Online Tutoring

Thinking Storm is free online tutoring for currently enrolled students. Professional tutors are available for writing, mathematics, Biology, A & P, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Accounting, Intro to Finance, Statistics, and Spanish.

To get started:

  1. Go to and click on AC Connect at the top of the screen.
  2. Log into your account using your ACNetID and Password
  3. Click on Blackboard.
  4. Click on the My Institution tab at the top right to navigate to the THINKING STORM sign-in area.
  5. Choose an AC Tutor to help, or an online Thinking Storm Tutor and continue following the instructions below:


Online Tutoring

Choose whether you want an AC Tutor or an Online Thinking Storm Tutor and the type of Tutoring.

Thinking Storm 1

Schedule and appointment, drop in for online tutoring or on campus during regular hours, join virtual tutoring, or submit a writing assignment for review.

Thinking Storm 2

From the homepage, you can connect with a tutor within 1-2 minutes, drop off your writing assignment for feedback, reserve an online tutoring appointment, or start your reserved online appointment.

Tutoring Thinking Storm

Overcome learning obstacles and get extra support when working on homework or assignments. With 24/7 availability and four different types of online tutoring services, Thinking Storm fits into your schedule - whenever you need it most.


Please call 806-371-5458 if you have any questions or would like to know more about Thinking Storm.