Posting Jobs and Internships


Amarillo College has partnered with Handshake to provide students and employers with a virtual platform that allows students and alumni to find jobs, internships, and networking opportunities. Handshake gives you access seven days a week, 24 hours a day to over 10,000 “Badger-ready” AC students and alumni.

Off-Campus Employers

Posting full or part-time jobs / internships and registering for career fairs is fast, easy, and free! Handshake makes it easier than ever to connect with AC students and alumni.

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Getting Started with Handshake: Employers

If you have received an invitation from Amarillo College, you can create an account by clicking the link provided in the invitation email. If you haven't received an invitation, you can register to receive an invitation from the Handshake website.

If your company is already on Handshake, your company will populate as an option to select from. If it is not, you will have the option to create a new company profile.


  • Use your corporate email address if you have one. This will not only ensure that your company profile displays as an option to connect with if the company is on Handshake, but it can expedite the approval process.
  • Request to join your company rather than a school you want to recruit from. On-campus employers are the exception to this rule.

Employers who create a new company profile are manually reviewed and validated by our Trust and Safety team.

Users who are joining an existing company profile will either automatically connect with their company profile, or wait to be approved by the owner of their company's profile on Handshake.

To connect with Amarillo College, you must either:


Feel free to call (806) 371-5147 or email us if you have questions or experience any difficulties.