Services are available in the following ways:
Walk-in tutoring
By Appointment
Online tutoring
Call (806) 371-5458 for more information.
Our team of professional, peer, and embedded tutors are here to support you in your academic courses, whether it is mandatory or non-mandatory tutoring.
For information about the specific courses we tutor or how to complete mandatory tutoring, please call the Ware Academic Success Center at (806) 371-5458.
TSI Reviews are designed to facilitate students' appropriate placement in courses at Amarillo College. Each review is individualized and focuses on the skill at the level at which the student demonstrates.
Information regarding the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) is available by clicking the ‘PAA’ tab on the right. Call (806) 371-5458 for more information.
Ramp-Up tutorials are contextualized skill reviews that happen prior to classes beginning. This service allows students to understand strategies to help ramp up skills necessary for success in college-level coursework.
SMART-0001 Orientation Sessions are offered through the Ware Academic Success Center.
HESI workshops and tutorials are designed to review material from subjects such as math, reading comprehension, A&P, and critical thinking covered in the HESI A2 assessment.
For complete schedules of HESI workshops, please visit the ‘HESI Workshops’ tab on the right or call (806) 371-5458 for more information.