Parent   Family Session Header

Information for Parents and Families

We welcome you and your student to the AC Family. AC appreciates you for supporting your student’s decision to attend AC and recognizes how important you are to your student’s successful academic journey.  

We understand the academic processes can be a bit confusing, and the key to understanding the processes is communication between your student, you, and AC. To guide you and your student, we offer many services and support programs to help students find their pathways to success.

Want to help your student succeed?

  • Talk with your student about the increased academic demands he/she will face by sharing your own experience, or introduce your student to others who have recently attended college.
  • Explain the importance of attending class regularly, taking thorough notes, completing all class assignments and participating in study groups.
  • Encourage your student to meet with professors outside the classroom in order to follow up with questions and/or concerns.
  • Help your student to learn time management. Successful students learn how to plan ahead and how long it will take to read a chapter in a text book, write a paper or study for a test.
  • Many successful students are those who are involved in various school activities. Students who are active become more motivated and focused and do well.
  • Make your student aware of free services such as tutoring, counseling centers and academic advising. You are already paying for these services through your tuition, and it can make all the difference to your student’s success.

Why College?


Jobs that require more college often have many insurance options. With a college degree, you are happier with your income and your job. You are also more likely to exercise, give blood, and volunteer.

More Money

College graduates with a BA or higher will earn $300,000 more over a lifetime than someone with a high school diploma.

Job Security

The more educated you are, the better your chances of finding and keeping a job you love are. Those who have a high school diploma will face a 9.7% unemployment rate compared to those who have 4 or more years of college education who are facing a 3.5% unemployment rate.


  • Talk to the Financial Aid Office for questions or concerns about financial aid.
  • Need more information about scholarships? Check out our Scholarships page for applications, deadlines, and more.
  • Use the Tuition and Fees page to see a breakdown of costs for all academic classes.
  • Looking for the perfect way to pay for classes? Use our Payment Plan page to see which option fits you best.


  • Visit the AC Enrollment page to complete your application, ask questions, and more!
  • Make an appointment with an advisor on campus to see how they can help you with your education plan.
  • Sign up for one of the three New Student Orientation options we have at AC to help with taking your first step in continuing your success. 
  • Request a Campus Tour today!


  • Check out the programs/degrees offered at Amarillo College.
  • Dual credit classes are offered for students who want to obtain college credits while in high school.
  • Get a chance for a hands-on learning experience with our Honors Program.
  • Working to stay more connected during your time at AC? Student Life offers endless opportunities year round.

Student Services & Resources

Click below for a list of services and resources available to help students succeed.