Planning and Evaluation Tracking (PET)

Historical Information - This Methodology Disbanded in 2013-2014

Each Amarillo College office/divison/program operated with the assistance of a Planning and Evaluation Tracking (PET) form. The PET form was submitted early each fall by each program/department and served as a planning vehicle for the rest of the academic year. The PET system was based on the expectation that institutional goals/outcomes would align with the College’s Strategic Plan, the College’s mission statement, and No Excuse's initiatives.

Each PET form identified outcomes/objectives and measured the results. The results were analyzed and used to make recommendations, improvements, and revisions.

Training on writing and assessing outcomes was an on-going process. Staff and faculty were trained, would submit their form, receive a feedback (response) form, and would then be shared at the institutional level.

Specific requests for assistance with PET forms and/or outcomes were directed to the Assessments Coordinator.

The PET system was initiated at AC in the late 1990’s and the PET form submission process began during the 2002-2003 academic year. Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, offices/divisions/programs were encouraged to identify at least one direct outcome in the PET template's outcome/objectives column. After 2005, the PET expectations were further expanded and the forms were required to include a link to at least one goal and outcome from the Strategic Plan (2011-2012) and at least one link to a No Excuses Goal (2012-2013). After the 2013 year, the PET form process was incorporated into a new institutional review process.


PET Information

Completed Assessment Forms
Archived PET Forms (2002-2008)
Archived PET Forms (2009-Most Recent)

Data and Reports
PET Data and Reports

PET Methodology (Updated 2012-2013)

Outcome Model Followed with PET Process
A-E Method for Writing Outcomes Statements

Past PET Form Templates, Submission Information, and Related Forms

Past PET Trainings

Training materials, information, and records are stored on the PET Training Web page.