
Having good credit is important for so many reasons. It can affect your ability to buy a car, a house, or even get a job. It’s never too early to begin building your credit and learn how to use it responsibly. Read tips and suggestions below about credit and healthy ways to build up your credit score.

Credit Calculators

If you are looking for more complex information regarding money management, savings, or budgeting, the following links are available to assist you with building a strong credit history.

Auto Financing

Buying your first car? Looking to trade in your old car for a new one? Here are some great tips and resources to help you get started.

Home Financing

Whether you are renting or buying a home, it's important to do your research to make sure you are making the right decision.

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Contact Us

Enrollment Center
P.O. Box 447
2201 S. Washington St.
Amarillo, TX 79109

The Student Money Management Center is located on the Washington Street Campus in the Enrollment Center, within Career and Employment Services.