A student wanting to enter the Fire Academy must complete and submit the application. You must also meet program admission testing requirements as outlined in the college catalog.
Please submit the following to departmental advisor, Raul Dominguez, who is located on the Plains Blvd. Campus, First Responders Academy, room 1048. If you have questions for Mr. Dominguez, he may be reached at rrdominguez@actx.edu or (806) 457-4468
You may bring your applications to the Plains Blvd. Campus, First Responders Academy, Room 1048 or email them to rrdominguez@actx.edu.
Contact us for information on deadlines (806) 457-4450.
Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.
Academies meet at the new First Responders Academy, 3891 Plains Blvd., Amarillo, TX 79102.
If you have questions about the Fire Academy prior to applying, you may also contact the Fire Academy Coordinator, Steve Malley: ssmalley@actx.edu or call (806) 457-4465.