Police Department

Emergency (806) 371-5911
Non-Emergency (806) 371-5163


All of the police officers of the Amarillo College Police Department are Texas Licensed Peace Officers under the Texas Education Code Sec. 51.203, giving them the same authorities, training requirements, and duties as any peace officer in the State of Texas. As such, officers have arrest powers with or without warrant, as well as authority to enforce all state traffic laws. The jurisdiction of the Amarillo College Police Department is county wide anywhere Amarillo College owns, leases, rents, or otherwise is under the control of property, which is currently Potter County, Moore County, and Deaf Smith County.

Serious offenses such as sexual assault, murder, aggravated assault, robbery, and other felony offenses that are reported to the Amarillo College Police Department may involve joint investigative efforts with local, state, or federal law enforcement. All such cases are taken very seriously and the Amarillo College Police Department fully supports and cooperates with all associated Title IX investigations and Clery Act responsibilities at the institutional level. When criminal offenses are prosecuted, cases are filed in the appropriate court having jurisdiction: municipal, justice of the peace, county, district, or federal courts.

The Amarillo College Police Department encourages you to report any type of emergency, crime, or suspicious activity at any of our campuses immediately.

ACPD Coin Transparent Background


Mission Statement

The mission of the Amarillo College Police Department is to provide the absolute best Police services possible to the students, faculty and staff of Amarillo College and those who choose to visit our campuses.  The Amarillo College Police Department employees strive to achieve this goal with a spirit of excellence and a servant’s heart.  We believe in community oriented policing in accordance with Local, State, and Federal laws.  We consider it a great honor to be able to serve Amarillo College and we are committed to doing so with the highest regard to courtesy, respect, and fairness.  We will strive to gain and maintain the highest level of training and education for our employees all in an effort, to make Amarillo College a safe place.