9:00-10:30AM
10/14/2022Make it all stickOnline - Blackboard
 no class; time to work on SoTL project 
 no class; time to work on SoTL project 
 no class; time to work on SoTL project 
 SoTL presentations time TBA (depends on # of participants) 

Professional Learning Points:

The Rank and Tenure courses do not count towards the Professional Learning points or stipend


There will be homework along the way.
Homework can include, but is not limited to:

  • Readings 
    • Journal Articles, Blackboard content postings, other
    • There is no book to buy; everything will be availiable in Blackboard
  • Course research
  • Blackboard Discussions

The overall assessment of the course is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project presentation on December 9th, 2022 (PLO #7)

Deadline for the project is the date December 9th, 2022.

Presented by:

Dr. Lori Petty- Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning

To register for a CTL class please complete this Google Form

If you have any questions please email ctl@actx.edu or call 371-5920.


Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Ware Student Commons, Suite 205
2201 S. Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79109
Fax: () -

Student Help/Underground Contact Information:

Phone: (806) 371-5429

Email: ctlstudenthelp@actx.edu

Please report problems with this site or content errors to Ariana Tiroff .