Keys and Access Cards



I. It is the policy of the College that other than scheduled classes or working hours, all buildings shall be locked in order to maintain the security of both the buildings and their contents. College employees may be issued    keys/access cards to College buildings upon the recommendation of their respective Department Chairman, Division Chairman, or Administrative Head, in accordance with established procedures. 
II. Keys/access cards are issued for entry to College buildings for the purpose of conducting College business only. College employees who have been issued keys/access cards and are entering or leaving a secured College building that is not scheduled for class or during working hours shall not permit any individual to enter the building who would not normally be permitted to enter the building during the hours it is secured and shall be responsible for securing the door(s).
III. All issued keys/access cards shall remain the property of Amarillo College and shall be returned to the Amarillo College Physical Plant upon the following conditions:
A. Upon transfer to another department or building;
             B. Upon the request of their respective Department Chairman, Division Chairman or
                 Administrative Head;
C. Upon termination of employment;
D. At the end of semester or school year. (Part Time Faculty)
E. The Amarillo College Police Department will be sent to retrieve any keys/access cards not turned in by a terminating employee.
IV. It is the responsibility of the appropriate Department Chairman, Division Chairman or Administrative Head to insure that all keys/access cards are returned to the Amarillo College Physical Plant.
V.   A College employee transferring to another Department, building, classroom, or office may be issued new keys/access cards upon the recommendation of their respective new Department Chairman, Division Chairman, or Administrative head, and the keys/access cards previously used being returned to the Amarillo College Physical Plant.
VI. Only one key/access card will be permitted for an individual for a particular building, to include all rooms and offices. If an additional key is requested for the same building, room, or office an approval/signature of the appropriate President's Cabinet Member shall be required.
VII. In no case is a key/access card to be transferred from one individual to another or to be obtained from any source other than from the Amarillo College Physical Plant. When any transfer or duplication of a key/access card is made or used in violation of this policy, the key/access card shall be recovered and the individual involved reported to the appropriate Administrative Head and President's Cabinet Member for necessary action.
VIII. The loss or theft of any key/access card is to be reported immediately to the Physical Plant, the appropriate  Department Chairman, Division Chairman, or Administrative Head, and the Amarillo College Police Department.    
      A. There will be a fee charged for issued keys/access card(s). Keys are $5.00 each. Access Cards are $9.00 each.
IX. The Physical Plant office shall be responsible for the establishment and implementation of regulations and procedures necessary for the assignment and control of keys/access cards to all College buildings and property.
X. Under no circumstances will keys/access cards be issued to anyone who is not an Amarillo College employee or under contract agreement with AC. Keys/access cards will not be issued to Student Help.

Amarillo College Key/Access Card Issue Procedure

I. Department Chairman, Division Chairman, or Administrative Head will contact the Physical Plant, General Services Office, by submitting a key request within the Megamation work order system. This is located on the Physical Plant webpage under Work Order Request. The request will include a key/access card request to the building, classroom or office needing to be accessed and provide the name of the College employee to which the keys/access card will be issued and GL Account.

A. The Department Chairman, Division Chairman, or Administrative Head will be contacted by the Physical Plant when the requested order is filled and available for pick up. If the key is not in stock, a special    order will be placed. Special orders for keys take approximately 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. When the order arrives, the requestor will be contacted. Except in rare occasions, access cards should always be available for issue.
B. There will be a fee charged for issued keys/access card(s). Keys are $5.00 each. Access Cards are $9.00 each.
C. Each employee will personally sign when there is a need to make any changes to their electronic key record. General Services staff will assist with this process.

Amarillo College Key/Access Card Return Procedure

I. When an employee moves to a new work area or leaves Amarillo College employment, keys/access cards must be returned to the Physical Plant, General Services Office, in compliance with the Key/Access Card Issue and Control Policy. 

II. Issue records will be retrieved for the departing employee and checked against the keys/access cards being returned. General Services Office personnel will verify that all keys/access cards on record in the employees name have been returned. Keys/access cards being returned will be documented on the Physical Plant form and signed by the employee. In no case are keys/access cards to be given by one employee to another employee.




Contact Us

Facilities Management Center
P.O. Box 447
2011 S Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79109

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 447
Amarillo, TX 79178-0001