Amarillo College Nursing - About

Amarillo College Nursing education offers an avenue to a uniquely rewarding career as a registered nurse (RN) or an licensed vocational nurse (LVN) in a profession that is highly valued and respected. Completion of the program of study provides the opportunity for graduates to take the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN Examination and apply for licensure as an LVN or RN. The Amarillo College Nursing program of study prepares graduates who can function in entry-level nursing positions in hospitals and other healthcare agencies.

 SACSCOC Accredited

Amarillo College (AC) is a public community college. Amarillo College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges about the accreditation of Amarillo College:

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane
Decator, Georgia 30033-4097
(404) 679-4500

 ACEN Accredited

The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program at Amarillo College is pleased to announce that it has been awarded unconditional continuing accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN) for achievement for quality and excellence in nursing education from Fall 2019 to Fall 2027.

Contact ACEN:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975- 5000; fax: (404) 975-5020


BON Approved

The ADN Program at AC is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Contact Texas BON:

Texas Board of Nursing (BON)
333 Guadalupe, Suite 3-460
Austin, TX 78701-3944
(512) 305- 7400; fax: (512) 305- 7401

AC ADN Mission

The mission of the ADN Program at AC is to prepare students for professional nurse licensure and entry-level practice in response to community needs.

The ADN Program Philosophy includes faculty beliefs about nursing, education and the graduate.


Nursing is a dynamic and evolving profession which is characterized by the provision and coordination of holistic patient-centered care within the health care system.  The role of the professional nurse is to assist in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health through a systematic process and to enhance the safety and quality of patient care through communication, clinical reasoning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and use of information systems and technology.  The unique role of the associate degree nurse is to provide and coordinate safe, compassionate, comprehensive nursing care as an interdisciplinary healthcare team member for patients and families within communities along the developmental lifespan.  The practice of nursing is guided by a concern for quality of life and respect for human value, integrity, and diversity as well as an ethical/legal framework and professional standards and requirements.


Nursing education is a process involving the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values of nursing and combining evidence-based data with clinical excellence to improve the quality and safety of holistic patient-centered care. Students take a proactive role in this process by assuming responsibility and accountability for their own learning. Faculty facilitates this process by guiding, encouraging, and inspiring students to develop a spirit of inquiry, professional identity, clinical reasoning, and practice competency. Students and faculty share a personal and professional commitment to student success and nursing education as a lifelong learning process.

Philosophy and Organizing Framework


The graduate of the ADN Program is prepared to provide and coordinate safe, quality holistic patient-centered care as an entry-level professional nurse in a variety of health care settings.  Program graduates meet established competencies of state regulatory agencies and national professional nursing organizations and are prepared to write the NCLEX-RN Examination.

Program student learning outcomes for the ADN Program are as follows:

The graduate of the ADN Program will:

  • Practice nursing within an ethical-legal framework and according to professional standards and requirements.
  • Assume responsibility and accountability for quality nursing care, continuing competence in nursing practice, and promotion of the profession.
  • Utilize a systematic process and clinical reasoning to promote, maintain, and restore the health of patients and their families within communities across the developmental lifespan.
  • Provide safe, compassionate holistic patient-centered care to diverse patients and their families.
  • Coordinate resources to provide comprehensive, quality care within the healthcare system to patients and families.
  • Utilize evidence-based data to reduce patient risks and promote a safe and quality patient-care environment.
  • Comply with professional standards and regulations to promote and ensure patient safety.
  • Collaborate with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health-care team to promote and provide quality, holistic patient-centered care.
  • Utilize information systems and technology to efficiently manage and improve holistic patient-centered care.
  • Coordinate the nursing care of other team members through effective assignment, delegation, and supervision.

Since 1970, ADN Program graduates have experienced great success in passing the RN licensing examination and in practicing in the healthcare employment arena.  Outstanding nursing faculty members as well as exceptional classroom, lab, and testing facilities contribute to the success of students who have been enrolled in the ADN Program at AC.


If you are interested in nursing program options, please use the links below to access the admission requirements and specific degree plans for each option. For further information, contact the Nursing Office at (806) 354-6010.

Traditional RN - Associate Degree Nursing
Transition LVN to RN - Associate Degree Nursing


Program Requirements

Please note that both ADN program options require:

  1. Documentation of specific immunizations, TB skin testing, and CPR certification.
  2. Criminal background check by a specified external vendor for determination of clinical agency privileges.
  3. Criminal background check (CBC) for the Texas Board of Nursing for determination of licensure eligibility.

The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has specific requirements for nursing licensure and may deny licensure to an applicant who fails to demonstrate good professional character or who demonstrates a lack of fitness to practice in regards to mental illness or addiction to alcohol or drugs.

The Amarillo College Nursing Program participates in the TEXAS BON Student CBC Program. All newly-admitted students will be required to complete a Department of Public Safety/Federal Bureau of Investigation CBC for the Texas BON. The results will determine whether a newly-admitted student will be required to complete a Declaratory Order (DO) of Eligibility for Licensure with the Texas BON. The DO petition and instructions can be located on the Texas BON website at The DO petition also contains the list of reportable mental illnesses which may impact eligibility for licensure.

The Amarillo College Nursing Program has specific policies to govern re-admission/re-enrollment of previously-admitted nursing students and the transfer of nursing students from another nursing program. Please see the current Nursing Student Handbook for applicable policies. The Amarillo College Nursing Admission and Progression Committee makes decisions about the re-admission/re-enrollment status of students and the eligibility of students seeking transfer from other nursing programs.