RSQC2 - Helps students look back over the lesson or reflect on the course, identify the four or five most important points they have learned, and tie them together.

It allows students to "recall, summarize, question, connect, and comment" on content learned. Students recall and list the key points, summarize them in a paragraph, write some questions they still have, connect what they have learned to the lesson objectives, and write a comment as a personal response.

There are many templates on the web or these can be written in student journals or papers. 

The recall, summarize, question, connect, and comment can be turned into a Google Form, or done collaboratively on a Google Document. 


Contact Us

Washington Street Campus, Ware Student Commons, Suite 205
2201 S. Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79109

Student Help/Underground Contact Information:

Phone: (806) 371-5429


Please report problems with this site or content errors to Ariana Tiroff .