Freelancer is an annual publication of the Amarillo College English Department designed to showcase student, faculty, and staff writing of all kinds. A new issue is published each spring.
Freelancer invites submissions from AC students, faculty, and staff. You may send us original poetry, short stories, essays, reflections, etc. Submissions may be emailed to a staff member, given to a member of the English Department, or delivered to the English Department in Ordway 103. We would prefer to receive an electronic copy of each work, emailed as an attachment. Submissions must have a name and contact information on them. To be published in Freelancer, submissions must be accepted by staff majority vote.
Each submission becomes the property of Freelancer until after publication of the issue it appears in, when rights revert to the author. Submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by the authors request and a self-addressed stamped envelope. All submitted works must be original and unpublished.
For more information about the Freelancer, please contact Luci Creery at (806) 371-5180 or Christy Robinson,
Lucy Creery, Co-Chair -
Christy Robinson, Co-Chair -
Dr. E. Chris Hudson -
Catherine Frazer -