Transfer Information

WTAMU Transfer Info

Interested in transferring to WTAMU to complete your Teacher Certification?


Ready to apply?


Both applications must be accepted before you can start coursework towards teacher certification!


Texas Tech Transfer Info

If you are interested in transferring to TTU, check out the TTU College of Education website.


Texas Woman's University Transfer Info

If you are interested in transferring to TWU, check out the Teacher Certification website.

One2Teach Logo

WT's One2Teach

This innovative program is designed to significantly reduce time and costs for high school students who want to become certified teachers.

If you are interested in transferring to WT, check out the WT One2Teach website.

Other Transfer Options

If you have plans to transfer to a university other than WTAMU, TTU or TWU you need to contact an advisor at the institution of your choice and request a transcript to be sent from AC. The university's advisor can tell you what will transfer before you make your final decision, especially if the institution of your choice is out of state. Remember, you will be studying for objectives set by each state's certification board.  If you obtain a bachelor's in Texas, you will be taking Texas certification exams.  If you transfer out-of-state, then you will be taking that particular state's exam and certified for that state only. Please discuss this in your advising session if you plan to move out of Texas upon graduating from Amarillo College. If at all possible, visit the campus and arrange for a tour. These steps are very important in your satisfaction with the choice you make.

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