Graduate Competencies and Expectations
Upon successful completion of the Medical Laboratory Technology program at Amarillo College, and initial employment, graduates of this program should be able to demonstrate entry level competence in the following areas of professional practice:
- Analysis and clinical decision-making, information management, regulatory compliance, education, and quality assurance and improvement wherever laboratory testing is researched, developed or performed.
- Accurate performance of routine and special clinical laboratory tests as the primary analyst, making specimen oriented decisions based on predetermined criteria, including a working knowledge of critical values.
- Knowledge and communication skills that extend to collaborative, consultative, and educational interactions with laboratory professionals, other healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public.
- A demonstrated capacity for calm and reasoned judgment, taking responsibility for one's own actions, and a strong commitment to patient welfare.
- Steadfast ethical and moral attitudes and principles necessary for gaining and maintaining the confidence of patients, professional associates, and the community at large.
- Positive attitudes and practice in the areas of professionalism, work ethics, and commitment to lifelong learning.
(Adapted from the NAACLS Standards for Clinical Laboratory Technician/Medical Laboratory Technician Programs)