Payment of Course Fees for Employee

  1. Follow the steps for the Employee Scholarship Program for both CE and Academic to have the course tuition paid (if applicable)
  2. For the remaining fees not covered above;
    • Prepare a Request for Payment form and include the following information;
      • Amarillo College as the payee, Vendor # 964
      • Name (s) of employees attending
      • Colleague ID #
      • Amount to be paid per person
      • Course ID#
      • Department’s account number(s) to be charged
      • Contact name and number
    • Reformat the form for printing and follow your department’s approval process.
    • Route the form to the Business Office, where they;
      • Check budget availability
      • Apply payment towards the course on your student AR account
  3. The Accounts Receivable Supervisor will contact you and have you register (the Business Office CANNOT register you for a course)
    • She will then apply the payment to your account and the process will be complete. 

Note: once you start the process, it is important you do not register for the course until you are contacted by the Business Office notifying you to register, otherwise you risk getting “de-registered” from the class. 

Do not use Amarillo College issued credit cards (Executive, Procurement or Travel) to pay for registrations due to the fees incurred by the College. Also, process the paperwork in a timely manner so the registration can be completed before the course starts.