English Department Writing Lab Policies



English Department Writing Lab Policies

NO children under the age of 16 are allowed in either lab.  NO food or drinks are allowed in either lab or around any computer station.  Food and drinks are to be placed on the table outside of each the lab.  Cell phone usage is prohibited in the English Writing Labs.

To print you must purchase a print card and add money to the card as needed. You can purchase a print card in the Math Tutoring Center in Durrett Hall or on the fourth floor of the Ware building.

You may use internet connections in lab; however, surfing of inappropriate web sites is not allowed (IE: Pornographic sites). Also, the use of profanity in the lab is prohibited.

Location: Ordway Hall, 101

The English Writing Lab Hours are:

Fall & Spring SemestersSummer Term

Monday - Thursday:

7:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Monday - Thursday:

7:00 am - 1:00 p.m.



Saturday & Sunday


Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Please be sure to have your name and instructor’s name on all work left with a lab assistant.

The installation of any software, screen-savers, photographs, or viruses on an Amarillo College English Writing Lab computer is vandalism. If caught installing unauthorized material on any computer in the Amarillo College English Writing Labs, you will be disciplined according to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Publication and subject to expulsion or worse. A high standard of conduct is expected of all students.

If you know of anyone installing unauthorized material on an English Writing Lab computer, please contact the English Department at 371-5170 or the Amarillo College Police Department at 371-5163. All information received is confidential and your help could earn you a reward.